4.10 star(s) 186 Votes


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
You're missing the point. Stoper is clearly trying to connect the delays with faulty renders by saying he's noticed those issues after he's made a couple dozen of them, while on the other hand mentioning how the fix wasn't all that complex. He's going on and on about what supposedly went wrong, just to suddenly say he won't "bore people with details" as to how he fixed it. It's nonsense. The first render with Jess' wearing that blazer was made as early as March/April (see devblog #116, Jess' arriving at work).

"This is what happened with Jessica's blazer in this update. I had already made dozens of renders with the outfit, when I noticed a weird issue with the edge of the blazer. ....> So I had to find a workaround. I won't bore you with the details, but it wasn't something complex. I had to re-render some images, and it did add an annoying extra step in the workflow for each image where Jess is wearing the blazer. But I like how it looks, so I'll probably use it in again the future, however annoying it may be."

This is literally him setting up another excuse for future use. It is another layer of bullshit for when things take forever, and a way for him to justify it. So when you're saying he's got these problems since the very beginning, you're missing the important part. He's pretending to add another "step" out of nowhere, which is supposedly taking more time, when it was never required since the very beginning. The very beginning you mentioned, by the way. Now tell me he's not straight up lying. He's literally said in November/December last year that he's gonna cut corners on details and clothing to speed up development, and now he's doing the exact opposite. He's also said that his new rig would hopefully reduce the time required for that kind of stuff. But nope, everything is going the opposite direction.

He's never making his own set deadlines and promises. He simply is lying to his financial supporters, period.

No sir, you clearly are the one missing everything here.

You are still ignoring the fact that stoper used to release updates within 2-3 month time with the exact same eye for details while working on other projects like 'Paola' at the same time. You are quite literally contradicting yourself when you're saying he's had these issues since the very beginning, because in the beginning he would still deliver 5-6x the amount of content compared to now.

You can and you do know. See my previous paragraph. Stop being naive.

Stoper is clearly not working much on this game anymore, but instead of being truthful about it, he's coming up with excuse after excuse, lie after lie. And why? Isn't it obvious? To try and keep as many supporters hooked while doing the absolute bare minimum. He is the one who said this is what pays the bills. He is the one who said he's doing it fulltime.

And I am the one saying that's complete bullshit.

From how I interpret it, the clothing problem was there since the beginning, because generally everyone has got it. This time he missed to detect the errors immediately and he had to fix them later. Then he implemented a new workflow to avoid the problem all together (at least for the blazer). Yes you're right he was faster at the beginning, but I don't know if the clothing that it's giving him errors is the same as the start or he changed it (he is one of the rare people here that use ZBrush so he could have made changes that complicated the compatibility). In addition, we also see that his quality has improved since the first release.

Do I think he's working at JOHN full time? No, as I written before. But that's just my and your supposition. He could really be wasting a lot of time looking for "errors" 95% of people would never notice.
While I am supposing that he has another paid job (I hope so for him), there is a chance he's working only at JOHN and just being very slow in developing because he has no clear vision and remakes the scenes often, or other problems. I don't even know how he works with the other partner, if she invents and writes the scenes before, or it's him to tell her what to write. It could be he's really bad at managing the workflow, as he's bad at communication. I don't think he's good at project management, he has an artist's approach that does not goes well with a monthly Patreon schedule.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
No, this site are full of milkers and annoying creators with their cheap promises
Do you know what kind of site this actually is? Apparently not?
To be clear this is a pirate site. This site owns you absolutely nothing.
Why do you come here to complain? You're free to leave the site. Nobody is forcing you to visit.
If you actually a Patreon of him go complain there. IF not well complain all you want, nobody cares.

You know what this site is also full of? Whiners and lots of farmers apparently, cause some people just can't stop talking about milking stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
Do you know what kind of site this actually is? Apparently not?
To be clear this is a pirate site. This site owns you absolutely nothing.
Why do you come here to complain? You're free to leave the site. Nobody is forcing you to visit.
If you actually a Patreon of him go complain there. IF not well complain all you want, nobody cares.

You know what this site is also full of? Whiners and lots of farmers apparently, cause some people just can't stop talking about milking stuff.
Apart from being a pirate site, this website is mainly a forum. A forum where people discuss the game's that are being shared, aswell as development processes and the developers behind it. Some developers are doing great, others..uhm, yeah. For various reasons, that is. And so people have opinions they are going to share, both positive and negative of nature. That's what a forum is for.

The general tone of a game's thread is usually dictated by how well the game is doing in terms of development time, content, flow of information among other things.

That said, this thread went down the drain alongside the game's development and stoper's bogus statements. I mean sure, the community itself plays a major role in it, but you can't expect fans of this project to act like everything is milk and honey when things slowly turn to shit year after year. Check posts in this thread made 3+ years ago, you'll notice that this used to be a much happier place, and in my opinion there's damn good reasons for it.

