If you're interested in it, it can be in the main game too of course
Do you have any idea how already_done_today / $already_done_today works? I'm trying to use it for an interaction_city, but it's not doing what I think it should at all... I don't really see how Auspex etc. do it, I'm trying to copy it form Auspex/Torture etc.
Basically I want a counter that increases by 1 per day max, interaction_city = 90031 procs everytime you move to White Town for now, but it's doing it more than once per day. Gonna keep trying, really sucks that there's no good documentation for such things.
EDIT: Might have figured it out actually, when no slave exists, crushboss started doing killvar 'already_done_today' in $newloc. I was hoping to be able to use an already existing mechanic for the counter, but guess I will have to look elsewhere.
However, doing that has other ramifications. Right now, when you Encourage Slave #1, then swap her with a slave in your dungeon/cryostore, you cannot explain again. HOWEVER. If you go to no slave, and then retrieve slave from dungeon/cryostore, you CAN explain again on that day. Is that intended? I had noticed that during gameplay, and have now finally found out where that 'bug'/inconsistency is happening.
Thinking about this even further, what other things is 'already_done_today' used for? I need to think and test about this, it feels off to me now that I'm thinking about it.
EDIT2: Commented out the killvar thing crushboss added, and now my system works, so confirmed that is the way already_done_today works. This needs further testing, I will do some, and attach a save to showcase the problem for you