Mod QSP Jack-o-Nine-Tails Developer Versions and Mods


New Member
May 27, 2019
Corrected the last message
When she has better stats, it works form the Isabella profile
Update:images attached


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
No, at the beginning she (isabella) only could teach endurance, now she can the top 3.
the first 2 she now has S+, the third b+ and the fourth B+ too, sooo...
Corretion (im dumb): she can when she has S+, the top 3, if she has B+ doesnt work
Updated the dev branch... it should now be that the assistant can teach as long as her skill exceeds the slave's (except athletics, there she can still teach an S+ endurance slave if she also has S+ endurance). Master has same rule, including for teaching endurance.
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New Member
May 27, 2019
In the cryostatic cells, at least when you have 6 maximum, the 6th says "take out" even when empty.
You have to interact with some other cell before it refreshes it's state to the correct one.
P.D: when updating the build my character dropped in, as far as I know, Magic from b+ to c+
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
In the cryostatic cells, at least when you have 6 maximum, the 6th says "take out" even when empty.
You have to interact with some other cell before it refreshes it's state to the correct one.
P.D: when updating the build my character dropped in, as far as I know, Magic from b+ to c+
I can answer for magic. We rebalanced it because it was significantly faster to become a S+ mage than become an S+ Housekeeper. (Could take as little as 36 days to go from F- to S+ Mage playing normally).

Thanks for the bug report, we will give it a check :)
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Feb 9, 2020
I've been having a lot of trouble getting the loli version to work. I've installed and reinstalled several times, but I keep getting a bug where the game treats every slave as feeble regardless of the actual endurance level. You can tell quickly because they're all rated F-. I followed the installation instructions in the OP exactly, but it doesn't work.

The links that Imperator gave work just fine, but they're for the no-loli version. I thought that I might have outdated files, so I tried to be a real hackerman and change the link to read "game-base-patch". That did get me the file, but then I got the F- problem again. Also the version itself is clearly the most up to date, since Johnny is the only guy rated at maximum difficulty and all those black lines are gone (unlike the previous version).

It goes without saying that I don't know how to navigate gitgud. Tried downloading each part directly from there, but that gives the no-loli version.


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I've been having a lot of trouble getting the loli version to work. I've installed and reinstalled several times, but I keep getting a bug where the game treats every slave as feeble regardless of the actual endurance level. You can tell quickly because they're all rated F-. I followed the installation instructions in the OP exactly, but it doesn't work.

The links that Imperator gave work just fine, but they're for the no-loli version. I thought that I might have outdated files, so I tried to be a real hackerman and change the link to read "game-base-patch". That did get me the file, but then I got the F- problem again. Also the version itself is clearly the most up to date, since Johnny is the only guy rated at maximum difficulty and all those black lines are gone (unlike the previous version).

It goes without saying that I don't know how to navigate gitgud. Tried downloading each part directly from there, but that gives the no-loli version.

This is the (non direct link) to the alpha loli version :)


Oct 14, 2018
Hi :)
Lockdown again... I get back to the game, and find it well improved! You really did a great work. I took a look on the cow parts, and some of my rough code have been entirely rewrite by more delicate hands (I have to thanks ImperatorAugustusTertius I think?)

I'm a bit disappointed by the equipment bar, but I think it's what we can call a compromise haha
Also, I see the "Unequip all" option disappeared?

I had some more ideas to implement, or to propose as mods, but there is one thing, concerning the game balance, which bothers me: spoil...
Currently if you do not set rules the "spoil" of the slaves increase. It's a good idea when the slave is already accustomed. But when your start their training it's a but ridiculous. You can punish them 4 times a day, they'll remains "spoiled", and this spoil will increase, even if you put them in depression!

It makes the game a lot harder for a wrong reason, I think... rules shouldn't be mandatories, especially when starting a training (only my opinion^^) Why not just add some lines, in the "punish" interactions, to lower this spoil? This simple line:
slave_rate['spoil'] -= slave['spoil']*X
...where X is equal to torture_intensity.

For "abuse" (the verbal punishments) and torture demonstration/torture prisoner, we could only write:
slave_rate['spoil'] -= X
...where X is equal to torture_intensity, once again. We can consider words are less effective than acts, to lower spoil.

