
Nov 3, 2022
Don't charge money like a product then! Just ask people to donate money for free to help him with his creative art.
That's such a weird statement to make... You do realize that the majority of art in any form be it games, novels, shows or movies are usually not manufactured speically for X person's or people' wants in mind, more so for individualistic works that aren't from a massive team of creators. Obviously counter to what corporate giants or many artists doing it strictly for profit would make you believe.. It is not just algorithems and fan polls. More often than not what you want is different to what people want, the best to do is reach a middle ground (espiecally for games when factual things are involved). Although art is a combination of inspirations in the creator's conception of the thing they want to create and imagine it to be. You choose to play KP because what you like just happens to be in KP, he didn't create it specifically for YOU... Sure, it is a product, but so is literally nearly everything in this world. If you don't want to pay, then don't, antagonizing and complaining won't help. It's like telling a chef you didn't like the use of X ingredient in a dish after eating, sure he'll take your feedback into account, but if it goes against the principle and isn't a factual criticism, it is pointless.
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Dec 4, 2018
That's such a weird statement to make... You do realize that the majority of art in any form be it games, novels, shows or movies are usually not manufactured speically for X person's or people' wants in mind, more so for individualistic works that aren't from a massive team of creators. Obviously counter to what corporate giants or many artists doing it strictly for profit would make you believe.. It is not just algorithems and fan polls. More often than not what you want is different to what people want, the best to do is reach a middle ground (espiecally for games when factual things are involved). Although art is a combination of inspirations in the creator's conception of the thing they want to create and imagine it to be. You choose to play KP because what you like just happens to be in KP, he didn't create it specifically for YOU... Sure, it is a product, but so is literally nearly everything in this world. If you don't want to pay, then don't, antagonizing and complaining won't help. It's like telling a chef you didn't like the use of X ingredient in a dish after eating, sure he'll take your feedback into account, but if it goes against the principle and isn't a factual criticism, it is pointless.
I'd agree with you if it was just him. But it's clearly a lot more if he is getting harassed to the point the Dev has to take a break. Karryn was created to cater to the wants of the players of Karryn. The dev created it to sell to any potential players, not because he just wanted to make it randomly. If those players are demanding change then either the product changes course to meet their demands or something like this happens. What the dev wants literally does not matter, it doesn't matter for any game in existence. The player's /payers wants are the ONLY thing that matters. It might sound harsh but this is not a unique situation. We can see it happen over and over with Battlefield, Ghostbusters, Velma, Halo etc.


Nov 3, 2022
I'd agree with you if it was just him. But it's clearly a lot more if he is getting harassed to the point the Dev has to take a break. Karryn was created to cater to the wants of the players of Karryn. The dev created it to sell to any potential players, not because he just wanted to make it randomly. If those players are demanding change then either the product changes course to meet their demands or something like this happens. What the dev wants literally does not matter, it doesn't matter for any game in existence. The player's /payers wants are the ONLY thing that matters. It might sound harsh but this is not a unique situation. We can see it happen over and over with Battlefield, Ghostbusters, Velma, Halo etc.
That's just straight up incorrect and against the point though..
Rem wasn't necessarily harassed into break, but the DLC is something on his mind as it was promised, already finished technically and a step for the game. Don't forget that idiots that do dumb shit like harassing are also the extreme loud minority, literally ALWAYS...
Also art can become a product just like everything else to sell, like a painting, whether it was intended be sold to begin with doesn't matter as the whole point is whether direct or indirect player involvement was a thing, which wasn't. Sure, something can be created to appease people and for what considered to pull in, but not EVERY aspect of it.
Also your last statement is just bullshit on the highest extent. You proceeded to list products that I said specifically were the expectations like stuff from corporate giants i.e massive teams and IPs (more so towards franchises too) because their purpose is to appease expectations and make money. Which is still the popular but nonetheless the minority in an endless market with millions of products. You're aware of the player, but you also view yourself as the player. Just like as a concept artist and animator (myself) think about the consumer's view point while considering what I want to convoy... Saying that what the person who created X says doesn't matter for X is very naive anon, I think you still have some growing/exploring to do.


Mar 14, 2018
The player's /payers wants are the ONLY thing that matters. It might sound harsh but this is not a unique situation. We can see it happen over and over with Battlefield, Ghostbusters, Velma, Halo etc.
That is adolescent nonsense (as if there is one set of 'wants' of players).
Excepting a corporate gaming company seeking to maximise sales, what the developer would like to do - and has a vision for - is fundamental (as one can tell by abandoned games).


