- Jul 29, 2018
- 363
- 262
You got me, I lost myself into fantasiesAnd shouldn't she be closed to doing sexual tasks? Then why the game allows it without an once of resistance?![]()
You got me, I lost myself into fantasiesAnd shouldn't she be closed to doing sexual tasks? Then why the game allows it without an once of resistance?![]()
I'm really serious ^^ I remembered reading that too from Isabella and seeing a dissonance with her words and the gameplay.You got me, I lost myself into fantasies![]()
In the description it's said that she is:I'm really serious ^^ I remembered reading that too from Isabella and seeing a dissonance with her words and the gameplay.
I like the prices... but I don't understand the "keep it simple part"...If the idea is to add the thing, I suggest to keep it as simple as it can get while striking the objective.
For what reason you do neoplasty?
1 - You want to sell your slave at a better price, get her good enough for a quest.
2 - You found a good slave with high other stat (for example endurance that is actually NOT possible to increase by surgery, which add more value at idea) and low beauty.
3 - You totally don't care about money and you just want to improve to the best rank your slave, cause you are end game and stuff.
The ideas: high prices, chances of scars and critical failures.
I personally don't like the idea to make it a gamble thing with that critical failure thing... People will just save scum OR if you really plan to waste 10/20/30/40k of money on a girl you will probably simply don't care about money and it will be just a boring wait between operations... wishing for the RNG god to bless you.
Now, let's say that: 1 is a early player, 2 is a mid game player and 3 is an end game player.
Improving more than 1 level in beauty is already broken in my opinion, so it might be ok to consider: 1 level for early players, 2 for mid game players, 3+ late game players.
I love the idea of possibly leaving a scar on the girl (that can be healed later with another normal operation) but I would throw away the idea of critical failures... For one simple reason: if you get behind upgrade 2... you already have in consideration to spend and huge sum of money on that girl cause you are late game.
Let's kept it simple:
First upgrade: Standard procedure - 250 sparks
Second upgrade: Advanced procedure - 500/600 sparks
Third and so on upgrades: TOP class procedure, 2000/4000/5000 sparks for upgrade
This means that if I have an ugly slave I'll need around 12.750/16.750/20.750 coins for the whole process (or more, depends on how high is the cost of the third procedure).
You'll make every 3 players happy without too much RNG blessings, also it might work with the setting and the story.
The standard procedure is our common tier of "tecnology"
The high level procedure is a very intense procedure, that will improve further the girl beauty without making her look artificial.
Top class tier, same as above plus let's add that the changes are so deep that the procedure might kill the girl.. So to avoid that you need a very top tier equipment. (Of course it's all flavor text to contextualize)
Last but not least, every procedure have a fixed chance to leave a scar on the girl... Which is a nice touch in my opinion.
Cause while upgrade 1 and 2 might be a thing gameplay wise, like the scars that adds a bit of spiciness to the formula, after upgrade 3 we are adding probably nothing.I like the prices... but I don't understand the "keep it simple part"...
Also, if the procedures get harder.. why would the risk chances stay the same?
In my head, this is how I imagine the interaction.
You take your slave to the doctor to increase her beauty skill. The guy takes a look, makes himself a plan on what he needs to do improve and appearance and gives you a price.
So, if she's never been there, the road is clear. There are visible imperfections that he can work on. - No chance of failure here.
Second time you go, what he needs to do is still clear, although a bit more complicated.. things like idk... permanently diluting her pupils so that they are bigger all the time.. puff up her lips.. nosejob.. etc... - Slight chance of a scar here.
Third time forward, the work that needs to be done goes into more deep stuff like things from raising her cheekbones all the way to adjusting the overall shape of her face. - Here, aside from the chance for scaring, I think there should be a chance for a complete failure. Not much... 20-30% or we can look at actual failure chances on the more complicated facial surgery procedures and base it on that.
At the core, it's still just money and time that you need to spend regardless of how many times you want to go through with the procedure, but we add a bit of "oomph" into the how and why.
It's not capping anything.. Since you can choose with your money what you want to do.
We can convey the risk chances through text.
If we use these prices: 250/500/2000/2000/4000. The price for the artificial face would be 1000 and the price for the complete facial reconstruction could be 4000. Facial reconstruction could actually make the procedure act like a success and still level up her beauty.
As it is right now, you might as well go to someone in the Necropolis for this procedure, cause it's way closer to magic then actual surgery.. On the fame route, there's chances for heavy scaring and actual death, and on this side, it's a click of a button with no real consequences.
I put in the roadmap that the color overhaul wasn't complete; it didn't show when starting Sandbox mode, and I'm dissatisfied with the current contrast.For example the color... Is it a bug or is it intended?
You're right. But I'm a bit short on alternatives. I'd really need something that looks both byzantine and modern. And less "this is not even a hospital but a space ship" like in 1.7 (and remember when the technological center was a subway? lol).View attachment 700433
Even then description says "High-tech" which is unfitting with the image. The 1.7.5 wasn't that high quality but yet the old hospital doesn't seem fitting to me (which is a REAL pity).
When 2.0beta was out, there was 2500 slaves. But it created awful save times of 50seconds even at the beginning of the game. And the art was unequal, sometimes even burlesque. Lots of non-matching hair-colors... I reduced the number and made a selection.Also I have some question: what this mean in the change log?
- Make the game read only 560 slaves, in order to drastically improve saving times, and removing bad art. In the process, recolor some hair to avoid mismatches.
The extension should be .png, but you can throw a .jpg and rename it. I advise against .gif given the poor quality.Also, if I want to replace a pic.. Does it need to be of the same file? .png? Or can I use even a .jpg or a .gif?
Makes sense.Skills format
2.1 is not perfect, but I don't agree with your proposal either. A wimp will say nothing and obey, a submissive person will say "yes master". Being submissive is really worse for your charisma, I'd say. As for "Bewitching", it sounds a lot more intense than "Ambitious" actually.Charisma - "Wimp - Submissive - Driven - Bewitching - Ambitious - Leader"
Sexual Desire
"Depraved" why not (debauched implies actually making sex, while depraved is more about the fantasy). Both convey more or less the same.- Depraved/Debauched
Teaching - Never taught - Unskilled teacher
Good. We just have to be careful that there's enough space for as many letters.Stewardship - Messy - Negligent housekeeper - Organized housekeeper - Meticulous housekeeper - Steward - Masterful Steward
Nah. ^^ "Dull" doesn't convey art. One can be dull for anything. Dilettante and Virtuoso are more than fine (it's not like all English words ought to be Germanic. Look at "Alien" from latin or "homo" from Greek.)- Dull - Vulgar - Refined - Artist - Polymath artist - Prodigious talent
Homeopath may seem like an out of place joke but it's the spirit of the original game... Daily Survivor doesn't convey "medic" skill immediately (it could be someone that just has no money). I don't know why you want to replace quack with "first-aider" (which my dictionary doesn't even detect as a word). Quack seems to be the best synonymous of "a person that poses as a doctor but has no skill". Then I thought about putting it as "F+" but, but "quack" as a first thing might make one thinks of a duck ^^Medic - Daily survivor - First-aider - Nurse/Paramedic - Doctor - Physician - Surgeon
Again, don't forget about S++.Martial skill - Non-combatant - Swordsman apprentice - Swordsman - Glorious swordsman - Weapon master - Master of war
Don't underestimate shamans ^^Magic and Alchemy
Passive as average like in 2.1 sounds average. Like the guy that rather sits there and do nothing. Resolute sounds more than average, don't you think?Dominance - Passive - Meek - Resolute - Authoritative - Dominant - Imperious
Unskilled "w/" the rope...- In 2.1 there is a typo
I want to bring back purple too! And I agree, it needs contrast, a lot more than now (especially between B and A).Skills Colors - contrast and fading
That was my bad, I made a typo. I meant 250/500/1000/2000/4000 - so it goes *2 every time.Most of the time, when you are spending 2750 sparks just for getting 3 beauty level... I don't see it worth it for someone that want to sell the slave.
Ok. I get your point. Lets rename "failures" to "complications". They won't stagnate the beauty growth.It's not like "Hey, I'm poor and I got this slave which is nice but bad looking... Let's try a gamble and let's see if I can improve her" but I think it will be perceived more like a grind without actual mechanics "Hey, I'm an end game player with money that comes out of my ears.... Do you want me to spend big money on this upgrade? Cool... Here 10k and now please let me get my slave instead of boringly try one time, then wait 30 days... Then failing and boringly repeat the skipping of 30 days... and raise and repeat until I get what I want or I'm too bored and I'll probably save scum or cheat to get my "waifu" to Exquisite"
Yeah I agree! I did a soft research but nothing too fancy came in my sight... I'll just throw this one for a reference. It might be a bit better than a space ship yet not "byzantine".You're right. But I'm a bit short on alternatives. I'd really need something that looks both byzantine and modern. And less "this is not even a hospital but a space ship" like in 1.7 (and remember when the technological center was a subway? lol).
Are the other slaves still around? I'm just curios to see them ^^ Especially after all of that work I might like some of them.When 2.0beta was out, there was 2500 slaves. But it created awful save times of 50seconds even at the beginning of the game. And the art was unequal, sometimes even burlesque. Lots of non-matching hair-colors... I reduced the number and made a selection.
So can't I use animated gif? Especially for porn images?The extension should be .png, but you can throw a .jpg and rename it. I advise against .gif given the poor quality.
My english is not perfect, so I'm 100% sure that while reading the definitions... some word have a different meaning and usage in common language. (this applies to everything)2.1 is not perfect, but I don't agree with your proposal either. A wimp will say nothing and obey, a submissive person will say "yes master". Being submissive is really worse for your charisma, I'd say. As for "Bewitching", it sounds a lot more intense than "Ambitious" actually.
Yeah you convinced me. As I said english is not my first language, and some of those words have a bit of a different usage in mine. Mentor for example, I see it like a very wise person and a figure of high trust and regard.nope nope nope ^^ I don't agree. I made some research on the etymology and what I came up with is thought out to convey a hierarchy. Trainer is like someone that teaches tricks to a dog. A tutor is personally assigned to make someone improve. A mentor is someone a pupil looks up to. A Pedagogue has acquired known method to teach effectively. A Teacher is recognize amongst his peers. A Lecturer will be looked up to even by specialists.
Maybe Tutor and Mentor can be switched, and maybe now that I think about it, it doesn't reflect the terminology. But don't forget that the color is enough to associate a word with a level (as longs as it rings to be in the semantic field of "education"). I wouldn't like to get rid of it all in favor of just putting adjectives next to teacher.
And for F+, "never taught" is something of a good idea but it sounds a bit weird, maybe because it doesn't really have the same grammatical function as the rest. If we go with something like that, we find something to convey the absence of skill of teaching without describing the past actions or non-actions of the slaver.
I wasn't satisfied myself with dull! And I literally didn't know they existed ahah I'll give them a look and see if I'll have some new ideas about it."Dull" doesn't convey art. And don't forget S++ levels! Maestro comes after Virtuoso.
I have no opinion on homeopathy as I'm not a medic, but I know of many people that have an high regard for Homeopathy so, while I do understand the joke, it felt a bit weird to me (it's probably personal though).Homeopath may seem like an out of place joke but it's the spirit of the original game... Daily Survivor doesn't convey "medic" skill immediately (it could be someone that just has no money). I don't know why you want to replace quack with "first-aider" (which my dictionary doesn't even detect as a word). Quack seems to be the best synonymous of "a person that poses as a doctor but has no skill". Then I thought about putting it as "F+" but, but "quack" as a first thing might make one thinks of a duck ^^
I agreeAgain, don't forget about S++. It'd need less repetition and more contrast.
I understand this part, and while I do think that meek might be out of place and that passive might earn the second position, I even think that we are not talking about an "Average - Normal person"Passive as average like in 2.1 sounds average. Like the guy that rather sits there and do nothing. Resolute sounds more than average, don't you think?
And meekness as a meliorative tone to it; it's a Buddhist virtue.
I mean this, and if it's an hidden message I didn't understand it.Unskilled "w/" the rope... The "w/" necessarily means "without"? Then you're right.
1 - 2: I don't mind doing some tweaking and adjustments myself ^^Problem: there's S++ too. Putting it "olive" in 1.7 was a mistake in my opinion, as olive is dull.
Problem 2: we need a color code with 10 colors too, for hygiene and sexual arousing. And for it to be cohesive with the "6 colors" scheme.
Problem 3: We have to check that all colors are readable on the backgrounds. That mean the slum BG too (as the blue color is used for "go to the slave market".
Don't worry! I'll probably slow down myself to don't burn ^^ I'm just literally having a blast on trying to add some value to the game and to you guys. Also when I'll do the next part on the pics, I think it will be WAY more straightforward... The wall of text should end herePs: Unfortunately, I won't always be able to answer that thoroghly, as I need to focus my efforts into my tasks that are in the roadmap.![]()
I love the idea. Just a curiosity, if they "really bad mess up" can you alter her beauty in that instant? Using the expensive option, or do you need to wait the classical "rehabilitation" time?That was my bad, I made a typo. I meant 250/500/1000/2000/4000 - so it goes *2 every time.
Ok. I get your point. Lets rename "failures" to "complications". They won't stagnate the beauty growth.
So you can have 3 outcomes now.