This way slave's spoil would remains quite low until it really makes sense: when slaves are more accustomed, and punishments are rarers. Just an idea, but I think it could be a good idea to make spoil a "mid training" challenge (and why not make it more sensitive, so it can increase easier, or from additional factors?)

Anyway thanks for your dedication to this great game ;)
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Oct 14, 2018
Well, it's part of the original design that Pianocat did, yes. Cows trend towards weakened endurance. :unsure: Indolent lifestyle, I suppose.
That's it.
About this...the issue is that I wanted cow training to become more time consuming, when you go beyond the C level (training takes a lot more time, and it encourage slavers to put them in barn). But as the "time" factor is not depicted in Jont, the only way to represent this is by consuming two stars of energy instead of one.

But this is tricky, because it allows endurant slaves to be trained twice in the same day, and weakened only one. It's a nonsense, 'cause this training should only takes time, and not energy :censored:


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Thanks, but I'm still getting the issue. All the slaves are F-.
So you mean, on the auction?

I see that on my version too. I think it's because the auction rank is supposed to be about the girl's potential, and since the uniformization cleanup of the code, the auction rank is now the actual rank of the slave as if you were training her.

Your instinct that they are all "actually feeble"... does it get verified by the fact that the slave has almost 0 energy every day? If not, it means that my explanation is probably the correct one.

Which means that the glitch you're encountering is mostly a visual annoyance and that it shouldn't get in the way of your gameplay. Anyway, we'll fix it this evening :) Thanks a lot for the report!


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
That's it.
About this...the issue is that I wanted cow training to become more time consuming, when you go beyond the C level (training takes a lot more time, and it encourage slavers to put them in barn). But as the "time" factor is not depicted in Jont, the only way to represent this is by consuming two stars of energy instead of one.

But this is tricky, because it allows endurant slaves to be trained twice in the same day, and weakened only one. It's a nonsense, 'cause this training should only takes time, and not energy :censored:
Glad to have you back, Pianocat.

In the current dev build, the cow skill is using the same level-up thresholds as other skills: 10 (D-), 20 (C-), 40 (B+), 80 (A+) and 160 (S+). So if the rate of skill gain remains the same after you reach C-, the time to the next level doubles each time. The amount of progress per lesson also follows the same formula as other skills, based on factors such as diligence, intellect, the skill of the teacher, traits and clothing bonuses of the slave, etc.

In optimal conditions (S+ intellect, S+ teacher, ecstatic moods for both), a slave can gain 12 points per lesson (11 for a "perfect" lesson + 1 for being milked or impregnated afterwards). In other conditions, a lesson can give as little as 1 point. Taking the best case scenario, we have 40/12 = 3.333 lessons from C- to B+, which rounds up to 4 lessons.

Worst case (F- intellect, F- teacher, negative mood for master, mood for slave as low as possible while still having minimal diligence), it can take 40 lessons. Of course, that would be 40 lessons under the worst possible conditions, which isn't realistic. Still, this gives you a sense.

There is also the possibility of leaving the slave in the barn nightly to accelerate training, although at C- that is not necessarily a good idea: trading a nightly 2 points of cow skill progress and 4 points of pride reduction [generally considered positive] for 4 points of temperament loss, 4 points of nature loss and 3 points of intellect loss [generally considered negative].


Oct 14, 2018
You know your math! And you know the mod better than me, it's impressive haha
Yeah, the challenge is really to find the good balance to avoid a mind break before the training is over - and temperament/pride/nature stop to lower :)
That's why finding a girl who can achieve a complete cow training can be hard.

There is some content I didn't include in the mod, which I consider to complete, but I think I'll have to get famliar with all the modifications you did, I'm a bit lost, I must admit


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Hi :)
Lockdown again... I get back to the game, and find it well improved! You really did a great work. I took a look on the cow parts, and some of my rough code have been entirely rewrite by more delicate hands (I have to thanks ImperatorAugustusTertius I think?)

I'm a bit disappointed by the equipment bar, but I think it's what we can call a compromise haha
Also, I see the "Unequip all" option disappeared?

