Same here, about pregnancy and nympho problem.
can't complete these two in felicity quest in 2.2 , so I try to find out the problem in thread page by page.
then finally got that maybe I should try 2.21 , then I download 2.21 and use my old save file to start buying a new slave .
in the progress to traning a new S+ slave , just like the old time,
start trying to breed a relax vaginal sex once everyday from day 30~40 , the day that she will complete obey, like felicity.
and she surely got pregnanced in day 85 then aborded, while other sex skills are already trained to S+.
but it's still a very randomly event to plan, and I continue to do gang-bang and relax vaginal sex 5 times a day to day 130.
NO, still don't get the nympo nor pregnancy again , so here I must ask : what exactly activity should raise the nympho bar ???
we can finish prevert by fetish ; bi-sexual by threesome ; exhibition by shaming punish or training even gang-bang will do.
these will all just need less than 10days , but why that hard to get the nympho ??? 20+ salves trained , and no one got that.
if these two problem is that uncontrolable for players now , maybe it's not a good idea to play felicity quest in this version.
it's just a trait,like other sexual traits, truly not worth it to spend that many operation in it, for reference. thanks!!