- Nov 2, 2020
- 1,043
- 1,848
Its her name, Senami Rio.TY!! I can finally try it
Just one more question, what's the name for the girl in that game (24)?
The kanji for her name is 瀬南 which can be read as "Senami" or "Sena", but in one of the english versions it appeared as Rio i think, so i got confused s.s
Yes, people took it personally when I had to make hard choices and cut translations short due to lack of space to write it all in english, since I couldn't magically increase physical limit I had to deal with, it wasn't good enough for them.This is not a problem unique to F95, either, as it did happen several times on ULMF.
Then they took offense to my partials not being full translations, because they demanded full and it was either that or nothing for them.
After that they chose to start whining about lewds not being translated by me, when I clearly always stated that lewds will be done by someone else we had at our disposal (Magical Girl Buster and Miyui for example, loli games, not touching the lewds on those, just as we had intended with Rio, but apparently that rustled someone's jimmies, once again).
Then someone started to throw sass at me because I refused to break immersion for one of the demonlordette's way to refer humans as.
Then all the hundreds of troll accounts with 1-2 posts sending threats, insults, toxic walls of text at my PM, day after day, for weeks at time, which led me to ignore PM's altogether from almost everyone, even in here at F95.
When I stopped posting update progress, that was whole another shitstorm because apparently "I refused to listen feedback", which was only riddled with personal insults, rants and unreasonable demands or link begging.
I've had enough of that and have drawn line on the sand, cross that and you get nothing from me.
And yes, that apparently is something people see as me going on a power trip here on F95 or having a frail ego, since they are perhaps for the first time in their life, being set boundaries on and lose their marbles because of it.
I would gladly just put all these individuals on permanent ignore, but that would only gas the flames, making them groan about me being whatever insult they can think of with their brave keyboard warrior brains on a fresh account.
Back at ULMF, this kind of god damn shitstorm got so bad that forum moderators had to step in stop it from going on, more than once, more than I care to count.
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