You are right, F95 does not owe us anything, but we are still here to discuss things and share opinions. You might not care unless it's people praising everything, but there are enough people who do like to read about other peoples opinions, me included. Doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, but telling users to go elsewhere because you don't like what they have to say has never been useful input.

I'd rather read posts from users hating or praising the game than someone telling others to go away or acting like nobody cares about what they have to say as that is- more than anything else, ruining the purpose of a forum.

Other than that, I agree that the post you replied to wasn't useful at all. lol



Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Apart from being a pirate site, this website is mainly a forum. A forum where people discuss the game's that are being shared, aswell as development processes and the developers behind it. Some developers are doing great, others..uhm, yeah. For various reasons, that is. And so people have opinions they are going to share, both positive and negative of nature. That's what a forum is for.

The general tone of a game's thread is usually dictated by how well the game is doing in terms of development time, content, flow of information among other things.

That said, this thread went down the drain alongside the game's development and stoper's bogus statements. I mean sure, the community itself plays a major role in it, but you can't expect fans of this project to act like everything is milk and honey when things slowly turn to shit year after year. Check posts in this thread made 3+ years ago, you'll notice that this used to be a much happier place, and in my opinion there's damn good reasons for it.

You are right, F95 does not owe us anything, but we are still here to discuss things and share opinions. You might not care unless it's people praising everything, but there are enough people who do like to read about other peoples opinions, me included. Doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, but telling users to go elsewhere because you don't like what they have to say has never been useful input.

I'd rather read posts from users hating or praising the game than someone telling others to go away or acting like nobody cares about what they have to say as that is- more than anything else, ruining the purpose of a forum.

Other than that, I agree that the post you replied to wasn't useful at all. lol

People really don't remember, or know, that this thread was one of the most positive and supportive on F95. All they see now is the complaining, but they don't remember or see the years of positivity and the slow meltdown. They don't see Stoper's participation in the thread quickly unraveling as the questions got tougher. Yeah, this thread is pretty toxic now, but it wasn't always this way and it and it isn't this way because it's fun, it's the way it is because of Stoper's actions.


Dec 26, 2021
Apart from being a pirate site, this website is mainly a forum. A forum where people discuss the game's that are being shared, aswell as development processes and the developers behind it. Some developers are doing great, others..uhm, yeah. For various reasons, that is. And so people have opinions they are going to share, both positive and negative of nature. That's what a forum is for.

The general tone of a game's thread is usually dictated by how well the game is doing in terms of development time, content, flow of information among other things.

That said, this thread went down the drain alongside the game's development and stoper's bogus statements. I mean sure, the community itself plays a major role in it, but you can't expect fans of this project to act like everything is milk and honey when things slowly turn to shit year after year. Check posts in this thread made 3+ years ago, you'll notice that this used to be a much happier place, and in my opinion there's damn good reasons for it.

You are right, F95 does not owe us anything, but we are still here to discuss things and share opinions. You might not care unless it's people praising everything, but there are enough people who do like to read about other peoples opinions, me included. Doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, but telling users to go elsewhere because you don't like what they have to say has never been useful input.

I'd rather read posts from users hating or praising the game than someone telling others to go away or acting like nobody cares about what they have to say as that is- more than anything else, ruining the purpose of a forum.

Other than that, I agree that the post you replied to wasn't useful at all. lol

Not to forget the most important aspect of this site which alot of these holier than thou defenders love to conveniently forget and that is that this site is the biggest porn game advertising platform that exists out there.
This thread was created by none other than the developer of this game stoper himself to advertise his game to this sites massive user base and in return open himself to all their opinions via his own accord in exchange for hopes of monetary benefits on patreon.
There is also a similar case of people in this thread and his patrons eventually dropping the game during the past 2 updates as stopers so called sympathetic issues after a while just turn out to be pathetic excuses that he exploits to no end.


Nov 6, 2018
People really don't remember, or know, that this thread was one of the most positive and supportive on F95. All they see now is the complaining, but they don't remember or see the years of positivity and the slow meltdown. They don't see Stoper's participation in the thread quickly unraveling as the questions got tougher. Yeah, this thread is pretty toxic now, but it wasn't always this way and it and it isn't this way because it's fun, it's the way it is because of Stoper's actions.
I've been here since the very first page, and I haven't seen anything funny here. On the positive side, Stoper communicated with fans and answered their questions, but I consider this normal and natural. But this happened only in the first year of the game's development. Then, as everyone knows, things started to swing in different directions, different projects and everything went wrong, delays, excuses...


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
Apart from being a pirate site, this website is mainly a forum. A forum where people discuss the game's that are being shared, aswell as development processes and the developers behind it. Some developers are doing great, others..uhm, yeah. For various reasons, that is. And so people have opinions they are going to share, both positive and negative of nature. That's what a forum is for.

