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Ok...I only have to say that I am getting very close to finishing a rough draft of 0.6 now -- the total number of renders is now
2275. This is officially a decent increase in size from 0.5 which was about 2150 renders.
I was a little frustrated not being finished right now, but it was pointed out to me that on Feb 27th, I had gotten to 1115 renders on my corporate memo, and now only two months later, I have doubled that amount. (doing 1100 renders in just two months) So in that context, I guess I realize I have been doing a lot!
I am doing some testing as I go along to try and mix up my workload. I am adding two scenes on the sub path after testing a lot of it, as I think it's just right to do that...but it's finally almost time for me to start playing/testing...a LOT. This has been a hard update for me as I kind of have been mostly solo and on my own given no fault of anyone in particular, but I lost a key helper at the start of this month and that kind of tweaked my speed a little.
Even so, I am getting pretty close. I am seriously going to address this in 0.7 by trying to finally build a professional team that I can count on moving forward...but for 0.6, I am just trying to sprint to the finish line and get it done.
Here are the steps I will take with preparing Test Version, which will be the first one that comes out:
1) I am first sending it to 3 people to test.
2) Basic feedback...while they are doing that, I will be trying to test/edit myself on my end too to make sure all paths make sense, nasty render/dialogue problems. My biggest worry on this is always that I don't connect a prior choice or a scene is missed because of a bad code (I am awful at coding, definitely not an engineer/coder type) or something. This is for me the hardest and most time consuming part as I kind of make flowcharts to make sure things kind of connect properly.
3) Will start trying to add music as I go too...
4) Release Test Version 0.6 -- ask for feedback. Work on correcting identified render mistakes (I usually change about 5% of images) and checking writing/music, etc.
I appreciate the patience everyone -- I know I'm not a full time dev that can go super fast, but I promise I am working really, really, hard to try and get this out ASAP. I definitely will need about 2-3 days just to sleep when this is over!
I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you!
So I'm going to sleep a bit, but back on this soon