If the slave has B+, the bad mess up has no chance of happening
- Beauty + 1
- Beauty + 1, Scars
- The really bad mess up, which lets you choose between:
- Beauty stuck at B+ (The cheap option).
- Beauty + 1 (The expensive option).
If the slave has C-, the bad mess up has like 5-10% chance of happening when you try to make her S+. I don't see it as gambling when you have 90-95% chances of winning.
I would take those percentages up a bit still...
I totally agree with this point. In 1.7.5 it was meant to be just 1 time operation and then move on and It never felt wrong or restricting to me. I have no idea when the new medic was actually implementedI mean what's the point... we're moving the player's attention from the beauty stat to the pride stat. Is that the desired result?
I like looking and waiting for slaves.. I like min-maxing.. making the best out of useless slaves while I'm searching for one that I can cash out big on. But right now, there's really no incentive to min-max at all.. why would I put effort into a good slave when I can achieve the same result from any meat-sack I can find in the fogs and still make a profit on her.. it's 2250 to take a slave from F- to S+ it just feels wrong to me and I find myself getting bored knowing that in the end it doesn't matter if I wait for a good slave or not.
Edit: On the fame route, you can take steps to diminish the chances for the bad outcome (scaring or even death) by buying equipment and training her. Maybe we can make the sum of the slave's endurance and fat act like her "health condition" which would increase/decrease the chances for the bad mess up depending on how bad/good her health condition is. So you as the player can do something to increase your odds instead of it being just RNG.
I believe "w/" is short for "with". You can find it used like that in Youtube videos with guest appearances (Or at least that's where I saw it). Some people may use "Feat" instead of "w/" but it's generally the same thing. Probably more popular term in music videos but don't quote me on this oneI mean this, and if it's an hidden message I didn't understand it.
The idea, lore wise, and how I image the interaction taking place is like this:Just a curiosity, if they "really bad mess up" can you alter her beauty in that instant? Using the expensive option, or do you need to wait the classical "rehabilitation" time?
I think these can be evened out. Like 20 for the first 2, 30 for the next 2 and 40 for the 5th. And I think that if you make a plan and do her surgery early and train her while she's recovering you can probably end with little to no wasted time.The "Restriction" point in the actual code is: operation 1 is 20 days rehab, 2 is 30, 3 is 40 and so on. The price is cheap, but the waiting time is very high... For the coder it seemed to be enough to not exploit it... But it still feels "cheap" to me.
I'm not that used with english slangs and abbreviations ^^I believe "w/" is short for "with". You can find it used like that in Youtube videos with guest appearances (Or at least that's where I saw it). Some people may use "Feat" instead of "w/" but it's generally the same thing. Probably more popular term in music videos but don't quote me on this one.
I like the idea and the setting. I say to implement it and the further tweaking the "money" and "time" factors after some testing.The idea, lore wise, and how I image the interaction taking place is like this:
During the procedure something goes bad and her face is ruined beyond a normal scar that can just be healed later. So the doctor (or one of his nurses/assistants) comes out, gives you the news and asks you to choose how you want them to proceed.
In our world, you would probably get the repairs done for free because it's their fault, but this is Eternal Rome, you had no insurance of success. So your options are, either pay for the cheaper, pre-made face or pay for a full facial reconstruction. After you make your choice, and pay for it of course, the doctor (or whoever came out) goes back and does what you chose.
The slave comes out, with her beauty at either B+ or one level higher, completely exhausted and with a massive rehabilitation time.
I think these can be evened out. Like 20 for the first 2, 30 for the next 2 and 40 for the 5th. And I think that if you make a plan and do her surgery early and train her while she's recovering you can probably end with little to no wasted time.
I legitimately have no idea about it, never heard of it in 1.7.5 and if it's an hidden mechanic I don't know.Btw.. that's another thing that doesn't really make sense... I haven't looked in the code but I'm pretty sure there's no penalty to training the slave while she's recovering. But it would be a really bad idea to make limitations in this direction. Sitting with a slave that you can't train is a really bad idea.
I know absolutely nothing about what the recovery time and recommendations are for these kinds of surgeries.Rehabilitation might stand for: Pain and possible bad Mood.
It might affect the mood, if X training is doable (like a gangbang) or affected by a slow learning.... And some rehabilitation times are huge. Do you have some ideas about it? I think that this is an a delicate zone depends on how it's touched.
Gameplay wise I don't see the reason for penalties myself. Especially when it might affect the "difficulty" on how to train the slave... Which if we add that there are 3 different difficulties: easy,normal, hard plus many different characters starting... it will be a mess to balance in my opinion.I know absolutely nothing about what the recovery time and recommendations are for these kinds of surgeries.