The general tone of a game's thread is usually dictated by how well the game is doing in terms of development time, content, flow of information among other things.

That said, this thread went down the drain alongside the game's development and stoper's bogus statements. I mean sure, the community itself plays a major role in it, but you can't expect fans of this project to act like everything is milk and honey when things slowly turn to shit year after year. Check posts in this thread made 3+ years ago, you'll notice that this used to be a much happier place, and in my opinion there's damn good reasons for it.

You are right, F95 does not owe us anything, but we are still here to discuss things and share opinions. You might not care unless it's people praising everything, but there are enough people who do like to read about other peoples opinions, me included. Doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, but telling users to go elsewhere because you don't like what they have to say has never been useful input.

I'd rather read posts from users hating or praising the game than someone telling others to go away or acting like nobody cares about what they have to say as that is- more than anything else, ruining the purpose of a forum.

Other than that, I agree that the post you replied to wasn't useful at all. lol

Nobody says you can't complain or say anything negative (I sure didn't), but these whining one line toxic comments don't add anything to the whole discussion. There just pouring oil onto a fire. I just get tired of seeing those personally. Nothing I can do about it tho.


Dec 26, 2021
Nobody says you can't complain or say anything negative (I sure didn't), but these whining one line toxic comments don't add anything to the whole discussion. There just pouring oil onto a fire. I just get tired of seeing those personally. Nothing I can do about it tho.
Yes you definitely can, just ignore everyone that you think makes those "toxic" comments and enjoy.


Engaged Member
May 4, 2018
You got it all wrong, stopper started this thread to show is the glory PENIS from The CONNeR and how good he fucks Jess, again and again and again, until we got bore and stopper I mean The CONNoR got bored. We need a new girl for The CuNNER, so it get's spicy again and stopper is interested to explore her from in and out!
Problem solved.
Accept the fact The COmmER is the MC and you can forget Jess and her rendering issues... and focus on how he fucks girls.

Dom Toretto

Active Member
Apr 17, 2020
I have never seen so many people in denial it's sad you people can't come to terms this game is abandoned the Dev is bat shit crazy and would rather sit and drool over a made up character then to make a game and for those people who r still sending money to him for a game that's not coming you all might as well send the money to Donald Trump at least he will do something lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
I have never seen so many people in denial it's sad you people can't come to terms this game is abandoned the Dev is bat shit crazy and would rather sit and drool over a made up character then to make a game and for those people who r still sending money to him for a game that's not coming you all might as well send the money to Donald Trump at least he will do something lol
I wouldn't exactly call it abandoned as there's still new updates coming out. Problem is the massive amount of time in-between those updates and the fact that these gaps are getting bigger with every new release. There sure as hell aren't gonna be many updates left if it takes stoper an entire year to release something.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2020
Hello everyone! I wanted to post this here in April, then I got sick. Then I ask Amanda to check the text, unfortunately she fell asleep. So sorry for my bad English, she's still sleeping. So I continued working without her. At some point she woke up and I made an unnecessary render of her ass shake. Sorry for that. I was almost done with the post and we got dressed up and realized the clothes didn't fit! We've been looking for new clothes for a month! Thank you for your understanding! God may bless your money!!!
Last edited:

Candy Suxx

Active Member
Oct 11, 2019
Hi Everyone, I am about to say something that I have said many times before and you guys hate listening it but have no other choice since you are patrons giving me money. The update might be delayed for a while longer but don't worry it isn't because of those same cliche bullshit excuses that I normally give like bugs or codes or missing renders or health problems but something that is actually going on in my life. I mean the entire clothes not fixing crap was pure bullshit from my side.
If you have read the previous blog #112 then you know what I went through but after I recovered it suddenly dawned on me that instead of going around whitewashing my house ceilings of every room and shoving different stuff up my ass why not build something special for it. Something that gives those vibes and sensations that I crave for every day so i decided to build my self a red room just like the one in fifty shades where I will place my dildos and strap on collection along with all other stuff that I had been buying for a while since keeping them in my room where I work is a lot distracting.
Therefore for past few weeks I had construction going on in my house and it is almost finished. There are still a few things to be brought just like lubricants, anal plugs and beads. You know what's crazy I just found out that there is a Connor sex doll being sold on ebay..... Can You Believe it !!!!!! Its like the world wants us to be together be it via game or a sex doll. I just placed an order yesterday and dear lord I am horny as hell.

It's because of all this I couldn't get much time to work on the game and it ended up being delayed but I know you guys don't care since you love me enough to continue supporting me as you have done before. Still for those pirate morons on F95 who call me a milker and Connor Fucker here are the proofs that I am not lying. Thank you all for supporting me... not that you guys are getting any update from me before New Year, don't live in such delusions.

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4.10 star(s) 186 Votes