4.10 star(s) 186 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
Telling Patreons that your next update will likely be ready within 2-3 months, then doubling or even tripling the amount of development time
if I remember correctly, the meaning of stoper's answer was not that.
he generally intended that a reasonable time for each update would be 2-3 months.
but that wasn't his case.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Likely or intending is exactly what it says. People these days read/hear what they want. People see likely as a promise and its just idiotic. I mean come on, they harass the dev for a time frame until he gives an IDEA of how often the updates will be. Then they attack him for not living up to the IDEA of what he THINKS the time frame will be. He can't win and honestly the losers are the dev and the people waiting patiently. The dev because he is doing this work often times for very little in return and these ungrateful people won't STFU and let him do his work. The patient people are losers because who knows, the dev could do a better job, quicker job if he wasn't being harassed by idiots and maybe one day after being harassed over and over he will just say fuck it and stop the project. So please to all the assholes especially the ones that don't contribute anything to this dev, please STFU go get a life and stop being losers. I am so sick and tired of these ungrateful, entitled, I want it now people. You disgust me.
I get your frustration with low effort post that just bitch incessantly, but I feel like you're going too far in the other direction. I think there are ample reasons to criticize Stoper's project management skills at this point. Any artist producing a product for public consumption is going to catch criticism, and acting as if everyone should just shut up unless they have nice things to say is unreasonable. For a short time I did support him on Patreon, but it became clear that he was too inconsistent and flakey to justify my continued support. And that's the kind of feedback that he needs to hear.

More broadly I think the AVG industry is suffering from two related epidemics.

  1. An epidemic of low quality games- most of the games on the AVG industry are low effort shovelware. While they fill a very basic need, I think they make good games like JOHN stand out more clearly. Very few games come close to approaching JOHN in terms of overall quality. So a starved audience gravitates to a handful of games, with few alternatives.
  2. An epidemic failure in project management- Of the few games like JOHN, almost all in my experience struggle to balance ambition and reality. This is the most fundamental issue in project management. Players are left completely at the whim of devs that seem incapable of setting and sticking to a release schedule. We aren't talking about missing a release by a few days or a week, we're talking about a completely undefined time period. To his credit, Stoper has discussed openly how he changes the scope of each update late into the development cycle. I appreciate the honesty, but that's a horrible approach to managing your project. So we're left with games that feel like they're lost in space for months.
Basically, players are stuck with a handful of high quality games that are largely sporadically released and poorly managed. This creates a pressure cooker of a situation. It isn't that JOHN is talking forever, it's that every game like JOHN is taking forever. Players can bounce from one game to another only to get the same story; it's been months since the last release; no we don't have any idea when the next release will be ready; no, we aren't sure what will be included in the next release; no, we're years away from completion.

To me it is clear to see why these threads fill up with discontented players. The nature of the market feeds a toxic response that is neither healthy or helpful, but it's entirely predictable.

But again, I agree with you that there are too many low effort shit posters and it gets frustrating.


Aug 9, 2016
Stoper has always been slow. He also gets distracted making other things. He eventually delivers high quality content.

He's never going to produce content on a reliable schedule. Yet he's also not specifically blueballing people or milking the game; he's just slow and scattered.

I feel like people could look at the history for this game and either accept that's how stoper works or move on, including whether to support him on patreon. He definitely could make more money if he had better management, but stoper also hasn't given the impression that he even wants to release on a reliable schedule. I think he likes approaching art like this on his terms.

The art in this game is incredible, and I hope stoper continues to work on it. However if I were stoper, I'd pretty much never visit the negativity in this thread. If I did visit, I'd really be unmotivated to work on high quality art for people who are just going to yell at me because I'm slow and not making enough content for specific characters they like.

I think sometimes people get so caught up in creating negativity they forget that stoper doesn't have to show up for the abuse or even make this game. What's the goal? The beatings will continue until morale improves?
Aug 11, 2020
The update cycle is determined by the game's story and usually spans 1 ingame day. It's also determined by the tiny budget: currently $2350/month and less than $1000/month for most of the project's lifespan. It has nothing to do with "project management", "milking" or whatever fashionable buzzword you want to throw at it.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2018
Stoper is such a milker, almost came in my pants watching the bonus set. I am glad he doesn't shy away from penises.
He doesn't like to repeat things so we won't find a similar scene in JOHN though, I guess, which is a shame.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Dude in what fukin' country you livin' 2.7k (that's what is earning patreon already took the cut) is good money, stoper is in italy he can make a decent living from that money, in eastern europe you'd be rich with this kind of income the fuk i swear some of you have no ideea of the value of money...
I can't speak for Italy, but in the United States $2,700 before taxes is $32,400/year. That is the definition of barely getting by, and would qualify him for financial support in almost every state in the US. So while maybe BorgiaBou may have been wrong about Italy specifically, you're incorrect to act as though $2,700/year is good money everywhere.

