Merkonig there is a continuity issue.
When you start the game, you Isekai into incubus. You look at your penis and you have a very clean dick, like you just got out of the shower.
immediately afterwards you meet the first waifu, and suddenly your dick is absolutely slathered in smegma, as if you didn't shower for a month.
how did this happen? I thought maybe incubi generates smegma super fast. But this never occurs again in the game so clearly they do not.
I can see 2 mutually exclusive fixes:
1. when MC looks at his dick after reincarnating, it should show smegma
2. remove smegma from the first sex scene
maybe actually make it a toggle? since filthy dick is a pretty contentious fetish. Also kinda weird to have a fetish in the very first scene and then never have that fetish come up again in the entire game. It sets wrong expectations