I can not replicate this for the life of me. It's most probably caused by how QSP loads and plays the sounds and if that's true, that's way above what I can do.
But lets try a few things.
e7777z777 Can you do me a favor? Since you can replicate this consistently, could you please, start a sandbox game, go into settings, turn the music volume to 0, and try to like fuck your assistant a few times. Does it happen to those sounds as well?
If it doesn't happen to those sounds, can you please go into Jack-o-nine-tails V2.1/Qgen and open qgen.exe
Hit "CTRL+O", then load "jack.qsp" from the "game" folder
A couple folders will appear on the left, open "interface" and search for "main_screen". Open that by double clicking it.
At line 30 you will find this line:
if sound_on = 1: play $main_sound, music_volume, 'only, loop'
Replace it with this line:
if sound_on = 1: play $main_sound, music_volume
Hit "CTRL+S", close qgen.exe, open the game and tell me if that fixed the music for the house