3.40 star(s) 17 Votes


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Apr 19, 2018
Dammed it if I can't fck the zombie girl in the next update I have no hope for this game but that aside tyvm for the new hj scene


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
no walkthrough..but it desperately needs one at times..LOL...and yes..the game is good but at times very hard to decipher WTF's going on..lol...you really have to be on your toes reading carefully to not DIE...lol
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Feb 9, 2018
I think I had more error screens than game screens. Oh, yeah, and I still unavoidably died. Again. I think I'm done with this mess.


Aug 9, 2017
Does anyone have the save from the previous version? I would not like to start the game from the beginning


Engaged Member
Nov 6, 2017
so it quit with ending003 wtf?? i looked thru the images and most of them i've never seen in the game!!! wthf?!?!? just suddenly bitch shows up and kills me. where is all teh battles etc?!?
most importantly, where the fuck is the sex?!?
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Active Member
Jan 13, 2018
I kinda liked the game at the beginning, grinding was not that bad and chars were interesting and all, but all the story (ending) branches are just to much and often just 1 wrong answer somewhere. And it hast toooo much text for that to make it a good game for me, sure you can skip, but sorry skipping trough masses of thext just for a game over, not good for me at all. ;(


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
I like this game, I really do. The art is really good, the premise is decent, the characters are unique and interesting, and I really like the story... However, from the screenshots in the OP;
  1. Where is my post-human, post-hummer? I have played every iteration of this game that has come out, picked every option and have yet to have Layla go down to my "zombietown"... :) Where's the Zom-BJ?
  2. Where is the scene with Mary and Val in the shower together?
  3. Where is the scene where Kayla sets up a meeting place, so that you can deliver salvage to her too?
The one thing that I'm really curious about though is the naming convention. Why aren't Layla and Kayla the names of the sisters? Wouldn't it make more sense? Don't a majority of people that have twins give them cutesy, sound alike names? I, honestly, think that Violet's real name is Kayla, but wanted/wants to distance herself from it- due to the link/reminder of her sister and what she perceives that she did. So that would mean that Kayla's real name would be Violet, but "Kayla" borrowed/stole her name until she puts an end to her sister, at which point she may take it back (or not, who knows- she's a weird chick). Lol

I really like (okay, Love) Layla, er- I mean, the Layla character. She's pretty hot for a post-human and I like the sequence where we get to finally wash her face- it was tender and touching.

Kayla is a little cutie too, though. She kinda reminds me of Kaylee from Firefly. She's just a sweet, sexy, little grease-monkey.

Hiehie is as pretty as she is odd. I really hope we get to find out how/why she's doing the things that she does- she's a bit of a mystery. A lot of the scenes with her are pretty amusing though.

Mary and Val are cute too, but I find myself drawn more towards Layla- there's nothing wrong with the sisters, they're beautiful and crazy- they're just sadly...living? Lol

I find this game thoroughly entertaining and cannot wait to see what happens next. Especially, with "Mighty Mack". Why? Because he's Mighty. Duh.

Does anybody know if you can switch your HUD from hidden to standard without restarting the game? Is there a Console Command for it?

@NekoRush Props for finding the WT. I converted into .txt if anybody wants to use that instead. :)
View attachment NewWorldOutThereWT.txt


Natural Born Pervert
Jun 19, 2018
Im really a nutjob I guess. Always liking weird stuff.
I didnt know it was possible to be so much into a zombie.

is there a fan sign for layla?
God I should have paid attention to those PS lessons.
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Jul 1, 2017
I was a big fan of this game until this last update. I thought it was clever and funny. This last update manages to go off on some crazy, meaningless tangent and the story just falls apart and then ends. Even worse, this update makes the whole story pointless. What a shame! All the hard work that's gone into this game and now it's just a meaningless piece of crap. I can't move it to the trash fast enough... What the hell were you thinking, Flamecito?


Professional Pessimist
Jun 16, 2018
Has anyone managed to get the Val Tree house scene?
And if so is it based on Love/Lust?

Finally got it, to get it you need to not peep on her when she is in the shower.
Don't think you can get both new scenes with Val in one playthrough, its one or other depending on the choice to peep or not.


Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
It sounds like Val is doing something very enjoyable to me, but all I can see is Mack's shack... now Val and our house has suddenly appeared after all the fun stuff is over. Mack's shack is also started popping up as the sleep and salvage screens I guess he really is mighty?

While I'm complaining our character thinking Layla was upset because she and Eliza were a couple was extremely infuriating.


New Member
Apr 15, 2018
I don't think that Layla and Eli are a couple. I think Layla was upset because I was on top of Eli.
Layla was jealous I think. Mary noticed it. And even that I (mc) did not notice.
3.40 star(s) 17 Votes