The error in that image is going to stem from invalidly reading memory, as is evident in the first image (the huge negative numbers are a give-away). The .net version isn't an issue in this error -- really you'll only see the .net version being an issue at the startup of the application. My tool also doesn't care about locale, so that's not it. You only need to run it with admin rights if you're planning on changing things in memory, not reading - so that's not it. My current thought process is that Windows 10 has somehow limited how and what is able to read the memory of another process, though it's just a theory. The reason I'm not certain of this is because I'm not sure what version of windows you were using previously. It appears that Windows 8.1 introduced a "feature" which would've prohibited my tool from working on it (and there's nothing you can do as a user to allow my tool to bypass that protection). If you were running 8.1 previously and it's not working on Windows 10 now, I'd be completely lost as to a cause. Running Windows 7 it should've been fine (and was for me - I never used 8.1). I think no matter the underlying issue, it's going to be at the OS level. The game didn't change, and my tool hasn't changed... but Windows has. As for how you might get it to work, I'm not sure. You can try running it in Compatibility Mode set to Windows 7 - if it works let me know. Outside of that I'm afraid I couldn't offer much assistance. I tried to run the game so I could dig into it deeper, but I can't even run the game for whatever reason - something about a version mismatch *shrug*.
Edit: Also, my profile is set to allow members to start a conversation with me, so it's weird that you couldn't. Perhaps what I think "members" are (registered users) is different from what is truthful.