I had some more ideas to implement, or to propose as mods, but there is one thing, concerning the game balance, which bothers me: spoil...
Currently if you do not set rules the "spoil" of the slaves increase. It's a good idea when the slave is already accustomed. But when your start their training it's a but ridiculous. You can punish them 4 times a day, they'll remains "spoiled", and this spoil will increase, even if you put them in depression!

It makes the game a lot harder for a wrong reason, I think... rules shouldn't be mandatories, especially when starting a training (only my opinion^^) Why not just add some lines, in the "punish" interactions, to lower this spoil? This simple line:
slave_rate['spoil'] -= slave['spoil']*X
...where X is equal to torture_intensity.

For "abuse" (the verbal punishments) and torture demonstration/torture prisoner, we could only write:
slave_rate['spoil'] -= X
...where X is equal to torture_intensity, once again. We can consider words are less effective than acts, to lower spoil.

This way slave's spoil would remains quite low until it really makes sense: when slaves are more accustomed, and punishments are rarers. Just an idea, but I think it could be a good idea to make spoil a "mid training" challenge (and why not make it more sensitive, so it can increase easier, or from additional factors?)

Anyway thanks for your dedication to this great game ;)
I think that making punishments directly lower spoil would make spoil too easy to get rid of. Spoil already decreases nightly in proportion to devotion, fear (which increases with effective punishments), despair (which increases nightly if the slave's mood is depressed) and empathy (if the slave's mood is negative). There is also the "put in place" interaction, which gets more effective as the master's skills grow, and the Garden of Gethsemane reward, which is very effective in lowering spoil.

The spoil increase when there are not enough rules was introduced by crushboss ("slaves do not respect a master who does not expect them to follow any rules"). In practice, setting "force rules", "deny orgasm" and "no masturbating" currently allows you to satisfy the minimum-rules check without actually making the slave do anything, so it's currently not doing anything to make the game more challenging for veterans, and it's punishing players who don't know about it (though it is mentioned in the tutorial now, so they should know about it).

So, something should be done, but I'm not sure I agree with you that rules should not be mandatory in early training. Another option would be to not count "force rules" towards the minimum, which would mean that - on hardcore obedience difficulty setting - you would actually need to set at least one rule that the slave would want to break. On normal obedience difficulty, only two rules are required, so you would still be able to set the rules I mentioned to skirt the spoil effect. To me, this presents a fairly obvious win-win solution: impose the minimum rules requirement only for hardcore obedience difficulty, and do not count "force rules", making the restriction actually penalize players who don't set meaningful rules but also making it opt-in so only players who want the added challenge will have to deal with it.


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Yeah, the challenge is really to find the good balance to avoid a mind break before the training is over - and temperament/pride/nature stop to lower :)
Intellect still lowers for every night in the barn even at max cow skill, I noticed. It isn't a factor in the cow price formula, so I suppose it's fine... but couldn't she be reciting poetry in her head while lazing around all day?
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Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
I think it could be a good idea to make spoil a "mid training" challenge (and why not make it more sensitive, so it can increase easier, or from additional factors?)
We currently have spoil increases from:

- Being punished at a tier below the slave's guilt (spoil increase is proportional to slave's temperament)

- Golden cage reward (spoil increase is proportional to slave's temperament)

- Sensual massage reward (spoil increase is proportional to master's strength, petting skill and allure)

- Being rewarded above merit (spoil increase is proportional to the perceived quality of the reward, which is not necessarily the same as the tier of the reward)

- Ending the day with unpunished guilt (spoil increase is proportional to the amount of guilt)

- Being given perks meant for devoted slaves (leftovers, fresh food, sleep with slaver at devotion 1 [at zero devotion it causes despair], sleeping in boudoir [less as devotion increases])

- Being given too many rewards in the same day (more than 3 on normal obedience difficulty, more than 2 on hard obedience)

- Not enough rules set [2 for normal, 3 for hard] (spoil increase proportional to pride, nature and temperament)

- Ending the day with 4 or 5 stars of "unspent" energy (time spent resting counts towards this amount) and mood euphoric or ecstatic, and not sleeping in prison or on the floor (spoil increase proportional to pride, nature and temperament)
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