The PREVIEW has failed me...
Where do you get that Luke dies before Callista left KG? PLEASE show me where in the game that says Luke died so early. Luke is not mentioned by anyone other than Callista, and only in this one scene. Her Pier Farewell and Hospital are either the same age OR she's at least older in the hospital, but this might just be because of the bruises. If your justification is that the flashbacks happen in order, they can't as here is the DEFINITE chronological order: Pier (Ep. 5), Sanctuary (Ep. 7), Park 1 (Ep. 3),* Park 2 (Ep. 6),** SPOILER (Ep. 8), Hike (Ep. 7), Helicopter (Ep. 6)***
*Hospital (Ep. 4) must happen before Park 1, due to Callista's hair change, and I have already given my reasons it happened before Sanctuary.
**In Park 1, Callista cuts Kane's playground time short after talking to Yvette and Veronica, but doesn't know their names. Park 2 Kane is mad at Callista, avoiding her, when he meets Veronica, who calls herself "Stacy", and he never sees Yvette. Kane's lines are also "younger" in Park 1 compared to Park 2.
***Piano (Ep. 6) based on Olivia's face and hair style seems to follow Hike, and likely precedes Helicopter, but possibly shortly after (it's not stated how long Callista's been "dead"). It is also unknown how close Piano is to Hike or Helicopter.
Tess has intentionally kept the timing/cause of Alexander's "implosion" vague, and I would even say fluid.
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Dominique (and apparently Yvette and Elena), apparently feel that Alexander didn't truly break until Cole's "Betrayal" was discovered, which would have been after Callista escaped KG, however Cole claims that he already lost his heart long before that moment.
Veronica's ruminations break her own timeline. She theorizes up to 4 possible breaking points: 1) Losing Callista (either at the breakup, or 2) this could have occurred after her escape as D/Y/E believe, though Veronica appears to disagree with that interpretation), 3) Klara and Karin's successful escape, and 4) before Alexander had even started the project (aka Karlsson Gambit) of impregnating several women, which included Yvette and Elena, but this was before the breakup, discovery, and initial infidelity (we don't know how many times Alexander had sex with Yvett and Elena before he was caught).
If Alexander's insanity began at the Breakup, then Callista is able to tell Grymm that the good man "died" before Grymm was born, so long as Grymm is not Dominique, so no issue. However, Veronica does not believe that even Dominique saw "Good Alexander", and Cole confirms that Dominique never met him, and the only children who don't meet their fathers at birth are those with [temporarily] absent fathers (e.g., deployed military, deadbeats). So either Alexander went bad before Dominique was born, or Alexander had not known of Dominique's birth until after the Breakup. (Since Tess is against incest, then Dominique is definitely not secretly Callista's daughter.)
Callista states that the moment Alexander fell in love (with her) was his sole moment of happiness in his life, yet if we also know that his whole goal in life was to have a child, preferably a son, with Callista, wouldn't the fulfillment of his lifelong dream (Callista conceiving a child, and they confirm his sex) be at least a second moment of happiness, if not trumping the first? Callista also claims that Alexander wasn't able to give up his darkness in order to keep the woman he fell in love with. Since she doesn't say that the darkness began/grew, but instead that he had to give it up after his infatuation, that means Callista sees that the darkness was there from the beginning of their romance. However, hers and Cole's statements about what kind of man "Good Alexander" was suggests Callista had met and known this man, but the darkness came before he fell in love with her. (Alternatively, Callista may have never met the honorable Alexander, and is merely quoting Cole's statements about their mutual early years).
Since Callista and Cole are firsthand witnesses, with Cole claiming that Alexander went bad before Dominique, and Callista indicating he was bad at the start of their love story, then a very early turn to the Dark Side is the only scenario that matches all of their statements, and whatever theories Veronica is able to piece together.
No, I'm saying that Cole's and Callista's plan for Callista's escape wasn't as good as they thought.
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This statement can be made by all the sisters, as they do each enjoy (orgasm) over their evil deeds, but which of the sisters is sefl-reflective enough to be able to make this honest critique?
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Which of the sisters would Callista believe is capable of making the choice her father failed to make, and abandon her darkness for the sake of her ultimate goal?
These are the questions to be asking. Again, based on the rest of the conversation, Grymm offers no information/intel, makes no contribution to Callista's efforts, they also make no mention of an deal/price that Grymm has to pay, instead Callista is providing Grymm insider information, telling her to get close (fuck) her son, advising her on how to "fulfill your father's wishes" (which are the conditions to win the Gambit), her current status in the Gambit, and a strategy for moving forward and upward in this "competition", and here is trying to pull a Luke Skywalker on Grymm. Callista wants a good Grymm, she wants her to win the Gambit, which means that Grymm procreates with Kane. At this point, going strictly on what IS IN THE GAME and not any theory, Callista is more invested in making sure that Grymm wins than...[see spoiler below]... by supplying Grymm the most with insider information.
Callista is controlling who becomes the mother of her future grandson, and thereby has a vested interest in what type of woman that will be.