Ended up dropping the game shortly after getting the Pink Flowers.... game has an interesting premise and has promise, but the RPG marker portions hurt it way to much.
The first labyrinth you get into has lots of holes you can fall into and restarts you, but the RPG maker movement is so bad (not a fault of the game, but the engine) were it will just run into holes forcing you to restart. Also getting through the traps was frustrating. It was mainly the last Fire trap were you have to play trial and error to get through it with no indication on how it works. Also things seem to be to reliant on moving quickly or you fail and have to start over. Here i am mainly talking fire wall puzzle and the bolder puzzle.
Then you get to the first scene.... holy crap is it way to wordy. Yes its hot, but can they both shut up. Like I get it's the first scene, but when you have a Scene last more than 5 minutes of reading internal monologue during them doing it, it just take you out of it. I got to point where I zoned out and just kept spamming the left mouse button just to hurry it up. Also not even sure what the choice I selected was due to just trying to get through i as fast as possible as I got bored. I honestly think this scene could be cut down. It drags on way past the point of enjoyment.
Lastly you get to were I gave up on the game.. I was forced exited to get the flowers, got them easily then you have to go back through the entire Labyrinth again.... why force us out to get these flowers then instead of just taking us back to the girl after entering the labyrinth you make us go through the painful walk through the restarting pitfalls. I kept falling due to the bad RPG maker controls and deemed it was not worth it to fight with these controls.
I wish you luck in future, but this just was a slog and frustrating to get through just the beginning portions.