But getting back to the revolution track, I unexpectedly liked this path. For some reason I thought there would be a bunch of people obsessed with Chegara and Lenin's ideas, but I saw people less radical, with a well thought out plan that also includes not allowing revolutionary chaos and collapse...At least no one is going to free all the slaves at once so that all those millions with pickaxes in their hands will go on the attack...It will be interesting to find out what their revolutionary plan is and what they think justice should be..
And whether or not while in the process, they will be happy to have more equality or still want to be at the 'top table'....because let's be honest, screw the modern GenZ saying they will fix everything and being all woke and DEI etc (GenZ...I don't bloody know or really care...don't even know or care what damn Gen I am lmao)...throughout history...there has
always been those with and those without. It's a natural part of the order imo. There will
always be someone smarter, someone prepared to work harder, longer for less etc etc (to compound this..always someone taller, stronger, more attractive blah blah...there's not even any equality within the same sexes....never mind opposite sexes). The world is neither equal, fair or just. Why there will
never be true equality, it simply cannot exists unless we wish to live in a post-future world like in the film Equilibrium etc...but then then, someone has to
run such a system.
I find it incredibly difficult to believe, families of New Paris, the DeKoks, Some Karlsson's....will actually willingly and happily give up what they have. I just don't see it, even in fantasy stories people are not that idealistic. So is what they want to return to say, our current world (90s to 2020 say...given KG is very much 'based' in the real world and set in some not so distant future and directly references what Tess sees in the world today)...they will still be the cream of the cream, the elite, the Bezzos and Gates of the world...just with slightly less misery (and no slavery) for the rest of the masses?
Ultimately, 400BC, 800AD, 1920's...2025.....does anything actually really change?