Am I right in thinking there are only two cunning points for Kane at the moment the first one is in the pool with Chanel can't remember what the second one was
Am I right in thinking there are only two cunning points for Kane at the moment the first one is in the pool with Chanel can't remember what the second one was
Katsumi in the same scene has the other cunning points. I think her conversation has two on it but requires you to skip sex with Chanel so you don't get the chance at her point.
Katsumi in the same scene has the other cunning points. I think her conversation has two on it but requires you to skip sex with Chanel so you don't get the chance at her point.
Im guessing it's this scene here. You can see there's more to that contraption, but it pretty much gets skipped over which would suggest that's probably where she took renders. Im thinking it would've been a choice of a talk with Celeste or that. Couldve been both though.
Katsumi in the same scene has the other cunning points. I think her conversation has two on it but requires you to skip sex with Chanel so you don't get the chance at her point.
Is there a walkthrough posted for chapter 8? I attempted the mod, even though I was confident it didn't work, and also tried downloading the walkthrough for 8 on pg 1, but that link seems to be either broken, or the file isn't available anymore.