Mod QSP Jack-o-nine-tails Mods & More: Game Development Builds and Outfit System

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Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
The outfit system isn't finished, right? Coz clicking on them breaks UI
It used to work, let me investigate why it now breaks stuff. Thanks for the report. Okay, I found the bug. I'm posting new archive for new release soon, will have that bug fix included. EDIT: Uploaded.
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May 21, 2018
How exactly do you mean? I believe there is a toggle for gore already, but perhaps that just disables the images, never tried. Do you want me to grey out all the options that involve cannibalism when that setting is selected?
I second this idea, but prob won't happen. Too much work.
He problably means that in Ethernal Rome everybody seems to eat... human flesh. This is quite off putting. I tend to not buy any meat for that reason. There is mention of it in many descriptions and dialogues, simply disabling gore does not dispel that image. Some examples from memory:
- the butchery
- butchering slaves after capturing in the fogs
- the Inn that sells food, have some really gory images AND names/descriptions for their meals
- even one of the residents says he wants eat the slave you sell to him
- the barn - "pig"
- the "animal" pens in outcasts with "pigs"
- slaves killed during chariot race are served and eaten
and prob few other that i forgotten

btw1 i107760, does updating your version requires starting a new game?
btw2 trying to use cheat menu outside of home does weird things(I think it teleported me to home?). nothing game breaking, but safe then sorry.


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
It's not really possible to change these things. Or well, it's possible, but would be a giant pain and not something I am interested in doing. No, generally a new version is not needed. You're not really supposed to be able to use it outside your home I believe.


May 21, 2018
It used to work, let me investigate why it now breaks stuff. Thanks for the report. Okay, I found the bug. I'm posting new archive for new release soon, will have that bug fix included. EDIT: Uploaded.
Now clicking on Slave Routines just makes it go back to previous menu.


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
Now clicking on Slave Routines just makes it go back to previous menu.
Hmm... I zipped the wrong version, it seems. I made some more updates to the game, am about to upload a zip for that, will make sure I don't fuck it up again. Check back in about 10 minutes and this post should be edited saying it's updated. EDIT: Done.
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May 21, 2018
Hmm... I zipped the wrong version, it seems. I made some more updates to the game, am about to upload a zip for that, will make sure I don't fuck it up again. Check back in about 10 minutes and this post should be edited saying it's updated. EDIT: Done.
Noice, works just great!
I found a unrelated weird issue tho. When starting Custom Game using Granpda picture the character always eds up as Impotent, regardless of purchased stat.


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
That's because the grandpa's special loli magic system, that quest does not check to see if you are playing custom game or not. I don't know a good way of fixing it right now. His quest requires you to fuck lolis to increase his libido.


May 21, 2018
That's because the grandpa's special loli magic system, that quest does not check to see if you are playing custom game or not. I don't know a good way of fixing it right now. His quest requires you to fuck lolis to increase his libido.
Huh, I didn't know that. I just replaced his images files for my custom character,i guess i have to use another.
btw, for the last outfit how about a concubine/sex training one? Lace underwear, boots, dunno what else
btw2: purchasing "guild contract outfit" does not apply Fien Tattoo, or at least I can do another at Uncle Bo's
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
i107760 ... thx for your awesome mod. I rly like all the new options. great work :)
After playing a while (~ 300 days ingame) I need to ask a short question about the sistermod.txt. How can I find her?
I placed the sistermod.txt into my Jack/game folder ... together with the other ones ... and because I can see for example to outfit menu gui and it works just fine, I guess it´s the right position for the text files. But I cant find the sister character ... I hope to get here some info/help


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Folks are still modding Jo9?! That's awesome, glad the game still has life in it :)


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
i107760 ... thx for your awesome mod. I rly like all the new options. great work :)
After playing a while (~ 300 days ingame) I need to ask a short question about the sistermod.txt. How can I find her?
I placed the sistermod.txt into my Jack/game folder ... together with the other ones ... and because I can see for example to outfit menu gui and it works just fine, I guess it´s the right position for the text files. But I cant find the sister character ... I hope to get here some info/help
If you downloaded the archive, sister is already included(she's now in the basegame, not a mod, but archive contains both). Activation requirements for story mode are quite hard, namely: Playing as Nerd, before day 90, you are a White Town patrician. If you play 'sandbox game', you can always unlock the sister with any character (but story won't really make sense). You don't need to do anything with the textfiles, they're just there for historic reasons, will remove them soon probably.

If you want to, you can make sister unlock for your storymode game you are playing. Open the jack.qsp in Qgen, and go to system/$city_random_event and replace IF sandbox_game = 1 AND decade >= 2 AND julia_start = 0 AND no_loli = 0: with IF julia_start = 0 AND no_loli = 0:, and then travel a few days, you should get a message to find the girl.

Folks are still modding Jo9?! That's awesome, glad the game still has life in it :)
It's a great game, but I'm doing more than modding right now :p I'm working on v2.2 for the release of the game, if you check the main game thread you can see the progress towards that.
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
If you want to, you can make sister unlock for your storymode game you are playing. Open the jack.qsp in Qgen, and go to system/$city_random_event and replace IF sandbox_game = 1 AND decade >= 2 AND julia_start = 0 AND no_loli = 0:[ICODE] with [ICODE]IF julia_start = 0 AND no_loli = 0:, and then travel a few days, you should get a message to find the girl.
Thx for your answer and help. I did what you said and it worked ... almost ... I got the letter and after visiting the vatican I was able to take her home with me ... buuuuut now I cant see her:

Is there anything I can do? like renaming a picture or assign a picture or something like that? I cant even click on her to see the other screens of her :(
plz help ^^



Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
You installed all the files in the archive right? I just now did a fresh install, by just downloading the archive and then installing the required imagepacks (base and loli) and it works fine for me. You either do not have the correct json files, or did not get the imagepacks from the frontpage but instead used some other/outdated files. Works fine on a clean install, so just reinstall it by doing: Download and extract archive, download image packs and put them in right place.


