Mod QSP Jack-o-nine-tails Mods & More: Game Development Builds and Outfit System

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Feb 23, 2020
Oooops. My bad :D Prison is fixed.

About the barn: I can't replicate that one. Can you give me the html please?
Here's the code :

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload=function(){var msg = document.getElementById('__message__');var bgImage = new Image();bgImage.src =\((['\"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, '$2').split(',')[0]; bgImage.onload=function(){ = bgImage.width; = bgImage.height;}};

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= 'hidden';}}});</script><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/base.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/base.css"><style>*{padding:0;margin:0;} a{text-decoration:none;outline:0;}#__message__ a{pointer-events: auto; cursor: pointer;} body{white-space: pre-wrap;-webkit-user-select:none;cursor:default;background-size:cover;background: url('content/pic/ui/grimdark/bg.png')no-repeat;font-family:Consolas;font-size:18;}div{margin: 0 auto; display: table;}</style></head><body onmousedown="return false"><div style="position:fixed;top:1;left:1;width:1280;height:800;"><div id="bg"><img src="content\pic\bg\barn.png"></div><div style="position:absolute;top:3px;left:100px;"><img src="content\pic\girls/full/2097_green_long_milf.png"></div><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><div id="bg"><div style="margin-bottom: 65px;"></div><div class="menu menu_column_0"><ul><li style="background: url('content/pic/ui overhaul/retrieve your farmhand.png') no-repeat left top;"><a href="EXEC: interaction=6002 &amp; gt &quot;interaction&quot;">Retrieve your farmhand</a></li><div class="tooltip" style="top: 43"><a style="text-decoration: none; padding-top: 75px;" class="icon tooltip-right" tooltip-data="Retrieve your farmhand"><img src="content/pic/ui overhaul/tooltip.png"></a></div><li style="background: url('content/pic/ui overhaul/retrieve your cow.png') no-repeat left top;"><a href="EXEC:$cow_info_text = '' &amp; gt 'slave_to_cow'">Retrieve your cow</a></li><div class="tooltip" style="top: 105"><a style="text-decoration: none; padding-top: 75px;" class="icon tooltip-right" tooltip-data="Retrieve your cow"><img src="content/pic/ui overhaul/tooltip.png"></a></div><li id="grey" style="background: url('content/pic/ui overhaul/pig_gray.png') no-repeat left top;"><a href="EXEC:">Make your slave a pig</a></li><div class="tooltip" style="top: 167"><a style="text-decoration: none; padding-top: 75px;" class="icon tooltip-right" tooltip-data="You have no slave"><img src="content/pic/ui overhaul/tooltip.png"></a></div><li style="background: url('content/pic/ui overhaul/retrieve your egglayer.png') no-repeat left top;"><a href="EXEC: interaction=6006 &amp; gt &quot;interaction&quot;">Retrieve your egglayer</a></li><div class="tooltip" style="top: 229"><a style="text-decoration: none; padding-top: 75px;" class="icon tooltip-right" tooltip-data="Retrieve your egglayer"><img src="content/pic/ui overhaul/tooltip.png"></a></div><li style="background: url('content/pic/ui overhaul/milking_farmhand.png') no-repeat left top;"><a href="EXEC: interaction=6030 &amp; gt &quot;interaction&quot;">Ask farmhand to milk cow</a></li><li style="background: url('content/pic/ui overhaul/sell_milk.png') no-repeat left top;"><a href="EXEC:dynamic $master_energy_drop &amp; interaction_city = menu_milk_cooperative &amp; gt &quot;interaction_city&quot;">Go to the milk cooperative</a></li><li style="background: url('content/pic/ui overhaul/insemination.png') no-repeat left top;"><a href="EXEC: interaction_city=460 &amp; gt &quot;interaction_city&quot;">Request an insemination</a></li><li style="background: url('content/pic/ui overhaul/insemination_full.png') no-repeat left top;"><a href="EXEC: interaction_city=462 &amp; gt &quot;interaction_city&quot;">Request a full insemination</a></li></ul></div></div><div id="barn_stat_bar"><br><u>ATTRIBUTES</u><br><a href="EXEC: msg $красота_справка &amp; msg $красота_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_4.png"></a>&nbsp;<font color="#009FEF">Beautiful</font><br><a href="EXEC: msg $здоровье_справка &amp; msg $здоровье_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_3.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (+/-10)">&nbsp;<u><font color="#0000D8">Healthy</font></u></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $чувствительность_справка &amp; msg $чувствительность_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_3.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (+/-10)">&nbsp;<u><font color="#0000D8">Sensitive</font></u></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $темперамент_справка &amp; msg $темперамент_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_4.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (+/-10)">&nbsp;<u><font color="#009FEF">Lively</font></u></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $ум_справка &amp; msg $ум_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_4.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (+/-10)">&nbsp;<u><font color="#009FEF">Clever</font></u></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $характер_справка &amp; msg $характер_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_3.