And all those are after you've left prison (or about to). You can wrack up an impressive amount of evil points (rarely ever used as a check btw) before you even do the mulriple choice test and/or leave prison.
You seem to be under the impression that having a stack of evil points actually matters, when in reality, it doesn't all that much (much like many are under the assumption you need Sub Points to be on the SubPath, which you don't, you can leave prison with 6+ DomPts and no SubPts at all and still get K4, SubPts mostly just change dialogue/odd scene).
You can grab 7 EvilPts on kane in Ep1 before the Multiple Choice scene. You can be up to 14 points by the time you meet Kitty (and your first meet points opportunity) by pickijg Jules in the aformentioned multi-choice test. At this point, the first Jmeet (pts with Jules) awards no evil points anyway. Then we get to the plance. Just make sure you dot get the required 3 Jmeet points to avoid her (because at this point, more evil points does nothing for you.
All the best/worst Jules scenes are hidden begind the Demon flag of which as I said earlier, Kane requires literally zero evil points to see because the scene is entirely dependant on Olivia's. You need very few to actually align with Olivia for rank/PrincessEyes/Team variables...not that PrincessEyes variable is used yet either anyway, so no idea how many we actually need when Tess decides to use it lol).