- Sep 12, 2020
- 2,230
- 874
Other expense is mostly your standard of living. Discount depends on the intellect and secretary skill (and secretary trait) of your assistant and/or slave if assigned to do the accounting.I have a question. In the end of the game I have earned a legendary reputation, thus my character demands a decent house and extravagant living condition, which is really costly.
My weekly bill is about 1000 sparks, while training an A+ slave contract costs me 25-35 days, the earning $3500 can hardly cover the costs. Now I earn much less than when I was at B+ reputation level.
Can someone please teach me how to reduce the cost while will not decrease the mood? What determines the "other expense" and "discount" in my weekly bill? I'll be grateful.
Supplementing income with the arena race and battles (at legendary reputation, you can have 5 slaves compete each decade) can offset the cost of living expenses. A productive cow in the barn can net you a couple of hundred sparks each decade. You can also hunt in the Fogs and sell the girls you rescue.