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (+/-10)">&nbsp;<u><font color="#0000D8">Independent</font></u></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $гордыня_справка &amp; msg $гордыня_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_3.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (+/-10)">&nbsp;<u><font color="#0000D8">Timid</font></u></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $экзотичность_справка &amp; msg $экзотичность_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_1.png"></a>&nbsp;<font color="#EA0090">Quirky</font><br><a href="EXEC: msg $жыр_справка &amp; msg $жыр_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_2.png"></a>&nbsp;<font color="#0000D8">Healthy Weight</font><br><a href="EXEC: msg $стиль_справка &amp; msg $стиль_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_0.png"></a>&nbsp;<font color="#cd0000">Unfashionable</font><br><a href="EXEC: msg $слава_справка &amp; msg $слава_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_0.png"></a>&nbsp;<font color="#cd0000">Unknown</font><br><br><u>TRAITS</u><br><font size="3%"><font color="#cd0000">Recovery</font> [7]<br></font></div><div id="solo_rules"><br>Standard cattle food<br>Calorific food<br>Fiend's cum<br><br><br><br><br><br>Restrain her</div><div id="stat_lactation"><br><u>Cow Infos</u><br><font color="#EA0090">Minimal Lactation</font><br> <font color="#CD0000" size="2%"> (Impregnation: F-)</font><br><br><font color="#0000D8">Healthy Weight</font><br><font color="#EA0090">Depressed</font><br></div><div style="position:absolute;top:400px;left:1070px;font-family:Segoe Print;"><font color="#6B0084">Cow C-</font> (-3)</div><div id="impregnate_button"><a style="text-decoration: none; padding-top: 65px;" class="victoriana wide tooltip-left" tooltip-data="Fuck your cow to increase her lactation" <a="" href="EXEC: interaction = 1487 &amp; gt 'interaction'"><img src="content\pic\buttons\impregnate.png"></a></div><div style="position:absolute;top:221px;left:666px;font-family:Victoriana;"><a style="text-decoration: none; padding-top: 125px;" class="victoriana wide tooltip-left" tooltip-data="Check milk quantity" href="EXEC: msg $cow_milk_quantity"><img src="content\pic\buttons\milk_drop_large.png"></a><a class="victoriana wide tooltip-left" tooltip-data="Milk your cow" <a="" href="EXEC: interaction = menu_C_milking &amp; gt 'interaction'"><img src="content\pic\ui overhaul\milking.png"></a></div><div id="chekbox_1s"><a href="EXEC: cow_ration = 1 &amp; $cow_info_text = $cow_ration[2] &amp; gt $curloc"><img src="content\pic\buttons\unsel_button.png"></a></div><div id="chekbox_2s"><a href="EXEC: cow_ration = -1 &amp; $cow_info_text = $cow_ration[1] &amp; gt $curloc"><img src="content\pic\buttons\sel_button.png"></a></div><div id="chekbox_3s"><a href="EXEC: msg $no_spawn_semen &amp; gt $curloc"><img src="content\pic\buttons\unactive_button.png"></a></div><div id="chekbox_lock_cow"><a href="EXEC: cow_locked = 1 &amp; $cow_info_text = $cow_locked &amp; gt $curloc"><img src="content\pic\buttons\unsel_button.png"></a></div><div id="barn_ava"><img src="content/pic/girls/face/2097_green_long_milf_sepia.png"></div><div id="barn_short_stat">Energy <font color="#22aa00">***</font><font color="#D3D3D3">**</font><br><font color="#EA0090">Depressed</font><br><font color="#009FEF">Unclean</font><br><img src="content\pic\kalkulyator.png"> 9 cal / 2 f<br>Owned for: 15 days</div><div id="barn_stat_bar"></div><div id="text"> Sybil stands sticking out her chest and throws at you sidelong languorous glances. A faint smile lingers on her face. From time to time she gently licks and bites her lips, strokes her thighs, or sighs deeply.</div><div id="fast_wash_cow"><a style="text-decoration: none; padding-top: 7px;" class="victoriana wide tooltip-top" tooltip-data="Wash the cow" <a="" href="EXEC: interaction = menu_bath_C &amp; gt 'interaction'"><img src="content\pic\buttons\fast_wash.png"></a></div><div id="fast_wash_cow_assistant"><a style="text-decoration: none; padding-top: 7px;" class="victoriana wide tooltip-top" tooltip-data="Ask your assistant to wash the cow" <a="" href="EXEC: interaction = menu_bath_C_A &amp; gt 'interaction'"><img src="content\pic\buttons\fast_wash_assistant.png"></a></div><div id="close_far"><a href="EXEC: $cow_info_text = '' &amp; menu_form = 0 &amp; gt 'menu_form'"><img src="content\pic\buttons\close_button.png"></a></div><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></div><div style="top:660;left:780;width:50;height:100;position:fixed;"></div></body></html>


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
FrostHunt That's weird... why does it skip going through a file?
Are you loading directly into the barn? Can you try to end the day?
Does it still happen on a new game?
Can you try to go to the real estate office, abandon the barn, then rent it again?
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Reactions: FrostHunt


Feb 23, 2020
FrostHunt That's weird... why does it skip going through a file?
Are you loading directly into the barn? Can you try to end the day?
Does it still happen on a new game?
Can you try to go to the real estate office, abandon the barn, then rent it again?
i dont know what's wrong with my save file but when i start a new game and got a barn it display the image. oh btw how do you get the sister?


