Mod QSP Jack-o-nine-tails Mods & More: Game Development Builds and Outfit System

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New Member
Feb 8, 2020
That's quite a while back... I can't really offer much support. You might want to try to re-download everything.

Please try re-downloading then load your save (don't forget to enable "ignore version check") and hit the refresh database button next to the settings button.
If the issue persists, please give me your save file and I'll try to see what goes wrong.
I just re-downloaded and it worked, thanks man.
Edit: Ok she has the picture now but no dialogue, only the generic slave ones, the ''Tell me about your past'' option says ''To be added'' is there a newer version?
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
I just re-downloaded and it worked, thanks man.
Edit: Ok she has the picture now but no dialogue, only the generic slave ones, the ''Tell me about your past'' option says ''To be added'' is there a newer version?
No.. I think there was some dialogue when you started the quest but those seemed to have gotten skipped.


Feb 23, 2020
Screenshot (12).png Screenshot (13).png

It seems theres a bug with cryo sleep if you rent it in your house. i cant take my slave out i need to go there if i want to take it out
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Lokplart


Jan 29, 2019
It seems theres a bug with cryo sleep if you rent it in your house. i cant take my slave out i need to go there if i want to take it out
when i want to send my slave to school or my asistant to train i get a blank site
FrostHunt > Can you exchange the slaves by clicking on the gray portrait (the ones you already have in stasis) while at home and then clicking on the upper left small image with both green and red arrow? As for clicking on the C(cryo) button it should open the same interface as if you went to Technosphere...I'm not sure if that is a bug since in all my time playing I didn't notice anything unusual with it. I'll check it out.

konemer > Are you by any chance using an old save/save from previous builds/versions? Seems odd to have a well trained slave and have the training interface acting like that suddenly.


Feb 23, 2020
FrostHunt > Can you exchange the slaves by clicking on the gray portrait (the ones you already have in stasis) while at home and then clicking on the upper left small image with both green and red arrow? As for clicking on the C(cryo) button it should open the same interface as if you went to Technosphere...I'm not sure if that is a bug since in all my time playing I didn't notice anything unusual with it. I'll check it out.

Screenshot (12).png
so i put the slave on the cryosis at home Screenshot (20).png
Screenshot (18).png
i haven't unlock the 3 additional cryosleep btw it put it in 5 but when i change to number 5 i cant acesses the slave. so i go back to 1 press it again then it go back to my second slave (second image). hope you can understand english wasn't my home languange


Feb 23, 2020
FrostHunt Thank you for the bug report! It's fixed now.

Re-downloading needed: Code only.
theres couple of bug when i later play it :
1.When i tried miliking my slave it goes blank so i must reload
Screenshot (21).png
Screenshot (22).png
2.technique when learned doesnt show in battle idk if its only swift blow or all the other technique. but it doesnt show in battle even though i already learn it three times.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Lokplart


New Member
Feb 26, 2018
2.technique when learned doesnt show in battle idk if its only swift blow or all the other technique. but it doesnt show in battle even though i already learn it three times.
Can confirm, downloaded Base Branch and special techniques could be 'trained' and it'd properly charge the character for the training but the character would never receive the skill so it can't be used and can also be trained again.
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Reactions: Lokplart


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
This schooling bug is weird. It doesn't happen for me, which makes it really hard to solve...
Do the other training options in the book work? Can you do personal training, tutor training or assistant training in there?
Can you go the schooling tab and after you get the blank screen, on the top left of the game window click other -> show html and copy paste me that?

Hi. If I remember right, you were one of the people that was experiencing the crash on end day right? Could you please tell me if this bug happens for you too? I don't see any implicit conversion this time but at least I'll know a general direction to go towards for trying to solve this.
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
FrostHunt Can I please have your save file with the special technique bug?
Also, can you please have the milking bug blank screen happen, on the top left of the game window click other -> show html and copy paste me that?
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 14, 2017
This schooling bug is weird. It doesn't happen for me, which makes it really hard to solve...
Do the other training options in the book work? Can you do personal training, tutor training or assistant training in there?
Can you go the schooling tab and after you get the blank screen, on the top left of the game window click other -> show html and copy paste me that?

Hi. If I remember right, you were one of the people that was experiencing the crash on end day right? Could you please tell me if this bug happens for you too? I don't see any implicit conversion this time but at least I'll know a general direction to go towards for trying to solve this.
PS: Can you please check the milking one too.. that one doesn't happen for me either...
yes here

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload=function(){var msg = document.getElementById('__message__');var bgImage = new Image();bgImage.src =\((['\"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, '$2').split(',')[0]; bgImage.onload=function(){ = bgImage.width; = bgImage.height;}};

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msg $rank_help_2 &amp; rank_help = 1"><img src="content/pic/chart.png"></a><br><br><u>ATTRIBUTES</u><br><a href="EXEC: msg $красота_справка &amp; msg $красота_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_4.png"></a><a href="EXEC:$info_text = $красота_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#009FEF">Beautiful</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $здоровье_справка &amp; msg $здоровье_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_3.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="2 ~ (+/-40)" href="EXEC:$info_text = $здоровье_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#0000D8">Healthy</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $чувствительность_справка &amp; msg $чувствительность_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_2.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (+/-20)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $чувствительность_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#6B0084">Insensitive</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $темперамент_справка &amp; msg $темперамент_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_5.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (10/-80)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $темперамент_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#009900">Passionate</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $ум_справка &amp; msg $ум_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_5.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (10/-80)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $ум_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#009900">Intelligent</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $характер_справка &amp; msg $характер_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_5.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (10/-80)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $характер_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#009900">Willful</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $гордыня_справка &amp; msg $гордыня_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_1.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="-1 ~ (+/-80)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $гордыня_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#EA0090">Haughty</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $экзотичность_справка &amp; msg $экзотичность_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_1.png"></a> <a href="EXEC: $info_text = $экзотичность_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#EA0090">Quirky</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $жыр_справка &amp; msg $жыр_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_1.png"></a> <a href="EXEC: $info_text = $жыр_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#EA0090">Overweight</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $стиль_справка &amp; msg $стиль_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_0.png"></a> <a href="EXEC: $info_text = $стиль_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#cd0000">Unfashionable</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $слава_справка &amp; msg $слава_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_0.png"></a> <a href="EXEC: $info_text = $слава_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#cd0000">Unknown</font></a><br><br><u>TRAITS</u><br><font size="3%"><a href="EXEC: msg $Нет_клейма"><font color="#cd0000">Not Branded</font></a><br></font></div><div id="right_column"><br><u>SKILLS</u><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Maid</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a cook</font><br><font color="#6B0084">Nurse C-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Secretary</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not an Enchantress</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not an Escort</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Gladiatrix</font><br><font color="#EA0090">Dancer D-</font><br><font color="#0000D8"><font size="3%">Sports &amp; Fitness B+</font></font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Painter</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Musician</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Pet</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Horse</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Cow</font><br><br><u>SEX-TECHNIQUES</u><br><font color="#cd0000">Petting F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Oral Pleasure F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Penetration F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Group Sex F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Demonstration F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Fetishism F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Xenophily F-</font></div></div><div style="top:660;left:780;width:50;height:100;position:fixed;"></div></body></html>


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
yes here

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload=function(){var msg = document.getElementById('__message__');var bgImage = new Image();bgImage.src =\((['\"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, '$2').split(',')[0]; bgImage.onload=function(){ = bgImage.width; = bgImage.height;}};

