Where uncensored version REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Maybe. I'm not sure actually.Isn't this the old one? I download from the new google drive link because i want to see the translation update.
I think this should answer your question. ↓I was gonna say i want to know how open Miyui rar as well but it seems inside the rar it use the old apk install folder so i'm installing Miyui first.
Edit : ehh i have succesfully install the first two link of Miyui but when i open the app it closed immidiately. I try to to download the last one with 2gb and 100% save file and see if it works.
Just a heads up. The APKs for 15) Miyui have been fixed. They are uploading to the cloud drive now. Even in exile, Cyber Eclipse delivers.
Yes, but some stuff have to be fixedCan we expect this to become available?
This is the link to JSK directory maybe this will help you.Hello I would like to find the translations of the latest JSK Studio games, I can't find them anywhere. Or I look badly sorry.
I'm looking for the English version of Serene, the girl who assault older men and the middle age man with special powers, is the demon lord elf endangered by the elf knightless and mistaken for a battle girl'object of vengeance.
Please? Help me
It's okay. I don't know how to read to begin with anyway.Now that's a wall of text, are you sure you didn't articulate your request thoroughly enough for the denizens of this thread among the many?
View attachment 1960396
THANK YOU to you and nintc! It was actually no.2... I forgot to make sure that folders beyond the direct parent used the latin characterset! Now everything works brilliantly.There are a few things you need to consider.
1) Use 32bit version with 32bit games. 64 with 64. You can see that the version of game with the UnityCrashHandler.exe. The version number is mentioned. If it's 32, it will be UnityCrashHandler32.exe.
2) Remember to check if your game directory or the folder does not have any Japanese characters. If it does, rename it to Latin/ English. This is a must.
3) The BepinEx zip has dll files & a BepinEx folder. The dlls outside that BepinEx folder should be in the folder where your game launcher it.
4) Be sure to extract the files properly in the designated place.
I appreciate the detail of your request. It's much prefered to the one sentence or even one word demands we usually see around here. I'll look over the JSK Directory and see what untranslated games it's missing. Note, the untranslated Flash games all have the mosaics removed.hello JSK fan fellows, good sirs
ok, so I open the google docs link on page 1, it opens to JSK Directory, but any link I open, everyone of em gave: Quota exceeded. Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. it doesn't even show the file, so I can't even do "Copy the file to your Google drive. Place it inside a folder. Download that folder as a zip". Is this normal or the mistake is on my side? this probably is related to a new game been released and everyone is visiting the google link like nuts? understandable. but still, does quota exceed can happen to every single link? it's like millions of people open and download them all in this one day
I did try Community JSK Studio Guide, the download link part gives the same JSK Directory link above, the game mirror Aceofwind mega link is dead. anyway not a big problem for me, I don't mind to wait for another 24hrs
now, the thing I want to ask you guys, are the games in the link are the most latest version as shown in their respective DL site page? if they are, do all of em are all already translated/edited version? for now, if possible, I only want to collect every JSK games in the original untouched ver, ie. still in Japanese, as one would get from DL site, as most updated latest version as possible. I could always find newest JSK games everywhere, torrents, H sharing forums/sites, but only when it 1st time got out, ie. v1.00, then most of the time, I couldn't find the updated ver
for example, lets focus on the last game, MG Buster Remake (then I'll move backwards to older titles), anyone knows where to find the latest ver (April 3rd, 2022)? just the original jap ver, not asking translated. in JSK directory there's this file: RJ382475 3-4-2022 update.zip, that looks like it, but it's in the translated part, while in the untranslated part, from what I see, it only has the flash games. some months ago when I found this thread, I did download SenpaiKouhai from the now dead google drive, hoping I would find untouched updated ver, turned out it's still v1.00 and translated. oh yeah for those who's interested in SenpaiKouhai v1.3 untouched, the latest one I think looking at its DL Site page, I found it on Anime Sharing forum luckily
forgive me if I'm asking in the wrong place, perhaps if someone knows places to get latest most updated JSK games (untouched original Japanese), plz do kindly tell. believe me I tried searching. wish I could just buy, but yeah country situation, blocking everything, also paying money to blocked sites is kinda difficult here. oh yeah the latest game also has bug with the paizuri scene, hope when the update is up, some good soul of fan fellows will share it here. just the untouched ori ver, sir, not asking for translated, not greedy here![]()
everything you need is in the community guide, just use CTRL+FSorry to disturb again, but what is the password for the files?
I did not understand what to do. Is there no password to come in?
Read the "Read me" section at the top of the JSK Directory.Sorry to disturb again, but what is the password for the files?
I did not understand what to do. Is there no password to come in?