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
i dont know what's wrong with my save file but when i start a new game and got a barn it display the image. oh btw how do you get the sister?
Here's a full guide on the felicity quest. The first 2 parts explain how to start the quest. The next 2 parts (C and D) explain what you need to do to not fail the quest. There are quite a lot of conditions to it so I suggest you read it.
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Reactions: FrostHunt


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
FrostHunt I have added a console command button next to the options button in the latest update.
Could you please download the update (code part only), load the save that has the barn bug, go to the main screen, press the command button and type this in:
gs '#estate_base'
Hit enter. Then open the console again and type this in:
gs 'new_estate'
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Reactions: FrostHunt


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Updated code: bugfixes + 3 keyboard shortcuts ("a" - assistant screen, "s" - slave screen, "d" - master screen) more will come + images being detected automatically (So just put them in the right place and name them properly. Look at the other images and follow the naming pattern.)

Updated the base media files. There might be some missing images for tentacle fiend growth events if you don't update but that should be the only bug that would be caused by not updating.
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Reactions: FrostHunt


Feb 23, 2020
It does work when i enter the code but. when i enter the barn and exit the barn disappear. it only acessible if i milk my cow and then it automaticly enter the barn
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Lokplart


Feb 23, 2020
i have no idea what triggers this bug, first i thought that when i enter the code it make the assistant buggy but nope that wasnt it.

Edit: nvm it fix it self, im pretty sure it happen when there's a fight in the coliseum
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Feb 23, 2020
FIx the problem. it seems when i enter the code it makes the barn unrent, so i rent it again and it works fine


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
i have no idea what triggers this bug, first i thought that when i enter the code it make the assistant buggy but nope that wasnt it.

Edit: nvm it fix it self, im pretty sure it happen when there's a fight in the coliseum
It was caused by having less then 50 sparks apparently.
It's fixed now. Thanks!
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Reactions: FrostHunt


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
yes but sometime it messed up and not showing the background. so i just put the code again and it works fine
That's weird... can you point out the action that makes it disappear?

Also, if those 2 commands don't fix the bug permanently then use this one until I find a fix...
$bg["barn"] = 'interiors\barn'
Should spare you from needing to re-rent the barn and the dungeon.
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Reactions: FrostHunt


Feb 23, 2020
That's weird... can you point out the action that makes it disappear?

Also, if those 2 commands don't fix the bug permanently then use this one until I find a fix...
$bg["barn"] = 'interiors\barn'
Should spare you from needing to re-rent the barn and the dungeon.
ok im going to try find the action that makes it dissaper


Feb 23, 2020
That's weird... can you point out the action that makes it disappear?

Also, if those 2 commands don't fix the bug permanently then use this one until I find a fix...
$bg["barn"] = 'interiors\barn'
Should spare you from needing to re-rent the barn and the dungeon.
it seems that paying the rent make my barn image background disapperd
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Lokplart


Sep 12, 2019
Hello! I found an issue, don't know whether it is a bug or feature, but when you train a virgin slave xenophily (dog or horse mating), she remains virgin. Did not checked other trainings under it. Playing 2.2 Dev Version.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Lokplart


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
it seems that paying the rent make my barn image background disapperd
Alright I found it! It should be fixed now

Hello! I found an issue, don't know whether it is a bug or feature, but when you train a virgin slave xenophily (dog or horse mating), she remains virgin. Did not checked other trainings under it. Playing 2.2 Dev Version.
It's more of a feature. I know the picture conveys the fact that the girl is fucking the animal for all lessons but if you read the text when you train her from F- to D- you will see that there is no penetration happening. If you train her from D- to C- she will loose her virginity.
It's more of a visual limitation since we have to make do with pics on the internet.

Your bug report has lead me to finding a few other bad stuff in the code so thank you :D


Re-downloading needed: Code only


Jun 11, 2017
Loli with large breasts after augmentation surgery has no description in the anatomy tab. Empty line.

Enormous, womanly breasts not the last possible size.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Lokplart


May 9, 2019
whats the different between original and modded one? I've downloaded and tried both a lil bit but see no different.


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
whats the different between original and modded one? I've downloaded and tried both a lil bit but see no different.
In mod you have a button under domestic issues that you can use to buy and equip outfits easily.
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote