
Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2019
A little sneak peek at Lexie's room.

View attachment 1975307

As episode 01 takes shape, I'm working in parallel to release a little bonus story with Lexie by early September. Haven't you wondered what Lexie might have done when she got home from sleeping at Jason's place ?
This little bonus will be integrated into the game with the release of episode 01, it will allow you to customize Lexie's pubic hair and make new discoveries.
Whow what a hottie! :love: With her hair down she doesn't look like she's holding it up either:p
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Lexie lecoeur

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Game Developer
Sep 18, 2021

The bonus update is coming soon. Tell me how you would like to shave Lexie? Because that's what this update will allow for the upcoming scenes in episode 01.
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Lexie lecoeur

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Sep 18, 2021
New version ? No, just a bonus !

So what will the Bonus version bring, which I hope will arrive in early September?
- the possibility to name the saves,
- the possibility to adjust the transparency of the layer thought,
- the consultation of the "Love Interest" sheets, which will gather a lot of information about the character, his attraction towards the player, his gallery, the sexual acts practiced together, his preferences, the possibility to choose his representation on the sheet, launch bonus scenes that will allow to change the look in game. The first bonus will be Lexie's hair removal session.
Any other ideas, let me know.
And the development of episode 01. How far along is it?
- It takes a lot of time and I don't have much. My main job keeps me busy.
But I can tell you that I'm at about 200 renders. The story continues, Jason is getting to know his new job. Lexie is taking her exams, Marya is still working in the back alley and Rita, Erik's girlfriend, still can't believe what she saw... and believe me, Rita always gets what she wants!

Ass Fan

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 27, 2020
View attachment 1982528

The bonus update is coming soon. Tell me how you would like to shave Lexie? Because that's what this update will allow for the upcoming scenes in episode 01.
I'm new here but I'm already loving your game good work it's also good to see that we will be able to decide how the cut will be :D:p I'm already looking forward to this update.
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Lexie lecoeur

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Game Developer
Sep 18, 2021
Should JASON be translated into English? This is the question I ask myself, considering the interest of this audience in the game.
Wouldn't a German, Italian or Spanish translation be enough?

JASON doit il être traduit en anglais? C’est la question que je me pose au vu de l’intéressement de ce public là au jeu.
Est ce que des traduction allemande, italienne et espagnole ne suffiraient elles pas ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
Should JASON be translated into English? This is the question I ask myself, considering the interest of this audience in the game.
Wouldn't a German, Italian or Spanish translation be enough?

JASON doit il être traduit en anglais? C’est la question que je me pose au vu de l’intéressement de ce public là au jeu.
Est ce que des traduction allemande, italienne et espagnole ne suffiraient elles pas ?
Bit of an odd question to pose to an english speaking site isn't it?

Robert Monotoli

Active Member
Jun 16, 2018
Should JASON be translated into English? This is the question I ask myself, considering the interest of this audience in the game.
Wouldn't a German, Italian or Spanish translation be enough?

JASON doit il être traduit en anglais? C’est la question que je me pose au vu de l’intéressement de ce public là au jeu.
Est ce que des traduction allemande, italienne et espagnole ne suffiraient elles pas ?
I would strongly advise English translation, as it is literally the of the today's world. is the world's most spoken language and world's third most spoken native language (behind Standard Chinese and Spanish). It is the world's most spoken second language. It is official language or one of the official languages in fifty-nine (59) out of the world's 193 sovereign states (though, incidentally, they do not have official language status on national level in the United States and, ironically, the United Kingdom).

Frankly, in the view of how ubiquitous the English language are used across the Internet, even among non-native English speakers, a English translation is an absolute must if you want to ensure your game's marketability as far as possible.

Lexie lecoeur

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 18, 2021
I am aware of the importance of using the English language. But from the feedback I get from some English players compared to French players, I have the impression that their perception of the story is completely distorted.

Many English players do not perceive certain details of the story and even miss important events.

Is this a general case, or just some isolated cases that seem to me to be a generality?

