I was thinking further about a no-kill playthough, and Fog fiends.
Getting a fog fiend currently requires a kill, either directly, or indirectly from the smugglers. And to some degree this is fine, it increases food costs, and gates a lot of potions and anything requiring perfect xenophilia.
But it does make the felicity quest impossible. herm.
It got me thinking if there should be a third way of acquiring a fiend. Maybe knocking one out in the fog battles, but moreso I was thinking, on the day before the slave would die from a xenobirth, you could take her to the doc, and have him do his borderline miraculous surgery (perhaps at great expense) to C-section out the fiend, thus earning yourself a fiend and keeping the slave alive. Or perhaps, more disgustingly(thematically?), just leaving the slave at the hospital overnight, for the 'natural birth', but the doc is there ready to put things back where they belong. (that might be 'fun' solely for the despair and fear pips i would imagine it would grant)
Not sure how much this should cost. On one hand, a slave at the hospital with a mortal wound is 100 sparks. I would imagine that natural fiend birth is about that traumatic, and the smugglers also charge 100 sparks (which i coulda swore was higher). But also you get to keep the slave. My initial gut says 250 sparks, as sort of a 'unnecessary operation' + 'fiend transportation surcharge' from the doc, but I could also easily see a lot of other numbers as well given the prices of other surgeries.
Anyway, just thoughts I had. what do you guys think? stupid idea?