Sorry for writing here again and again, but now I am really excited to modify some parts of game. In old version was no Qgen folder, so I could only change one image to another (or to animation). Now with access to game code, it's much better to act. So, this version route to main menu is like 'launch .exe => achtung => game menu. Old version route have one more step, as I said before: achtung => wall => game menu. That wall page suits to mini games much better, since there is no menu options, only 1 text button at the bottom (just like achtung page, which have 2 buttons //there is no point in 'Exit immediately' button, since it brings you to game over page and not closing game, so we can remove button and modify text, to recommend close it if user disagree with game content). According to this, probably I will: 1. Keep increased amount of random wallpapers for main menu from 3 to 11 (maybe gonna edit total amount later); 2. Implement "wall.png" page back to game and will use it as ground for mini games. But here we have a field for one interesting and useful thing: basically, when no mini game activated by user (he will need to choose specific folder and replace it in game, to play roulette-style or wheel of fortune with friends or with couple), 'wall' page may consist of a folder containing images from wall01.png to wall37.png. Actually it can be the same image, but with different description. When you played another games (let's say some MMORPG), can see loading screen and some text tips, which can be useful for new players. Same as in old version of game, wall01.png can describe information about player's role in this game; wall02.png can describe game world. And another .png can tell stories about different NPC, or describe some weapons, game activities (teaching slave, fighting) etc. This game can get some fresh update and implement brand new elements. Guys, what you think about it? Would like to know about your own vision how game can be modified, to take it to the next level.