Active Member
May 18, 2018
Download (commit 62894d8c / 2020-01-12):
When upgrading from latest archive requires(images/new game): NONE
downloaded this

Tutorial on Installing Development Builds and Mod:
1) Choose a branch. Non-loli, loli, or mod.
2) Download and unpack the chosen zip file.
3) Download required image-packs: Base and Loli.
4) Put the images in game/content, overwriting base with loli.
5) Open Qgen, load jack.qsp and go to Import>Text file...
6) Select jack.txt, for converter select txt2gam.exe in Qgen folder.
7) You can now launch the game.
1 -> I choosed mod
3 -> downloaded both
1-7 -> did all of it


I download now this

The branch for my mod(includes loli) can be found here:
and install and modify it like you suggested to get Julia in my game ... maybe this was my issue


didnt help. still no Julia picture :(

which files I need (json) for Julia? Maybe I can find them (or not) , just be sure I installed the right archives

I try now a clean and fresh install ... with the mod archive and both picture files ...
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Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
You're not following the text that's just above the archive, or are doing what I'm telling you to. I'll try to explain better.
"I will post a download link to an archive(contains loli + mod) that DOES NOT CONTAIN IMAGE FILES! You will still need to download the required image files, namely both base and loli from step 3, then follow step 4 to install them. You don't need to do anything else."

1. Download
2. Download and install
3. Download and install
4. You're done.
5. (Now edit the .qsp file to have sister always be able to be found).

OR don't download the archive, and instead follow steps 1-7 to do the things yourself. Both should work. The archive is a little out of date, but has nothing new that impacts gameplay, just same coding stuff that I'm working on.

EDIT: Although, that's actually not the problem. I think I forgot to update the imagepacks, which would cause this problem, sorry for that. Could you redownload the image packs and reinstall them to see if it now works? Should work... In theory, it does for me. So, just download step 2) in this post, and put it in the right location and it should start working.
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
EDIT: Although, that's actually not the problem. I think I forgot to update the imagepacks, which would cause this problem, sorry for that. Could you redownload the image packs and reinstall them to see if it now works? Should work... In theory, it does for me. So, just download step 2) in this post, and put it in the right location and it should start working.
hehe ... that can happen even to the best ;)
I did exactly what you said in your last post and it didnt still worked ... now I download your updated packs and try it again ^^
(but will take some time - just 2mb/s download speed here ^^)
I´m back shortly with news if it worked or not ... :)

You said you are working on v2.2 ? That makes me very happy ... this game is my alltime favorite and with your alterations it better than ever :D
Huge thx for that.

I wanna ask you to mod some things ingame for even more and better experience if you dont mind.
- a possibility to sell eggs, milk & cream (& all those mucus & fiend semen) to the store or someone else (they start clocking up my fridge^^)
- a better Financial report -> to see what exactly are the costs for food bills, other expences, discount and fines. And for renting - I bought the house in White but still get charged for it (rent) - or its the rent for the other things like pen & dungeon?
- a couple more random events to get special/unique slaves
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Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
If it doesn't work again, I'll send you a smaller archive with just the files you might be missing, so that you don't have to download it all over again. Yeah you did what I said, kind of ;P You did both the archive and the 1-7 steps, but you only need to do one or the other. I'll check back on in this thread in about 15 minutes to see if worked or not :)


Active Member
May 18, 2018
YAY! it work´s :D
Finally I see her ... looks cute btw ;)
thx for your help i107760

keep up your awesome work on the game/mod (y) :love:


Active Member
May 18, 2018
I forgot to check for something, my bad. I'll update the mod soon when I'm done making v2.1 of the game.
EDIT: It's fixed, if you want to fix it in your game right now, because updating mod itself will take a bit, use qgen, select jack.qsp and then do:
interface/interaction_city, ctrl+f for: !VATICAN, then replace:
IF julia_start = 2:
  interaction_city = 9003
  gt 'interaction_city'
IF julia_start = 2 and julia_met = 0:
  julia_met = 1
  interaction_city = 9003
  gt 'interaction_city'
I have now the same problem ... unfortunately ... but your code change suggestion isnt working for me ...

I found the code and it looks different:
starting at 3949

IF julia_start = 2 and julia_met = 0 and assistant_state = 0:
  julia_met = 1
  interaction_city = 163
  gt 'interaction_city'
Does if have something to do with your last code change you suggested me with my previous problem?
Honestly I have no clue about coding ;)

Julia is atm in cryo and not in a slave or assistent slot ... its this maybe causing the issue?

I changed the code back to original
IF sandbox_game = 1 AND decade >= 2 AND julia_start = 0 AND no_loli = 0:
but I still get the letter .. hmmm ... plz help again? ^^
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Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
What is the problem you're having? You keep getting the letter over and over? If that is the problem, try this for me: Replace IF julia_counter = 5: with IF julia_counter = 5 AND julia_start = 1:. If that doesn't work, try replacing it with IF julia_counter = 5 AND julia_met = 0:

If you have a different problem, let me know and I'll fix it for you (hopefully) ^^
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote