Okay, time for some transparency... while I rest my eyes for a minute:
Look folks, there's a ton of what I call "Misc" variables. These are always integers in SanchoMod terms (numbers used as points or tally) and are different from "Event" vars which are True/False. Tess has introduced a shit-ton of them in this update and almost none of them are presenting what their true purpose is going to be for. I'm putting all of them in the ChoiceGuide but I'm reluctant to put dozens of potentially nonsense stats in the Stat screens. I can add them later as needed. Also, this is making the ChoiceGuide much less informative... I'm letting you know what is changing but not what it will do because, well, I have no idea what they will or won't be used for in the future.
Just know this is a thing. It's not the first time we've been down this road so it'll all work out. Just don't start playing with the mod and think "WTF, this modder sux... he provides little to no info". I could make shit up and guess but that's not how I've ever made any guide. A guide must be binary... no gray area regarding info. That's what you expect so this is why it just won't be as fleshed out as Episodes 1 thru 6.