No at this point don't make her drink the water. Give her the wedding dress and the slippers, set sleep location to your bed. If she has a slave collar change it for ornamented collar, gives the same benefits without lowering mood.
Remove the despair with erotic rewards and fun free time. Hot springs are very good becouse they lower despair, clean her completely, increase mood and cost 0 energy.
Increase taming! Don't have her wear the pony gear all the time as they decrease mood and lower her performance with tasks and make her refuse them. Then you get into a loop of fail -> punish -> mood 0 -> fail every task. If mood low make her do something you know she will not fail so you can reward her and increase mood. Also do this when she failed something and got massive guilt, getting merit while having guilt lowers the guilt, so you don't have to use the hard punishments.
Ask how she feels so you know which mood buffs she does not have. Possible buffs:
Clothes, Went on a date, ended previous day with at least half an energy orb, you used moral encouragement reward / encourage influence, slept in your bed and liked it, slept in a boudoir (lasts for a bunch of days even after sleeping just once), recieved erotic reward, had an orgasm, had an active sex during which reached the orgasm loop.
You always want her mood to be as high as her current Devotion and Despair allow.