Wut? it's not "people", just Nadia. And, btw, maybe it's not even a bribe, Vernoica says they've made an agreement... so who knows.Why does everybody think a ticket to the island keeps people in check? The way I understand it, the only people who know of the island's true purpose are Astrid and Veronica. Nadia probably learned of its existence, and leveraged said knowledge into a meeting with Kane but I doubt that Cynthia knows anything about said island. Definitely not enough to keep her in check. I assume she's behaving herself because dumb ass Callista gave them a valuable hostage and they dare not make a move for fear of what happens to Kane.
Good thing ole mother of the year let her son in on her dumb assed plan of putting him in said gambit to unite the families... wait.
Cynthia is keeping quiet for other reasons, most likely... And no, I don't think it's fear for Kane's safetly, au contraire, I think Cynthia also wants Kane to succeed so a dekock rises to power... remeber, she knows Cole is alive and is about to rescue him, so having Kane rise up within the KG, and then reveal what they did to his dad would basically turn him to their side... it's probably more of a strategic move.
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