Dec 4, 2018
That's just straight up incorrect and against the point though..
Rem wasn't necessarily harassed into break, but the DLC is something on his mind as it was promised, already finished technically and a step for the game. Don't forget that idiots that do dumb shit like harassing are also the extreme loud minority, literally ALWAYS...
Also art can become a product just like everything else to sell, like a painting, whether it was intended be sold to begin with doesn't matter as the whole point is whether direct or indirect player involvement was a thing, which wasn't. Sure, something can be created to appease people and for what considered to pull in, but not EVERY aspect of it.
Also your last statement is just bullshit on the highest extent. You proceeded to list products that I said specifically were the expectations like stuff from corporate giants i.e massive teams and IPs (more so towards franchises too) because their purpose is to appease expectations and make money. Which is still the popular but nonetheless the minority in an endless market with millions of products. You're aware of the player, but you also view yourself as the player. Just like as a concept artist and animator (myself) think about the consumer's view point while considering what I want to convoy... Saying that what the person who created X says doesn't matter for X is very naive anon, I think you still have some growing/exploring to do.
i've read his post, its clear that a large amount of negative feedback is being provided because the DLC wasn't what people wanted and the game felt unfinished. You and I don't know the data regarding feedback, the dev does. And he is clearly bothered by the large negative criticism he is receiving.

I don't know what the second point is, the game was clearly made for profit. He has made a successful game before and he has all the proper channels for player funding. it is in no way comparable to an artist drawing fan art or something. Sure not every aspect has to be made to appease the playerbase (although it 100% should be) but atleast the vast majority of any product should be made to satisfy the people funding it.

No lol, all of those products were created with the creator's vision of what the consumer base wanted. And it turned out the creators vision and the customers wants were completely unaligned. Which resulted in massive backlash. Same thing is happening here. A great case study for this actually would be the sonic movie. The sonic design was terrible and everyone was raging against it, Jim Carrey came out for the artists vision (much like you) and was against changing anything. But changing the design was probably the best decision they ever made.

If that is the case, then it was probably because your vision and your consumers wants were always aligned. But if the two sides were to ever have a complete disagreement, I'd say the consumer's wants take 100% priority (given you are being paid).
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Jan 28, 2018
I feel like he should just release the gym dlc as is and be done with the game for awhile or for good. Modders will keep working on it at this phase anyways.
The guy has been locked up in NYC since Covid I would be going insane too if I never touched grass. The eye surgery is crazy that he even considered it giving all he had to do is take breaks from the computer. He clearly isn't mentally alright right now but still really want to deliver a good product. I can respect that.
He really should just take a break from being on a computer all day go visit a park or something and talk to people in real life. I would bet he would be a lot better afterwords.


Feb 14, 2023
New image pack mod in the Receptionist mode:

[MCRamenBoy]ReceptionistMeiko (Image Pack)

The first release of "Meiko from school prison" to work at the reception.

- Requires installation of the " " first
- Link to



Jul 17, 2017
i let them do that but then they started to make her so horny that she allows them to penetrate her pussy allthough i keep supressing pussy desire all the time but its hard because u run out of will power fast
ı just only use my willpower to suppress the pussy desire but ı never out of the willpower ı thınk my karryn's desire is not enough but butt desire is so high


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
New image pack mod in the Receptionist mode:

[MCRamenBoy]ReceptionistMeiko (Image Pack)

The first release of "Meiko from school prison" to work at the reception.

- Requires installation of the " " first
- Link to

Only Outfit?
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Nov 3, 2022
i've read his post, its clear that a large amount of negative feedback is being provided because the DLC wasn't what people wanted and the game felt unfinished. You and I don't know the data regarding feedback, the dev does. And he is clearly bothered by the large negative criticism he is receiving.

I don't know what the second point is, the game was clearly made for profit. He has made a successful game before and he has all the proper channels for player funding. it is in no way comparable to an artist drawing fan art or something. Sure not every aspect has to be made to appease the playerbase (although it 100% should be) but atleast the vast majority of any product should be made to satisfy the people funding it.

No lol, all of those products were created with the creator's vision of what the consumer base wanted. And it turned out the creators vision and the customers wants were completely unaligned. Which resulted in massive backlash. Same thing is happening here. A great case study for this actually would be the sonic movie. The sonic design was terrible and everyone was raging against it, Jim Carrey came out for the artists vision (much like you) and was against changing anything. But changing the design was probably the best decision they ever made.