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= 'hidden';}}});</script><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/base.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/base.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/base.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/base.css"><style>*{padding:0;margin:0;} a{text-decoration:none;outline:0;}#__message__ a{pointer-events: auto; cursor: pointer;} body{white-space: pre-wrap;-webkit-user-select:none;cursor:default;background-size:cover;background: url('content/pic/ui/grimdark/bg_stat.png')no-repeat;font-family:Consolas;font-size:18;}div{margin: 0 auto; display: table;}</style></head><body onmousedown="return false"><div style="position:fixed;top:1;left:1;width:1280;height:800;"><div id="bookmark_one">Personal</div><div id="bookmark_two">Tutor(15$)</div><div id="bookmark_three">School(10$)</div><div id="bookmark_four">Assistant</div><div id="close"><a href="EXEC: gt 'menu_form'"><img src="content\pic\buttons\close_button.png"></a></div><div id="left_column"><br>Name: &nbsp;Dasha<br>Age: &nbsp;Young<br>Rank: &nbsp;<a href="EXEC: msg $rating_help"><font color="#cd0000"><b>F-</b></font></a> &nbsp;&nbsp;Key: &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="EXEC: msg $rank_help &amp; msg $rank_help_2 &amp; rank_help = 1"><img src="content/pic/chart.png"></a><br><br><u>ATTRIBUTES</u><br><a href="EXEC: msg $красота_справка &amp; msg $красота_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_4.png"></a><a href="EXEC:$info_text = $красота_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#009FEF">Beautiful</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $здоровье_справка &amp; msg $здоровье_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_3.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="2 ~ (+/-40)" href="EXEC:$info_text = $здоровье_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#0000D8">Healthy</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $чувствительность_справка &amp; msg $чувствительность_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_2.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (+/-20)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $чувствительность_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#6B0084">Insensitive</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $темперамент_справка &amp; msg $темперамент_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_5.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (10/-80)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $темперамент_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#009900">Passionate</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $ум_справка &amp; msg $ум_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_5.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (10/-80)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $ум_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#009900">Intelligent</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $характер_справка &amp; msg $характер_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_5.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="0 ~ (10/-80)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $характер_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#009900">Willful</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $гордыня_справка &amp; msg $гордыня_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_1.png"></a> <a style="text-decoration: none;" class="tooltip-right" tooltip-data="-1 ~ (+/-80)" href="EXEC: $info_text = $гордыня_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#EA0090">Haughty</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $экзотичность_справка &amp; msg $экзотичность_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_1.png"></a> <a href="EXEC: $info_text = $экзотичность_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#EA0090">Quirky</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $жыр_справка &amp; msg $жыр_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_1.png"></a> <a href="EXEC: $info_text = $жыр_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#EA0090">Overweight</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $стиль_справка &amp; msg $стиль_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_0.png"></a> <a href="EXEC: $info_text = $стиль_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#cd0000">Unfashionable</font></a><br><a href="EXEC: msg $слава_справка &amp; msg $слава_справка_2"><img src="content\pic\buttons\info_0.png"></a> <a href="EXEC: $info_text = $слава_совет &amp; gt $curloc">&nbsp;<font color="#cd0000">Unknown</font></a><br><br><u>TRAITS</u><br><font size="3%"><a href="EXEC: msg $Нет_клейма"><font color="#cd0000">Not Branded</font></a><br></font></div><div id="right_column"><br><u>SKILLS</u><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Maid</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a cook</font><br><font color="#6B0084">Nurse C-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Secretary</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not an Enchantress</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not an Escort</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Gladiatrix</font><br><font color="#EA0090">Dancer D-</font><br><font color="#0000D8"><font size="3%">Sports &amp; Fitness B+</font></font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Painter</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Musician</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Pet</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Horse</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Not a Cow</font><br><br><u>SEX-TECHNIQUES</u><br><font color="#cd0000">Petting F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Oral Pleasure F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Penetration F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Group Sex F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Demonstration F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Fetishism F-</font><br><font color="#cd0000">Xenophily F-</font></div></div><div style="top:660;left:780;width:50;height:100;position:fixed;"></div></body></html>
Ok.. umm.. since I can't replicate this bug on any of my machines, the only way I can figure out what causes this bug for you is if you're willing to change the game files a bit. If you are, please do this:

Go into the "Qgen" folder.
Open "qgen.exe". On the top left click "game" -> "open".
Navigate to the "game" folder and open "jack.qsp". Now you should have a list of folders on the left of the screen.
Open "interface" and find the "teach_screen" file (should be on the bottom half). Open it.
Go to line 687, which should be in between these lines:
*p '<div id = "mark_one"><a href = "EXEC: teach_stat_screen = 0 & gt $curloc"><img src = "content\pic\buttons\unsel_button.png"></a></div>'
Paste this on line 687:
msg '<<$left_text_teach>>'
Hit "CTRL+S" to save
Close qgen and open the game.
Go to the schooling tab. Does a popup message appear on screen? If yes, please give me a screenshot.
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote