4.10 star(s) 186 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
"Small" addition to my previous post, just because I find this shit to be quite hilarious.

July 25th, Stoper starts working on the "last scene"
(Is the first part already hinting at the "issues" he described in his latest devblog?)

August 10th, Stoper "getting closer" and still aiming for an August release

August 23rd, Stoper suddenly coming up with Jess' "blazer issues", can't make it in August

(we are already in mid-September by now, still no news..obviously)

Something I find quite interesting about the issues he's mentioned. Jess' is surely wearing her blazer at the very beginning of the day upon leaving for work, and stoper had apparently noticed the issues after having created a couple dozen renders. Now think about it...He's mentioned issues with clothing in his July 25th devblog... Does that mean he's started working on the next day sometime in July, roughly 8 months after the last update? I mean, it's only been a couple dozen renders until he's noticed these issues, and the only thing prior to the new day was a missing branch which is supposedly a small event with Jess' and Conner after her meeting with Parker. And that event was supposedly finished in February I believe. So, what exactly has stoper been doing all these months before, in-between and after? You guessed it! Nothing!

And incase he's only recently noticed the issues with Jess' blazer, that would beg for different questions. He's supposedly working on the last scene for almost 2 months now, but somehow noticed issues with Jess' clothes in roughly mid-August when he was already working on the last bits of the update? How does that make any sense? That's right, it doesn't!

The guy is barely working for more than 2, maybe 3 months per cycle, but so rarely that it's taking him up to a year at this point to release the tiniest updates. Same thing could be seen during the last development cycle, but I'm not pulling those posts up again. Anyway...

September 11th, Stoper still working on the scene, no writing with Amanda yet

Unlikely that we'll be seeing a release this month.

That's it from me. Have a nice day!


Engaged Member
May 4, 2018
He could fix that in photoshop pretty easily I think.

I didn't even notice it until I saw the post with literal arrows pointed at it.
You know, your abilities are limited..... you should not compare yourself to people like this:
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Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Something I find quite interesting about the issues he's mentioned. Jess' is surely wearing her blazer at the very beginning of the day upon leaving for work, and stoper had apparently noticed the issues after having created a couple dozen renders. Now think about it...He's mentioned issues with clothing in his July 25th devblog... Does that mean he's started working on the next day sometime in July, roughly 8 months after the last update?
I don't know how long and how much is Stoper working on the last scene or anything else. That said, you miss the focus: every developer has got issues with posing clothing. Stoper had that problems too, since when? Since the beginning, because it's a well known problem that I myself know about even if I never used DAZ. Some assets are more difficult than others to pose (the blazer must be one of them). You can see the problem youself just playing VNs, because most developers don't care to fix everything, or simply miss the errors. Stoper seems to be very autistic about posing errors. That's a fact. Does that mean that he works all days at JOHN? No, I can't know, you cannot, nobody can. I think he doesn't, at least not always. He's late? Yeah, everybody agrees. Do we lose money for that? No. Should his paying supporters complain? Well, I suppose they should, yeah.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
I don't know how long and how much is Stoper working on the last scene or anything else. That said, you miss the focus: every developer has got issues with posing clothing. Stoper had that problems too, since when? Since the beginning, because it's a well known problem that I myself know about even if I never used DAZ. Some assets are more difficult than others to pose (the blazer must be one of them). You can see the problem youself just playing VNs, because most developers don't care to fix everything, or simply miss the errors. Stoper seems to be very autistic about posing errors. That's a fact. Does that mean that he works all days at JOHN? No, I can't know, you cannot, nobody can. I think he doesn't, at least not always. He's late? Yeah, everybody agrees. Do we lose money for that? No. Should his paying supporters complain? Well, I suppose they should, yeah.
You're missing the point. Stoper is clearly trying to connect the delays with faulty renders by saying he's noticed those issues after he's made a couple dozen of them, while on the other hand mentioning how the fix wasn't all that complex. He's going on and on about what supposedly went wrong, just to suddenly say he won't "bore people with details" as to how he fixed it. It's nonsense. The first render with Jess' wearing that blazer was made as early as March/April (see devblog #116, Jess' arriving at work).

"This is what happened with Jessica's blazer in this update. I had already made dozens of renders with the outfit, when I noticed a weird issue with the edge of the blazer. ....> So I had to find a workaround. I won't bore you with the details, but it wasn't something complex. I had to re-render some images, and it did add an annoying extra step in the workflow for each image where Jess is wearing the blazer. But I like how it looks, so I'll probably use it in again the future, however annoying it may be."

This is literally him setting up another excuse for future use. It is another layer of bullshit for when things take forever, and a way for him to justify it. So when you're saying he's got these problems since the very beginning, you're missing the important part. He's pretending to add another "step" out of nowhere, which is supposedly taking more time, when it was never required since the very beginning. The very beginning you mentioned, by the way. Now tell me he's not straight up lying. He's literally said in November/December last year that he's gonna cut corners on details and clothing to speed up development, and now he's doing the exact opposite. He's also said that his new rig would hopefully reduce the time required for that kind of stuff. But nope, everything is going the opposite direction.

He's never making his own set deadlines and promises. He simply is lying to his financial supporters, period.

That said, you miss the focus: every developer has got issues with posing clothing. Stoper had that problems too, since when? Since the beginning
No sir, you clearly are the one missing everything here.

You are still ignoring the fact that stoper used to release updates within 2-3 month time with the exact same eye for details while working on other projects like 'Paola' at the same time. You are quite literally contradicting yourself when you're saying he's had these issues since the very beginning, because in the beginning he would still deliver 5-6x the amount of content compared to now.

Does that mean that he works all days at JOHN? No, I can't know, you cannot, nobody can.
You can and you do know. See my previous paragraph. Stop being naive.

Stoper is clearly not working much on this game anymore, but instead of being truthful about it, he's coming up with excuse after excuse, lie after lie. And why? Isn't it obvious? To try and keep as many supporters hooked while doing the absolute bare minimum. He is the one who said this is what pays the bills. He is the one who said he's doing it fulltime.

And I am the one saying that's complete bullshit.

4.10 star(s) 186 Votes