- Aug 1, 2017
- 1,658
- 1,848
I don't see how that can be an argument ^^ Saving is instantaneous now.I'm really not comfortable with the "Save is done automatically"Especially with the INSANE saving time that this game used to have.
In my opinion, the idea of having a "flexible" difficulty settings is very neat:
-Do a bunch of different check box with different options into it so everybody can "create" their own most fitting experience.
-Then have a base "Easy, Normal, Hard" difficulty where you just switch from default some boxes and keep open the possibility to check some others to have a total custom difficulty.
Do you want an easy games? with limited saves? With only teen girls without loli and milf? You can do it!
Also, how many check boxes are we talking about?
Everyone can be everything with a click... and money. As I suggested, only one or two rank of endurance amelioration possible, and that reduces the beauty.I don't really like this option to be honest. Maybe it's just my personal opinion... But something that I really loved about this game, was the uniqueness of every slave: you really needed to "hunt" for a good slave with the right qualities... Which was actually kinda neat for me.
The idea of "everyone can be everything with a click" because we have "super science/magic" is kinda "meh" for me.. Cause would totally eliminate the part of "hard working" to find the right slave or to improve her stats.
I have no idea if things have changed or if the wiki is updated, but endurance was already possible to be improved. Of course... It was hard... But possible... And that's the whole point in my opinion.
Having to hunt for a good slave is part of the game and we don't want to strip it. But we don't want a feeble slave to be useless or necessarily waste 20 days of training just to add a sufficient amount of energy stars to her.
I think you forgot about that ^^I'm not personally a fan about cyborgs and I'm not sure if would fit the game, but that's just my opinion.

And by cyborg, I mean "normal human with normal appearance but mechanical organs". Like those:

Now I have a couple of advices:
This is my personal experience, but when I'm searching idea for new things I love to ask question to myself. In this case if we are talking about I game, I think it would help a lot to ask and focus on the right things.
-What is fun about this game? What does make it an unique and fun experience to play it?
-What is the setting and the "mood" of the game? Will this "idea x" add more to the experience? Or maybe it will ruin it?
-How the base mechanic works? Can I add this new system without breaking other systems? Will the new mechanics improve the general feeling of the game and will add more fun?
Adding things into a game is ALL about creating a fun and joyful experience for the player. That's why "more" doesn't meant "better". I will always remember CDPR answer on Witcher 2 Iron made mode and the removed option from wither 3: "While witcher 2 was a thing and it worked there, we don't trust Witcher 3's world enough too add the mechanic. (Bugs)"
Even is somethings looks cool on paper and it works on other games it doesn't mean that it will work in "game x" too.
By unique, you don't mean "each slave had a set of images that were set especially for her", do you? Because, that was never a thing.Finally the last suggestion and almost a request: You guys are doing a GREAT and amazing work, period. You are dedicating your love to the game without asking anything for it, observing the resurrection of a modding community is always nice.
But, while modding a game, there are always things that can go Very right and very wrong... (the butchering of ALL the unique picture from 1.7.3 to 1.7.5... Cough.... cough).
This created a weird situation: You had a BAG filled with bug fixes and improvements that made the game better... and an mod that literally killed all the cool pics of the games and manage to uses just 40 50 pic in the whole folder while managing to go from 1gb to 5gb of files... Having hundred of unused pics for no apparent reason.
Here the player needed to chose: Do I want better porn with worst gameplay? Or Do I want better gameplay with worst porn?
But yes, 1.7.3 images were arguably a lot better than in 1.7.5. That's why I re-added them into 2.0.
And we'll be careful not sacrifice porn for gameplay. I'll personnaly be double-checking every art-adition to make sure that porn images never to get worse in terms of quality standard, from now on.
I hear what you say. That's like for Demon's Souls remake, people are rightfully afraid that any change made for the better will change the original aura of the game.So here is the request/idea:
I have no idea on how the code of the game works, so I don't know if this is possibile.... BUT is possible to actually split things apart?
1 - Improved "vanilla" version of the game with bugs and generic add-on. (Bugs fix, Different quality of life improvements, pics, etc). This, will make everyone happy: their will be able to savor all of your works without fear of possibly unwanted new systems/overhaul of the game.
2 - A patch with the new experimental systems. This will keep the game progressing forward while the "safe" possibility to test the new system without fear of having a "2.2" release with a broken or new unfitting add-on.
This will make much easier too see what it works and what not, with the possibly to be added in the future to the base game... Or just keep it apart. Changing a lot of the base system can deeply modify the feeling of game.
Jack O nine "Original" by the author had a feeling. Jack O nine "Hongfire mod" Had a TOTAL different feeling. You could say almost "Jack o Nine" 2.0.
Now, I stilt had not chance to play your 2.1 version as my last was "1.7.5", but if you plan to keep adding stuff to the game this might slowly lead to a "3.0" version (considering the original version).
So that's why I'm proposing. Is it possible to split things out? For now I think that your version is a an "improved" version of 1.7.5 Which is great, but if things keep moving on and the system will get changed I think that it would be great to leave behind a 2.0 version of the game and start a 3.0 that will almost be a total different game while keeping the same name.
But I think there's no way--for time management sake, and readability of the version branches--that we're going to develop several different versions at once.
We're just going to go with our vision of what's the best for the game, while second guessing ourselves for every decisions, and never say no to rolling back changes that might have been "objectively" detrimental. We'll do our best to protect the game's legacy and not stripping the charm of it. And if some make fair points that some things were better in older versions, we'll consider bringing it back and cancelling our ideas that were good on paper (like the color overhaul I pushed for... as it is now, that was a mistake. But I'll work on it until it's perfect).