- Apr 12, 2021
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On my side, with 2.2.1, after selling an S+ slave and auction and then selling an F- slave (with full spa treatment) at auction, the F- slave sells for 15 sparks. A D- slave sold for 25 sparks.
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I can't figure out the matter from codes, but during auction, as long as two buyer have unreasonable budget, the two of them will bid repeatedly.
So what caused this unreasonable, maybe it has something to do with some parameters' initialization?
!TODO: pre-seed random rolls at decade start
gs '$slave_price', 'slave'
auction_count = 10
killvar '$auction_flow'
u = 2
!Determination of the bidders
killvar '$auction_participant'
killvar 'random_demand'
n = arrsize('$auction_buyer')
i = 0
e = 0
i += 1
if npc_participation_chance[$auction_buyer[i]] > 0:
e += 1
$auction_participant[e] = $auction_buyer[i]
!To make the NPCs not quite so static… maybe they are hard up this decade, or have been saving up
!This is an auction after all, anything goes. Watch a few seasons of Storage Wars - Frobozz
a = ((day * e - i) mod 9) &! deterministic pseudo-random numbers instead of rand(0,8)
if a > 0 and a < 10: random_demand[e] = demand_rating[$auction_participant[e]] + (a - 4)
!0 is just no interest today, 10 is sky is the limit… dig into savings to get something great.
if random_demand[e] < 0 or a = 0: random_demand[e] = 0
if random_demand[e] > 8 or a = 8: random_demand[e] = 8
if i < n-1: jump 'auction_participation_loop'
n = arrsize ('$auction_participant')
n -= 1
i = 0
i += 1
if slave_specialisation[$interesting_specialisation[$auction_participant[i]]] = 1:
a = ((day * n + i) mod 18) &! deterministic pseudo-random numbers instead of rand(0,17)
a += demand_rating[$auction_participant[i]]
participant_interest[$auction_participant[i]] = charm + slave['prestige'] - a
!If the product meets or exceeds the participants standards, much higher chance theyll want it and the only issue is that of money.
if demand_rating[$auction_participant[i]] <= rating:
rises = participant_interest[$auction_participant[i]]
!Lets make this scale like the routine below. Levels above expectation should scale accordingly. - Frobozz
r = rating - demand_rating[$auction_participant[i]]
rises += r
!Now, some high-rollers wont feel like spending a lot today, and likewise some smaller players may have a nest egg saved up for a good product.
b = auction_increment[random_demand[i]] * rises
cap_summ[$auction_participant[i]] = discount_price[rating] + b/2
!If the product is below the participants standards, the participant probably wont want it, but there is a possibility.
if demand_rating[$auction_participant[i]] > rating and participant_interest[$auction_participant[i]] > 0:
rises = participant_interest[$auction_participant[i]]
r = demand_rating[$auction_participant[i]] - rating
if r = 1: rises += 8
if r = 2: rises += 4
if r = 3: rises += 2
if r > 3: rises += 1
b = auction_increment[rating] * rises
cap_summ[$auction_participant[i]] = auction_price[rating] + b/2
if i < n: jump 'interest_loop'
bank_size = max(15, auction_increment[rating]) &! minimum value of a slave is 15 sparks (same as what 法里德 pays for F- rating) - ImperatorAugustus
$auction_flow[1] = ' 中间商的起拍价是 <<bank_size>> 金币.如果没有更高的出价, <<$slave_name>> 会以该价格卖给他.'
$auc_winner = 'Middleman'
y = 0
i = 0
a = 0
u = 1
x = 1
i += 1
if bank_size < cap_summ[$auction_participant[i]] and i ! y:
bet_multipler = 1 + ((day * u + i) mod 2) &! deterministic pseudo-random numbers instead of rand(1,3)
bet_size = auction_increment[rating] * bet_multipler
if demand_rating[$auction_participant[i]] > rating:
bet_size += auction_random[rating]
bet_size += auction_random[demand_rating[$auction_participant[i]]]
bet_size -= ((day * rating + u * x) mod i) * 5
if bet_size > 0:
bank_size += bet_size
$auction_flow[u] = ' <<$npc_name[$auction_participant[i]]>> 下注 <<bet_size>> 更多 或将赌注提高到 <<bank_size>>.'
$auc_winner = $npc_name[$auction_participant[i]]
y = i
x = 1
u += 1
i = 0
jump 'torg_loop'
if i < n: jump 'torg_loop'
$auction_hammer[1] = ' [拍卖师]<br>- <<bank_size>> 金币,一次!'
$auction_hammer[2] = ' [拍卖师]<br>- <<bank_size>> 金币,二次! 难道这是最终价格?'
$auction_hammer[3] = ' [拍卖师]<br>- <<bank_size>> 金币,三次! 成交!!! 最终价格: <<bank_size>>. 买家: <<$auc_winner>>.'
$auction_flow[u] = $auction_hammer[x]
i = 0
u += 1
if x < 3:
x += 1
jump 'torg_loop'
sparks_get = bank_size
master_moodlet['pos_deal'] = 3
guild_reputation_rate += rating/3
interaction_city = 931
gt 'interaction_city'