SisTeam is only relevent in terms of Kane 'aligning' with Olivia's goals and intentions. Olivia wants to take over the Karlsson Group, so basically, do you have her back on that objective? Conversely, while on this topic, SisBro is relevent in how much Olivia has Kanes back in the program. Does she want to keep her eye out for him. While we're also on the topic of the two main characters, while the PrincessEyes variable come from nearly all Kane choices, they are actually an Olivia variable in how Olivia views Kane, not the other way around (and in ep.8, the WorthySon points are actually Elena points, even though again, it's Kane who 'chooses' the points). Just to make sure you're clear on all that.
SisSub currently has no effect other than how she reacts to events and people around her in terms of choices affecting events within the Joy Facility and mainly the board members. Whether it has a longer term effect in terms of how Olivia interacts with Kane, we shall have to wait and see, hopefully though it will or my KaneDom/SisSub save will be pointless lol.
As for dom/sub Kane...well, two completely very different paths, completely. One is a pathetic simp loser (sorry...sorry sub guys hahahaha) and the other starts to take control of his life and move upo the 'corporate' ladder. Two completely different paths. Though go back a page and you will find my notes on the SubK5+ route, which starts as a sub and becomes a dom path but Kane stays sexually submissive.
On each path, Dom or Sub you will miss roughly half of the content of the VN basically. Each path is unique other than world events that everyone sees. As fpor do/don't suggestions, I would personally recommend trying to start as a K6 Good/Dom...get MeetDominique points (do not get more than 1 MeetVeronica points), get her sponsorship immediately and be sure to keep Junko's Romance Open, she will fast-track you to K7 (what you do and with who matters not after this) so can end Ep.07 at K9 (which should end you as a K10/M1 at the end of 8Part3). That would be my advised recommended first save. With Good/Dom/IOlivia as a LI (as think this is pretty obviously the cannon route).
No offence dude...but have you any idea how many variables, points, flags and different choices can be made in this? I'm guessing not and you're just lazy and want other folk to do everything for you. If you had perhaps said, does anyone have a save with x, y, z, and ab flagged, I might have be inclined to help you...
It will take 10 to 15 mins to skip through the content to create an end of 0.7Final save. I suggest you do that, and maybe a please wouldn't go amiss next time either.