Yep, it's not difficult even though its impossible to get the maximum grade with Dominique. You always get a minimum of one domthrone point from Dominique and Juliette, and a minimum of two from Veronica, and that's irrespective of working with them. So you'll always have a minimum of 4 domthrone points. Both the impossibility of hitting Dominique's max grade and the automatic minimum domthrone points from the sister that Kane didn't work with are very probably bugs.
TessSadist: If you're not already aware, while the code requires a dgrade minimum of 5 to get 4 domthrone points from Dominique, it's impossible to achieve that currently. A dgrade of 3 is the highest possible as things stand. In addition, the lowest possible ranking of K5 isn't achievable for those who didn't upgrade from the sub track because you're always going to have a minimum of 4 domthrone points, as you'll always get the minimums (1+1+2) from all 3 sisters, including the one Kane didn't work for.
just on a sec, yeah I am fixing this for Dominique and dom path. Ugh, coding numbers right just isn't my thing haha! I think next time I need math/code/point checker.
I started with K8, MC is sub/good, after finish Veronica s part, Alessandra will take you out to her place, then this sence
i thought because of the sence(0.5) with oliva and alessandra at the pool, i choose massage her feet and be submiss to her
Seen high rank of MC just only submiss to Alessandra and be Dom to other people
I am desperately waiting for the the final version of 0.6 before playing this update. Tess is amazing at what she does and this game is a masterpiece. The greatest torture is waiting for the full release. May we be assuaged of this suffering soon.
I am desperately waiting for the the final version of 0.6 before playing this update. Tess is amazing at what she does and this game is a masterpiece. The greatest torture is waiting for the full release. May we be assuaged of this suffering soon.
just on a sec, yeah I am fixing this for Dominique and dom path. Ugh, coding numbers right just isn't my thing haha! I think next time I need math/code/point checker.
I suspect that these don't work as intended because "and" has precedence over "or". As a result
elif k2 or k3 or k4 and dominqiue_p<=1
behaves like
elif k2 or k3 or (k4 and dominique_p<=1)
When what I think you probably want is:
elif (k2 or k3 or k4) and dominique_p<=1
I say this because its possible for a k2 or k3 to make Dominique happy by accepting her offer of sponsorship and have a high dominique_p only for Junko to turn around and tell them that Dominique is not thrilled with them so far and this is why they're getting tortured in the pet play scene. It's possible to explain it away as a combination of the MC being a low K2 or K3 and Dominique's darker more sadistic side, but I suspect that you intended to have Dominique play it more straight here because of the MC's importance to her plans, and because of the contrast she'd just drawn between herself and her rival Juliette regarding the MC's dignity with the pizza in the doggy dish. Here's the code in e6junkopet:
That elif True triggers for all K2's and K3's who aren't in a romance with Junko or aren't already her pet, including ones who have accepted Dominique's offer and have a high dominique_p. I could easily envision Dominique's darker side coming out as she has Junko punish K2's and K3's that she otherwise likes simply because they've failed to advance. It's just the wording used above makes me think this isn't behaving as intended. She'd make sure they knew that it was their low rank that was the cause of her disappointment and thus their punishment. So as a result I'm inclined to think that you only intended Kane to get the petplay/electroshock scene if Kane had either already agreed to be Junko's pet or if he'd displeased Dominique and thus had a low dominique_p. OTOH if the existing code is acting as intended, may be the wording should be adjusted in e6junkopet so that a Kane that Dominique likes knows that her disappointment is due to his low rank and that Dominique wishes to motivate him to do better.
I suspect that these don't work as intended because "and" has precedence over "or". As a result
elif k2 or k3 or k4 and dominqiue_p<=1
behaves like
elif k2 or k3 or (k4 and dominique_p<=1)
When what I think you probably want is:
elif (k2 or k3 or k4) and dominique_p<=1
I say this because its possible for a k2 or k3 to make Dominique happy by accepting her offer of sponsorship and have a high dominique_p only for Junko to turn around and tell them that Dominique is not thrilled with them so far and this is why they're getting tortured in the pet play scene. It's possible to explain it away as a combination of the MC being a low K2 or K3 and Dominique's darker more sadistic side, but I suspect that you intended to have Dominique play it more straight here because of the MC's importance to her plans, and because of the contrast she'd just drawn between herself and her rival Juliette regarding the MC's dignity with the pizza in the doggy dish. Here's the code in e6junkopet:
That elif True triggers for all K2's and K3's who aren't in a romance with Junko or aren't already her pet, including ones who have accepted Dominique's offer and have a high dominique_p. I could easily envision Dominique's darker side coming out as she has Junko punish K2's and K3's that she otherwise likes simply because they've failed to advance. It's just the wording used above makes me think this isn't behaving as intended. She'd make sure they knew that it was their low rank that was the cause of her disappointment and thus their punishment. So as a result I'm inclined to think that you only intended Kane to get the petplay/electroshock scene if Kane had either already agreed to be Junko's pet or if he'd displeased Dominique and thus had a low dominique_p. If the existing code is acting as intended, may be the wording should be adjusted in e6junkopet so that a Kane that Dominique likes knows that her disappointment is due to his low rank and that Dominique wishes to motivate him to do better.
I suspect that these don't work as intended because "and" has precedence over "or". As a result
elif k2 or k3 or k4 and dominqiue_p<=1
behaves like
elif k2 or k3 or (k4 and dominique_p<=1)
When what I think you probably want is:
elif (k2 or k3 or k4) and dominique_p<=1
I say this because its possible for a k2 or k3 to make Dominique happy by accepting her offer of sponsorship and have a high dominique_p only for Junko to turn around and tell them that Dominique is not thrilled with them so far and this is why they're getting tortured in the pet play scene. It's possible to explain it away as a combination of the MC being a low K2 or K3 and Dominique's darker more sadistic side, but I suspect that you intended to have Dominique play it more straight here because of the MC's importance to her plans, and because of the contrast she'd just drawn between herself and her rival Juliette regarding the MC's dignity with the pizza in the doggy dish. Here's the code in e6junkopet:
That elif True triggers for all K2's and K3's who aren't in a romance with Junko or aren't already her pet, including ones who have accepted Dominique's offer and have a high dominique_p. I could easily envision Dominique's darker side coming out as she has Junko punish K2's and K3's that she otherwise likes simply because they've failed to advance. It's just the wording used above makes me think this isn't behaving as intended. She'd make sure they knew that it was their low rank that was the cause of her disappointment and thus their punishment. So as a result I'm inclined to think that you only intended Kane to get the petplay/electroshock scene if Kane had either already agreed to be Junko's pet or if he'd displeased Dominique and thus had a low dominique_p. If the existing code is acting as intended, may be the wording should be adjusted in e6junkopet so that a Kane that Dominique likes knows that her disappointment is due to his low rank and that Dominique wishes to motivate him to do better.
Yes, I'm such a novice at coding that I did not realize you could even use parenthesis a certain way and how order preference works (just now heard it from a coder as asking), lol! This was very good timing as I am making final fixes, thanks!
And yes, the intent you stated is exactly right. Intent is only a low Dominique score would see a certain scene. (It makes less sense if she is happy with Kane so far)
Yes, I'm such a novice at coding that I did not realize you could even use parenthesis a certain way and how order preference works (just now heard it from a coder as asking), lol!
You're very welcome Tess. Btw, if your coder friend hasn't already, I should probably point out that you need to fix the line before it too, because it has the same order precedence problem, ie.
elif k2 or k3 or k4 and junkopet:
You can if you want combine the two lines and fix them together with parentheses as so:
elif (k2 or k3 or k4) and (junkopet or dominique_p <= 1) :
And yes, the intent you stated is exactly right. Intent is only a low Dominique score would see a certain scene. (It makes less sense if she is happy with Kane so far)
I'm glad that I understood your intent correctly and was able to be of help. Uncertainty can at times cause hesitation when it comes to reporting the more subtle potential bugs.
If I may... careful here. The and operator does NOT have precedence over or, the difference is that the operator or actually stops if it finds an operand to be True where the and operator does not. That is the ONLY difference in it's behavior regarding the operand and the difference does matter. Just clarifying so the instruction is correct and not misleading.
If I may... careful here. The and operator does NOT have precedence over or, the difference is that the operator or actually stops if it finds an operand to be True where the and operator does not. That is the ONLY difference in it's behavior regarding the operand and the difference does matter. Just clarifying so the instruction is correct and not misleading.
is a compiler or interpreter optimization that was originally implemented because it reduced computer load without changing the results of an evaluation. Logically the results are the same whether or not you evaluate the entire expression. It's based on boolean algebra which has an order of precedence. It's when you start adding assignments into expressions that an understanding of short-circuiting becomes important. I haven't seen any of that in Tess's code yet, and decided not to bring it up, but it's certainly something that may be useful for her to know for the future.
Short circuiting is a compiler or interpreter optimization that was originally implemented because it reduced computer load without violating the Boolean Algebra operator precedence that you casually dismissed. Logically the results are the same. It's when you start adding assignments into expressions that an understanding of short-circuiting becomes important. I haven't seen any of that in Tess's code yet, and decided not to bring it up, but it's certainly something that may be useful for her to know for the future.
The operand(s) in the expression stopping the operator or in code previously referenced with example:
elif k2 or k3 or k4 and junkopet:
has nothing to do with any assignment as no assignment has yet been established nor referenced, it's solely a part of the elif logical expression and "becomes important" there, hence why logical order and continuation set via parenthesis is required. Your post reads to me as if you feel you've been rubbed the wrong way. If so, I honestly didn't bring up the correction of the "precedence" claim to measure the size of each others junk, the point I made is valid and correct:
The and operator does not take precedence over or.
Referencing the source theory of why operator halts occur is not relevant nor necessary. My apologies if you felt challenged. There's no need to further drag this out tbh. Regards.
I've played this amazing game without a walkthrough and ened in K9 with Veronica as sponsor....
could someone help me getting Dominique's ? I wasn't excessively cruel so I was hoping she'd be interested, but maybe I botched the quiz as I picked the "rational" approach to the questions