It just seams kind of weird that she can't have another surgery of any type but she can be trained anything without any penalties.
Again.. for gameplay reasons, I don't think there should be any penalties anyway. At most I would make the recovery just a tiny bit slower, around like 15-20% slower. But we'll see about that when time comes to implement all of this.
The game has nothing to do with python. It has it's own language. And it can't read external files, other then json files. The syntax of python might be slightly similar but the rest is very different. check out wiki.qsp.su for a documentation if you want.While thinking about the color scheme overhaul, I got the idea of making it easy "accessible" it for the players:
Player x don't like the new color and is a nostalgic, Player y don't like the colors cause he modded the UI, Player z is color blind and don't distinguish the colors.... everyone of them can now just edit a json file and change the schemes.
Now I literally have no idea if this thing might be useful or just a waste of time, but I wanted to make a try coding it just for fun.
Fun... Because I have ZERO knowledge about python or the architecture of the game, so I thought it might be an experiment.
Warning: the quality of the code is very rough and I have no idea if it might break the game and it might be implemented in many better ways (which I have no idea of)
The "f.readline()" in the middle is supposed to "waste" a reading (if that's a thing) as the json file might very roughly look like thisYou don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
I did it at the best of my current conditions xD If you want to show me the correct way of doing it, feel free to rewrite it. Also... Do you think that adding this feature is worth the effort?You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
BroWhile thinking about the color scheme overhaul, I got the idea of making it easy "accessible" it for the players:
Player x don't like the new color and is a nostalgic, Player y don't like the colors cause he modded the UI, Player z is color blind and don't distinguish the colors.... everyone of them can now just edit a json file and change the schemes.
Now I literally have no idea if this thing might be useful or just a waste of time, but I wanted to make a try coding it just for fun.
Fun... Because I have ZERO knowledge about python or the architecture of the game, so I thought it might be an experiment.
Warning: the quality of the code is very rough and I have no idea if it might break the game and it might be implemented in many better ways (which I have no idea of)
The "f.readline()" in the middle is supposed to "waste" a reading (if that's a thing) as the json file might very roughly look like thisYou don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
I did it at the best of my current conditions xD If you want to show me the correct way of doing it, feel free to rewrite it. Also... Do you think that adding this feature is worth the effort?You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
Russian >.< And why will it be a pain? Not contesting, just curios... I mean.. Can't the game read a number? Like #cd0000 or even without the #? That's how they are coded in the original code afteral...The game has nothing to do with python. It has it's own language. And it can't read external files, other then json files. The syntax of python might be slightly similar but the rest is very different. check out wiki.qsp.su for a documentation if you want.
I think your idea is doable but it's a bit more harder then you might think. And also, idk how much the average user is going use it. It would have to be programed in such a way where the people could just type "red" or "blue" or "magenta" or whatever. And that's a pain to do.
Yeah... When you work hard on something it's good to be able to share it to the audience... Maybe even without someone "that" smart to claim "THIS GAME sucks! Filled with bugs and shit! 0/5!" while there is a huge and thick BETA version in front of his eyes. Of course, no references to any kind of comment/review that happened after project 2.0 started...BroI totally see where you're coming from, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but anybody that won't like the new colors can tweak the .qsp file or get bent.
We were having the same debate for pianocat's design vs mine. And there's either the possibility of letting the design choice for the player or deliberating until we choose one.
With Lokplart, we agreed on:
"we have to keep working like a real dev team as much as we can.
Adding options to switch from each developer's perspective on a feature is not something that we should advocate. We all need to come to an agreement so that a feature is one feature, not 10."
And I think we can use that logic for the color proposition. We can't just assume that someone is going to be nostalgic and develop everything so anybody can play future versions with the possibility let available to easily negate all our design decisions.
You said it's russian Python -> NoRussian >.< And why will it be a pain? Not contesting, just curios... I mean.. Can't the game read a number? Like #cd0000 or even without the #? That's how they are coded in the original code afteral...
I mean for what weird reason the program should not realize that it's reading a string form a file and then continue the classical operation?
My question is more on a generic purpose than only for this case
"varname": value
"varname": "string"
"skill_color[0]": "#cd0000"
You literally can't get more moddable then open source... You don't even have to use Qgen if you don't like it.. you can just edit each location file individually and then compile them using MakeQSP.bat.I'm also a sucker for modular and heavy moddable environments. Jack in more flexible environment would be a dream and the structure of the code was already heavily improved by crushboss, he literally spent his soul into rewriting and translating the code from bone.