Edit- To keep this on topic though, I would just reiterate that I think Stoper is leaving a lot of money on the table because of his development cycles. Clearly this is a passion project for him, and that's cool; but objectively I think there are thousands of dollars out there that he could earn if he was able to buckle down and put out consistent releases. Not everyone is driven by money, and Stoper is clearly not a greedy person, I'm just stating what I think is a fact- he could be financially much more successful with this project than he currently is.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
I can't speak for Italy, but in the United States $2,700 before taxes is $32,400/year. That is the definition of barely getting by, and would qualify him for financial support in almost every state in the US. So while maybe BorgiaBou may have been wrong about Italy specifically, you're incorrect to act as though $2,700/year is good money everywhere.
The heck has to do this with the usa i swear you american folks are so ignorant sometimes no wonder why the rest of the world "loves" your country so much, i clearly specify that he lives in Italy that's in Europe like i said he can have a decent living not a luxury living with that money in Italy in eastern Europe where i'm from with that you'd be rich and have a good life...
Stoper currently earns €2381 per month from his Patreon, and considering he started with €0, the average over 3 years is probably in the low €1000's. And like I said, this is a very unstable way to make a living, unless your name is DrPinkCake for example. The average salary in Italy is at around €2000, so right now he's slighty above average. You're also kinda missing the point here. It's not about the value of money.

If you're okay with living in a 1-room apartment without the possibility to buy nice things for yourself or your loved ones, that's totally fine, but there are people out there who have higher goals in life. And I'm not talking about poor countries where you don't have much of a choice or many chances for a better life considering the environments you might be stuck in.
Dude i have close friends who are working in Italy for 1800-2000€ and they get by just fine, they even manage to send back home to their loved ones some money monthly...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
1800-2000€ and they get by just fine
there are people out there who have higher goals in life
Do you see what I'm trying to say here? If you just want to "get by", that's fine.

Oh, and one more thing. I personally love the USA. Been there twice and it's a great country. And unlike what you say, not every country and it's citizens hate on the US. That's pretty dumb anyway if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
And why are you saying that? Stoper seems to be satisfied to "get by" with what he has now
Did you even read the previous posts? I'm not talking about Stoper, but about what BorgiaBou had to say about money. If Stoper or anyone is fine with just getting by, that's fine with me.
Jul 28, 2018
I can't speak for Italy, but in the United States $2,700 before taxes is $32,400/year. That is the definition of barely getting by, and would qualify him for financial support in almost every state in the US. So while maybe BorgiaBou may have been wrong about Italy specifically, you're incorrect to act as though $2,700/year is good money everywhere.

Edit- To keep this on topic though, I would just reiterate that I think Stoper is leaving a lot of money on the table because of his development cycles. Clearly this is a passion project for him, and that's cool; but objectively I think there are thousands of dollars out there that he could earn if he was able to buckle down and put out consistent releases. Not everyone is driven by money, and Stoper is clearly not a greedy person, I'm just stating what I think is a fact- he could be financially much more successful with this project than he currently is.
As a person who lived in Italy for a few months, and currently living in the US, I would say that 2300 euro in Italy in is like 5000 dollars in USA. Why? Because of the fucking rent. I pay 2500 for a slightly larger studio rn. In Italy this would cost me 650 to 700. And the doctors dont cost a fortune.

Though I think dev is making less than the amount shown. Patreon takes a cut and also the taxes. I would say the taxes alone is costing him 350 euros. But I think there are ways to get that lowered. So, even though he makes a "decent" wage, I don't think he is making bank. Though I think of he focused morehere, he would definitely grow faster.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
the fact is, most users think that increasing the gain increases the speed of development.
this is not true.
if not minimally.
sure more money can get you better hardware but we have had a lot of evidence that the delays are due to scene creation, and not hardware dependent.
the only solution would be to work in a team; but it is difficult for a craetore to transfer his ideas to others. we have an example on Summertime Saga: there are many in the team, but only DC designs the scenes; the same goes for L&P.
having said that, the update will certainly not come out, as I assumed, in November; Unfortunately.
this latest bonus set took a long time; I already told you what I think about it.
4.10 star(s) 186 Votes