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
The power is in your hands. What are the paramount events we must do to advance?
Apart from cheeky language or colourful nonsense you might giggle to in French
but will let us long faced in English, you could lay down the laws of playing this game:

The ”do-s” we have to do to advance:
1-talk to Lindsay on day 12, 2-call Karl on day 32 ...
Many English players do not perceive certain details of the story and even miss important events.
The ”don”t-s” we have to avoid doing at all costs to avoid game overs:
1-Do not talk back to your landlady under any circumstances!
2-Do not go in the car after nine o”clock in the evening!
3-Do not throw away the flowers!

The examples above are only to illustrate the simple help you could tell to avoid confusion.
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Aug 7, 2017
Now I'm curious as to what people are missing, especially as to why it would seem to be limited to English speaker. Have I missed them, too?
EDIT-Removed me being dumb.
A lot of things are just teeny tiny itty bitty details that are easy to miss. Maybe it's my computer. But if things like THAT are what English speakers are missing, I'm even more befuddled.
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Lexie lecoeur

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 18, 2021
Now I'm curious as to what people are missing, especially as to why it would seem to be limited to English speaker. Have I missed them, too?
EDIT-Removed me being dumb.
A lot of things are just teeny tiny itty bitty details that are easy to miss. Maybe it's my computer. But if things like THAT are what English speakers are missing, I'm even more befuddled.
I'm not talking about this kind of details but rather in the understanding of the story and some translations that I'm sure are not translated correctly.

- Did you make the difference between the different personality choices of Lexie?
- Can you imagine what happened in the nightclub on Saturday night?
- Who knocked over the MC when he came out of the grocery store and for what reason?
- Who is the girl on the bus?
- Who is the blonde woman who gets into the elevator at the end of the prologue?

I ask myself these questions because they matter and I need to know if I can get these different messages across. If not, I have to rethink the way I build the game for episode 01.
The feedback from the French players is good and they understand the story. The English players' feedback is rather unclear from what I've read.
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
I'm not talking about this kind of details but rather in the understanding of the story and some translations that I'm sure are not translated correctly.

- Did you make the difference between the different personality choices of Lexie?
- Can you imagine what happened in the nightclub on Saturday night?
- Who knocked over the MC when he came out of the grocery store and for what reason?
- Who is the girl on the bus?
- Who is the blonde woman who gets into the elevator at the end of the prologue?

I ask myself these questions because they matter and I need to know if I can get these different messages across. If not, I have to rethink the way I build the game for episode 01.
The feedback from the French players is good and they understand the story. The English players' feedback is rather unclear from what I've read.
Now I'm even more curious!
-I get how "tactil and naughty" could be a bit vague, but I had a general idea what it meant, and Lexie's other personalities seemed pretty obvious.
But most of that stuff seems so obvious to me that I'm wondering if you made it obvious after people didn't understand, or if I, too, am missing something.
-Alright, I can see how some translation issues could confuse some people a little bit about the nightclub. "bow-wow", for instance, though I understood from context. And at one point the text reads like the woman in the car is talking to Sandra rather than about Sandra. But I take it the guy dressed as a priest works for the big guy in the limo, who sent him to check on the club run by... black-and-orange lady with the lightning earrings. And it was about drugs or some other illicit/illegal thing she sells for him. What exactly happened is unclear, I guess, but I figure we'll learn more later. (Sandra isn't dead, is she?!)
-A thief knocked over the MC because they were stealing from the porn store and running away. Is there more to it than that?
-The girl on the bus is that thief. Were people confused because the store owner referred to the thief as "he"? Um, she was disguised, with a hood over her face, and she's a tomboy anyway. Why couldn't the store owner think the thief was a man? The thief had distinctive tattoos on their hands, and the girl is wearing one of those shirts with sleeves so long they have thumb holes--TO HIDE HER DISTINCTIVE HAND TATTOOS. WHICH WE CAN STILL SEE IF WE LOOK FOR THEM. There's something about the MC not having 'a mark', but that seems like information we'll be getting later.
-If people didn't get that the blonde in the elevator was the girl from the nightclub before she looks in the camera and says 'Fresh blood!', then sure, it's hard to remember every face. But if people weren't getting that after she basically transforms in front of us, then I can't even... It must be some other thing that I'm also missing, right?!


Nov 1, 2019
As a non-native english speaker, i can't imagine how someone didn't undererstand the story up until now.
My guess is its either just some isolated cases. Or these "critics" require every tiny detail of the story presented to them on a silver plater and spoonfed, since most "porn stories" do it, instead of letting the reader use its brain.

I like the writing so far. Please continue like this. :)


Dec 14, 2020
I'll add my voice to the "no problem understanding" crowd. Even if English is my third language, and considering my French is so rusted that I played the English version, I didn't have any problem understanding the narrative of Jason and appreciated it's nuances and subtleties. I'll just go and guess it's a newer generation problem.
Growing up in Europe in a very small country meant having a wide array of cultural inputs from everywhere. Every TV show and series had subtitles which help familiarize with foreign languages and culture. And, of course, centuries of literature added to the understanding of figures of speech, idioms, exercises of rhetoric and said nuances and subtleties. Yeah, I read a lot.
Nowadays, I'm noticing that the most recent books and TV series and shows go a long way to decompose every event to the most basic explanation. God forbid leaving the viewers in any kind of doubt of what could have happened or meant! It's a trend in every genre. Unfortunately!
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Aug 7, 2017
I will say that the English translation could use the eyes of a more fluent English-speaker, but even when I had no idea what something meant, I could use context to figure it out, and I'd usually connect the dots as to etymology.
For example: After you close the door on Rita and your friend, one option is to look through the Judas. I have never heard a door's peephole referred to as a "Judas". Still, the fact I'm standing next to an apartment door and it asked me if I wanted to look through something made it obvious it meant "peephole". And then knowing Judas was known for betrayal, I was even able to put it together that "Oh! A peephole 'betrays' the person behind the door because it lets you see them."
Which may not be the origin of the term in (I presume) French, but it works for me.


Dec 2, 2018
I will say that the English translation could use the eyes of a more fluent English-speaker, but even when I had no idea what something meant, I could use context to figure it out, and I'd usually connect the dots as to etymology.
For example: After you close the door on Rita and your friend, one option is to look through the Judas. I have never heard a door's peephole referred to as a "Judas". Still, the fact I'm standing next to an apartment door and it asked me if I wanted to look through something made it obvious it meant "peephole". And then knowing Judas was known for betrayal, I was even able to put it together that "Oh! A peephole 'betrays' the person behind the door because it lets you see them."
Which may not be the origin of the term in (I presume) French, but it works for me.
I'm french, and I could be wrong, but I'm quite sure that it's the origin of the word in French ;)


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
I'm french, and I could be wrong, but I'm quite sure that it's the origin of the word in French ;)
Is it true that the name of the historic French region of Languedoc basically means "people who say yes by saying 'oc' [instead of 'oi']"? That blew my mind when I learned that.


Dec 2, 2018
Is it true that the name of the historic French region of Languedoc basically means "people who say yes by saying 'oc' [instead of 'oi']"? That blew my mind when I learned that.
well, not exactly ^^ As far as I know, I no linguist ^^
Languedoc = Langue d'Oc ("Language of Oc" => Refers to Occitanie (a huge historical geographical area, much wider then the sole Languedoc ))
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Aug 7, 2017
well, not exactly ^^ As far as I know, I no linguist ^^
Languedoc = Langue d'Oc ("Language of Oc" => Refers to Occitanie (a huge historical geographical area, much wider then the sole Languedoc ))
Well Wikipedia explains, in the middle ages, the dialects of France were split into langues d'oïl and langues d'oc--and Dante wrote an essay on Latin languages, splitting them into "those who say 'oi', those who say 'oc', and those who say 'si'".
I think the answer to my question is probably "indirectly, if you think about it in a certain way, then yes. I guess."
--American with knowledge of medieval Europe and a passing passion for linguistics... but is still an American, so inherently thinks they know more than they actually do. :p
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