Have just gone through chapter 1 and I have to say it's very solid. I like the renders, I like the story and I like the characters. The animations and backgrounds are the real standouts for me as being very high quality. But besides that nothing is really jumping out at me, it feels like this is lacking oomph.
There are a few other minor issues that I'll go into later but I feel in general what is clearly a tremendous amount of work to make such high quality stuff and a story and characters with great potential, is being let down by coming across as vanilla. What is going to draw people in to give your game the chance it really deserves? This leaves two paths, which is shoehorning in something not vanilla, or just wait the time it takes for word to get around that this game is as good as it is. Neither of those are great options but it's what I've got for you.
As for specific feedback there isn't really a huge amount of that I can do for you, you've done quality work.
The intro video of you landing seemed a little out of context but I'm not sure there is a better alternative.
Similarly even though the videos are mostly kept to transitions and points of emphasis, sometimes the gaps between them aren't long enough and they begin to feel overused.
Finally I felt that given you have so many renders the blinking is probably unnecessary. If you were doing a game like mine where the scene can feel very static blinking and subtle movements would add a lot (speaking of which I should do that), but you have a huge number of renders so that they are constantly changing gives you enough motion in the scene, to have random blinking in an otherwise completely still scene on top of that is quite off putting.
Also maybe the text font is a little small on pc.