If that is the case, then it was probably because your vision and your consumers wants were always aligned. But if the two sides were to ever have a complete disagreement, I'd say the consumer's wants take 100% priority (given you are being paid).
Fair enough about the first point, although it is highly assumptive from both of our parts. It is due from the negative reaction to the DLC's testing, not so much the need of making it which doesn't conclude to the break. Also, the DLC was tested by fans not actual QA testers as far as I am aware, you have fans talking about what they like, while things are sided in the same conversations about game stability/bugs and expectations, I've seen people chatting on the discord, hard to scope the overall reactions.

Secondly, you can't create a singular cohesive vision based solely on what audience think or for what they desire, absolutely not, dude why are you so hell-bent on just being wrong with an extremely narrow-minded POV about a subjective artistic medium while listing the most corporate casual consumer examples imaginable... It's like you understood nothing of what I said, or simply too thick-headed to accept that it's not how art is made. How can you align with the fans if there aren't any? You do realize there is pre-production and a conception phase to all games, games that are a complete niche like life-sims, or games as cult favorites with their own fanbases of people that specifically interested in what said game provides. Most games don't have early access, and many don't even have QA testers, it's just out, and whether you like it or not doesn't matter as long as there is an audience, but even then those games aren't created for a specific audience or profit factor in mind always, because otherwise THERE WOULD LITERALLY BE NO UNIQUE NEW IDEAS, ever. Risk taking isn't to be downplayed, and it completely downplays whatever bs you said. There is no such thing as aligning with the audience because unless your game is factually broken or unfinished (like many of the shitty examples you provided), it will be in someone's tastes while others hate it. Art is subjective and the fact you think it's solely based on what an outlet thinks of a creation, as in that's how it's shaped... You're part of the problem in this modern industry dude, oh boy how artists hate your architype.

Either way, it is whatever dude. We probably gave a lad a headache reading these paragraphs. Just agree to disagree, you're clearly not looking for a change of mind, be it in the wrong or right...

Edit; Btw, to others, I'm not saying the criticisms towards Rem aren't applicable, in fact they're as most aren't about his vision but the lack of content. This conversation turned into a whole "are creators allowed to do their own visions or are their works just duplicates of what audience say they want".. And if anyone agrees with that sentiment, I don't even know anymore.
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Active Member
Jan 16, 2020
Fair enough about the first point, although it is highly assumptive from both of our parts. It is due from the negative reaction to the DLC's testing, not so much the need of making it which doesn't conclude to the break. Also, the DLC was tested by fans not actual QA testers as far as I am aware, you have fans talking about what they like, while things are sided in the same conversations about game stability/bugs and expectations, I've seen people chatting on the discord, hard to scope the overall reactions.

Secondly, you can't create a singular cohesive vision based solely on what audience think or for what they desire, absolutely not, dude why are you so hell-bent on just being wrong with an extremely narrow-minded POV about a subjective artistic medium while listing the most corporate casual consumer examples imaginable... It's like you understood nothing of what I said, or simply too thick-headed to accept that it's not how art is made. How can you align with the fans if there aren't any? You do realize there is pre-production and a conception phase to all games, games that are a complete niche like life-sims, or games as cult favorites with their own fanbases of people that specifically interested in what said game provides. Most games don't have early access, and many don't even have QA testers, it's just out, and whether you like it or not doesn't matter as long as there is an audience, but even then those games aren't created for a specific audience or profit factor in mind always, because otherwise THERE WOULD LITERALLY BE NO UNIQUE NEW IDEAS, ever. Risk taking isn't to be downplayed, and it completely downplays whatever bs you said. There is no such thing as aligning with the audience because unless your game is factually broken or unfinished (like many of the shitty examples you provided), it will be in someone's tastes while others hate it. Art is subjective and the fact you think it's solely based on what an outlet thinks of a creation, as in that's how it's shaped... You're part of the problem in this modern industry dude, oh boy how artists hate your architype.

Either way, it is whatever dude. We probably gave a lad a headache reading these paragraphs. Just agree to disagree, you're clearly not looking for a change of mind, be it in the wrong or right...

Edit; Btw, to others, I'm not saying the criticisms towards Rem aren't applicable, in fact they're as most aren't about his vision but the lack of content. This conversation turned into a whole "are creators allowed to do their own visions or are their works just duplicates of what audience say they want".. And if anyone agrees with that sentiment, I don't even know anymore.
My honest reaction

Insomnimaniac Games

Degenerate Handholder
Game Developer
May 25, 2017
New image pack mod in the Receptionist mode:

[MCRamenBoy]ReceptionistMeiko (Image Pack)

The first release of "Meiko from school prison" to work at the reception.

- Requires installation of the " " first
- Link to

Thanks for reminding of that absolute travesty of an ending.
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4.60 star(s) 403 Votes