So... i looked on every minor residence, there is no one that want anything that has no specialization. because of that, its needed to get a slaver skill to B+ to train and sell slaves. back to the problem "you have to be better on that skill to train your slave".

that way i see it, one must have real luck with slaves that they have the required skills already on B+ that you only need to train other skills and sell her, or get a good fighting slave(good luck with both without save scum xD) and somehow get her good enough to win contests. the problem with the second is, if you dont have the luck and train her enough that she stay's with you, you have the other problem that on a point the fighter slave have to get selld to get a new slave to train for new skills. xD
or is there any specialization that can get trained "easy"? for a servant/maid... sure cleaning is possible to teach but cooking is impossible in slums. assistant, i forgot how the slaver learns stewardship. anyway, without a low cheap selling opportunity, i cant see how to make money on a 0 skill start. only through luck to get a good fighting slave?

I tried a race but...i think i have no luck with good starting slaves for races. q.q