
Dec 29, 2017
I tried to find and edit what the accessory do in the js files without any luck. Can anyone hint me where to i can find the modifiers to change them?


Nov 12, 2020
I feel like i am doing something wrong, I'm haven't made much progress in 8 days and level 1 isn't subjugated. Any tips or guide out there? I wanted to focus on order, but my income is bad and i struggle with grinding.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2018
I feel like i am doing something wrong, I'm haven't made much progress in 8 days and level 1 isn't subjugated. Any tips or guide out there? I wanted to focus on order, but my income is bad and i struggle with grinding.
You have to defeat the boss of the floor in order to subjugate the level.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
I feel like i am doing something wrong, I'm haven't made much progress in 8 days and level 1 isn't subjugated. Any tips or guide out there? I wanted to focus on order, but my income is bad and i struggle with grinding.
Never focus on Order early. The lower your Order, the more money the Kingdom will give you to help you out. The higher the Order, the less you will get, since it seems you have everything under control.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
I am not sure if you are deliberately misrepresenting there arguments in bad faith or if you simply misread it. But regardless your points fail to address there actual arguments.
Their actual argument was 'bodies react to stimuli without consent' and 'since yes the act of sex is pleasurable it DOES NOT mean rape is consensual'. I am sorry, but this are stupid arguments, the latter being a pure non sequitur devoid of proper interpunction. Yours are much sounder.

For all of those who find this discussion a bit off-putting, I apologize. For those who've already grabbed their bag of popcorn, let me indulge you with a short story.

First of all, there initial argument was not that making somebody sexually aroused is raping them
I am not sure, the argument seemed incoherent, wouldn't you agree?

but rather that someone being aroused by what is done to them does not mean they automatically consent to it continuing.
If you are groping someone and they are aroused by it but they do not consent you are still sexually assaulting them regardless of if they feel aroused or not.
Fair point. However, how exactly do you define consent in terms that are always clear and unambiguous? So, here's the story...

He invited her to dinner at his place. She went there and enjoyed the meal accompanied by a glass of wine or two. They had great time, the third or second time they spent together. Was it a date? I don't know, the word 'date' was never uttered. It was a dinner, the same he would prepare for his sister, his good old buddy or non-romantic female friends.

Were their previous meetings dates? I don't know, the word 'date' was never spoken. He invited her to a cinema to see 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. He would have seen it anyway, alone or with his sister's family or his best old buddies, probably wearing the same clothes he was wearing then. Did they enjoy the movie? She did, while he... Well, let's just say he was that sort of a pretentious cinephile who'd rather see 'Shame', 'Manchester by the Sea', 'Romeo is Bleeding', 'A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night' or some obscure flic from Middle East. He was constantly berating that movie's logic aloud as they watched it, yet she found it funny and laughed at his every facepalm.

They then went to a pub. On their way there, she told him more about herself, perhaps a bit too much then he wanted to hear at the time: her cheating ex-husband and the time she spent in Norway a couple years back, dating a guy who was a total pervert.

"All Norwegian men were perverts! Are all men in general perverts too?' - Every time she used the word 'pervert' her eyes would become slits and then go wide, the way only the best of the best Japanese cartoonists are able to depict faithfully. And then a breeze of a smirk would run across her face, if you blinked you'd have missed it.

"What did she mean by that? And what's with that impish smile?", his perverted, curious mind wanted to know. But he did not ask. He had plenty of time for that, or so he thought.

At the pub, they continued their innocuous chat over a session of scrabble and a round or two of saisons. She was clearly impressed by his ability to build up seldom used words.

'Oh man, you are so smart! We're gonna have a lot of fun together...', was what she said. Or was it how his slightly inebriated memory registered?

'What does she mean by 'fun'?', his perverted, curious mind begged to inquire and then chastised himself: 'Play it cool, man!'.

After the dinner, they washed the dishes together and then watched some TV. She then said she's too tired after the glass of wine or two she'd had and he'd probably had too much to drink himself to be able to drive her home safely, so... she was gonna stay the night at his place. She did not ask permission, just said it matter-of-factly.

'But of course, how could I refuse a damsel in distress', was his answer, though he wasn't sure whether he actually said it aloud or just had this esprit d'escalier the day after. That wine had sure been treacherous.

So he prepared his bed for her and decided to sleep on the couch in the living room himself. Not 20 minutes had passed when she walked into the living room, wearing only the underwear she wore that day and complaining that his bed was too cold and she couldn't fall asleep, so why wouldn't he come over and they'd share the bed together.

'How could I refuse...', that damn wine!

Turned out she was quite a squirmer, throwing her body from one side to the other, not letting him fall asleep.

'My back hurts, give it a massage!', she then said.

'How could I....'

So he started with the upper body, the way a gentleman should always start. At least that's what a friend of his told him once.

'Is that better now?' he asked, to which she replied she couldn't feel a thing and removed her tank top. Of course! It's near impossible to give a proper massage when there is a layer of chafing fabric laying between a masseur's hand and the skin. Smooth, peachy skin, spotted and there by cute moles, you know that carnation type: blond hair, brown eyes...

'Go lower!'

'Damn, isn't she a bit too demanding? You just wait, young lady!', his internal monologue's horns sprang into life.

So he complied. And there it was. The finest posterior he had ever seen with his own eyes. A generous, well rounded piece of flesh, soft and hard at the same time. He then remembered her mentioning that part of her body a couple of times in their previous, otherwise innocuous conversations, how she was proud of it and how all females in her family were thicc like that.

A slap came on that ass unannounced, hard and soft at the same time. To which she said nothing, just turned around to reveal a pair of the cutest, tiny breasts he had ever seen with his own eyes. Delicious counterpoints to her monumental backside, adorned with these pencil eraser thick dark brown nipples that were always erect, rain or shine, happy or sad.

So he twisted them in silence, hard and soft at the same time. To which she said nothing, her eyes just turned into slits and then went wide, or the other way around, the same way they did that time she said the word 'pervert'. And then lost the panties.

Even with her front facing him, he - ever the assfictionado - just couldn't resist sending his hand between her asscheeks to probe the anus.

'I am gonna have a lot of fun with this butt', he chuckled, now fully convinced this was the 'fun together' she had in mind back then in the pub. Was he correct? I don't know. She said nothing. He only had her non-verbal signs of arousal and indirect cues to work with.

After the weekend, back in office on Monday, he received a message with 'Good morning! How's your day?'. Before he had a chance to reply, she rang him and asked if he wanted to hang out sometime again...

On your third point, while yes sexual encounters are rarely a series of properly spaced yes or no questions people should be giving there partners the opportunity to object to things being done to them and most importantly if the other person does say no you cease with the behaviour. While continuing with a sexual behaviour after being told no isn't rape it is definitely a form of sexual misconduct or assault.
Agreed, but there often are situations/moments that may be hard to discern and one party may inadvertently put another in sexual discomfort. There should always be a space in between those moments when one can clearly express they're not ok with that and the other to desist. However, and please do not take this as rape apologetics, there will always be that ambiguous area where one is convinced they clearly expressed they're not ok, while the other is convinced they did not hear or see such a thing.

As regards pleasure vs consent, I agree on that. Please note however, that our imaginary Karryn has her pleasure meter separate from her desire meters. On high slut levels, she's capable of initiating sex herself while completely unaroused (recently came, it's early in the morning, etc). Also note the devs made a distinction between 'aroused' and 'horny' status. Of course such slut Warden will have passives that make her horny/aroused in no time at all, but they are somehow aware that pleasure received is something different than desire. Connected, but different. What would make it perfectly clear is to explain what desires are. And this is actually explained in the game! All the player needs to do is to take Karryn to the Mess Hall so she can overhear a conversation the group of Brother Prisoners are having, discussing her desire. The Elder Brother Prisoner says: "Only when her Cock Desire is high enough will she accept our dicks inside her". Other body part desires are explained in the same vein. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, as English is not my mother tongue (huh huh) but is there a meaningful difference between acceptance and consent in this context?


Oct 24, 2017
Their actual argument was 'bodies react to stimuli without consent' and 'since yes the act of sex is pleasurable it DOES NOT mean rape is consensual'. I am sorry, but this are stupid arguments, the latter being a pure non sequitur devoid of proper interpunction. Yours are much sounder.

For all of those who find this discussion a bit off-putting, I apologize. For those who've already grabbed their bag of popcorn, let me indulge you with a short story.

I am not sure, the argument seemed incoherent, wouldn't you agree?

Fair point. However, how exactly do you define consent in terms that are always clear and unambiguous? So, here's the story...

He invited her to dinner at his place. She went there and enjoyed the meal accompanied by a glass of wine or two. They had great time, the third or second time they spent together. Was it a date? I don't know, the word 'date' was never uttered. It was a dinner, the same he would prepare for his sister, his good old buddy or non-romantic female friends.

Were their previous meetings dates? I don't know, the word 'date' was never spoken. He invited her to a cinema to see 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. He would have seen it anyway, alone or with his sister's family or his best old buddies, probably wearing the same clothes he was wearing then. Did they enjoy the movie? She did, while he... Well, let's just say he was that sort of a pretentious cinephile who'd rather see 'Shame', 'Manchester by the Sea', 'Romeo is Bleeding', 'A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night' or some obscure flic from Middle East. He was constantly berating that movie's logic aloud as they watched it, yet she found it funny and laughed at his every facepalm.

They then went to a pub. On their way there, she told him more about herself, perhaps a bit too much then he wanted to hear at the time: her cheating ex-husband and the time she spent in Norway a couple years back, dating a guy who was a total pervert.

"All Norwegian men were perverts! Are all men in general perverts too?' - Every time she used the word 'pervert' her eyes would become slits and then go wide, the way only the best of the best Japanese cartoonists are able to depict faithfully. And then a breeze of a smirk would run across her face, if you blinked you'd have missed it.

"What did she mean by that? And what's with that impish smile?", his perverted, curious mind wanted to know. But he did not ask. He had plenty of time for that, or so he thought.

At the pub, they continued their innocuous chat over a session of scrabble and a round or two of saisons. She was clearly impressed by his ability to build up seldom used words.

'Oh man, you are so smart! We're gonna have a lot of fun together...', was what she said. Or was it how his slightly inebriated memory registered?

'What does she mean by 'fun'?', his perverted, curious mind begged to inquire and then chastised himself: 'Play it cool, man!'.

After the dinner, they washed the dishes together and then watched some TV. She then said she's too tired after the glass of wine or two she'd had and he'd probably had too much to drink himself to be able to drive her home safely, so... she was gonna stay the night at his place. She did not ask permission, just said it matter-of-factly.

'But of course, how could I refuse a damsel in distress', was his answer, though he wasn't sure whether he actually said it aloud or just had this esprit d'escalier the day after. That wine had sure been treacherous.

So he prepared his bed for her and decided to sleep on the couch in the living room himself. Not 20 minutes had passed when she walked into the living room, wearing only the underwear she wore that day and complaining that his bed was too cold and she couldn't fall asleep, so why wouldn't he come over and they'd share the bed together.

'How could I refuse...', that damn wine!

Turned out she was quite a squirmer, throwing her body from one side to the other, not letting him fall asleep.

'My back hurts, give it a massage!', she then said.

'How could I....'

So he started with the upper body, the way a gentleman should always start. At least that's what a friend of his told him once.

'Is that better now?' he asked, to which she replied she couldn't feel a thing and removed her tank top. Of course! It's near impossible to give a proper massage when there is a layer of chafing fabric laying between a masseur's hand and the skin. Smooth, peachy skin, spotted and there by cute moles, you know that carnation type: blond hair, brown eyes...

'Go lower!'

'Damn, isn't she a bit too demanding? You just wait, young lady!', his internal monologue's horns sprang into life.

So he complied. And there it was. The finest posterior he had ever seen with his own eyes. A generous, well rounded piece of flesh, soft and hard at the same time. He then remembered her mentioning that part of her body a couple of times in their previous, otherwise innocuous conversations, how she was proud of it and how all females in her family were thicc like that.

A slap came on that ass unannounced, hard and soft at the same time. To which she said nothing, just turned around to reveal a pair of the cutest, tiny breasts he had ever seen with his own eyes. Delicious counterpoints to her monumental backside, adorned with these pencil eraser thick dark brown nipples that were always erect, rain or shine, happy or sad.

So he twisted them in silence, hard and soft at the same time. To which she said nothing, her eyes just turned into slits and then went wide, or the other way around, the same way they did that time she said the word 'pervert'. And then lost the panties.

Even with her front facing him, he - ever the assfictionado - just couldn't resist sending his hand between her asscheeks to probe the anus.

'I am gonna have a lot of fun with this butt', he chuckled, now fully convinced this was the 'fun together' she had in mind back then in the pub. Was he correct? I don't know. She said nothing. He only had her non-verbal signs of arousal and indirect cues to work with.

After the weekend, back in office on Monday, he received a message with 'Good morning! How's your day?'. Before he had a chance to reply, she rang him and asked if he wanted to hang out sometime again...

Agreed, but there often are situations/moments that may be hard to discern and one party may inadvertently put another in sexual discomfort. There should always be a space in between those moments when one can clearly express they're not ok with that and the other to desist. However, and please do not take this as rape apologetics, there will always be that ambiguous area where one is convinced they clearly expressed they're not ok, while the other is convinced they did not hear or see such a thing.

As regards pleasure vs consent, I agree on that. Please note however, that our imaginary Karryn has her pleasure meter separate from her desire meters. On high slut levels, she's capable of initiating sex herself while completely unaroused (recently came, it's early in the morning, etc). Also note the devs made a distinction between 'aroused' and 'horny' status. Of course such slut Warden will have passives that make her horny/aroused in no time at all, but they are somehow aware that pleasure received is something different than desire. Connected, but different. What would make it perfectly clear is to explain what desires are. And this is actually explained in the game! All the player needs to do is to take Karryn to the Mess Hall so she can overhear a conversation the group of Brother Prisoners are having, discussing her desire. The Elder Brother Prisoner says: "Only when her Cock Desire is high enough will she accept our dicks inside her". Other body part desires are explained in the same vein. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, as English is not my mother tongue (huh huh) but is there a meaningful difference between acceptance and consent in this context?
While I appreciate the effort required to express your point in short stories and it served as a decent way of expressing your intent I do feel you could of achieved a similar effect by just stating your case plainly or through use of a shorter example.

Regardless on to the points raised. Yes there are a lot of nonverbal cues that go into interpreting others willingness in the context of such things, I think the principled thing in the cases you have raised is the importance of giving the other party the opportunity to object. If people insist on not speaking there intents plainly then they should at least be careful to ensure that if the other party will be listened to if the direction of things is not to there liking. If neither person is willing to verbally ask the other party if they are okay for things for whatever reason (scared of ruining the mood, feels that obtuseness is romantic etc.) then they should at least be careful to take a pause after any escalation from either party to make sure they are okay with the new state of affairs. The issue of misinterpretation remains but that is inherent to people refusing to actually talk about what they are comfortable with, but it would at least serve to mitigate it.

On the matter of Karryns prison not involving rape we are already agreed. I stepped in because I objected to your arguments and the implications they seemed to make about rape more generally rather than being based on my opinion on the game in particular. I am already of the stance that the desire system represents that Karryn only allows things to happen to her when she desires it, the worst she is subjected to in that context is sexual harassment from the prisoners in the early stages of her corruption rather than rape.

On the question about the definition of acceptance, it is a bit ambiguous due to something 'accepting something inside it' in English can also mean physically capable of taking it rather than just being willing. In this context given how the desire system is portrayed to work it very likely refers to her being willing rather than the alternative. But not being the dev I can't make a certain call either way.

EDIT* Failed to notice your point about It was I DIO's argument at the top, I feel that they were making broadly the same arguments I was and the 'incoherence' is mostly just them not being well worded or just failing to expand the point to explain there conclusions. It feels like a non sequitur because there not doing the necessary elaboration to explain the links between there points. So I don't think its incoherent in the sense it is wrong but rather that poor phrasing renders it hard to interpret.
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Jan 9, 2018
these lot debating man... thinking i got some news for the game but naw two guys arguing. its simple bro, the more pacepalms side is the losin side xD. Im just a chill guy tryna beat my stick out here... who can relate.


Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
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mamaboiii Can you help me make it so Karryn doesn't lose her virginity from toys?
Indirectly already answered two pages back: here
If they can't use toys, she can't lose her virginity from them :WeSmart:

Their actual argument was 'bodies react to stimuli without consent' and 'since yes the act of sex is pleasurable it DOES NOT mean rape is consensual'. I am sorry, but this are stupid arguments, the latter being a pure non sequitur devoid of proper interpunction. Yours are much sounder.

For all of those who find this discussion a bit off-putting, I apologize. For those who've already grabbed their bag of popcorn, let me indulge you with a short story.

I am not sure, the argument seemed incoherent, wouldn't you agree?

Fair point. However, how exactly do you define consent in terms that are always clear and unambiguous? So, here's the story...

He invited her to dinner at his place. She went there and enjoyed the meal accompanied by a glass of wine or two. They had great time, the third or second time they spent together. Was it a date? I don't know, the word 'date' was never uttered. It was a dinner, the same he would prepare for his sister, his good old buddy or non-romantic female friends.

Were their previous meetings dates? I don't know, the word 'date' was never spoken. He invited her to a cinema to see 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. He would have seen it anyway, alone or with his sister's family or his best old buddies, probably wearing the same clothes he was wearing then. Did they enjoy the movie? She did, while he... Well, let's just say he was that sort of a pretentious cinephile who'd rather see 'Shame', 'Manchester by the Sea', 'Romeo is Bleeding', 'A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night' or some obscure flic from Middle East. He was constantly berating that movie's logic aloud as they watched it, yet she found it funny and laughed at his every facepalm.

They then went to a pub. On their way there, she told him more about herself, perhaps a bit too much then he wanted to hear at the time: her cheating ex-husband and the time she spent in Norway a couple years back, dating a guy who was a total pervert.

"All Norwegian men were perverts! Are all men in general perverts too?' - Every time she used the word 'pervert' her eyes would become slits and then go wide, the way only the best of the best Japanese cartoonists are able to depict faithfully. And then a breeze of a smirk would run across her face, if you blinked you'd have missed it.

"What did she mean by that? And what's with that impish smile?", his perverted, curious mind wanted to know. But he did not ask. He had plenty of time for that, or so he thought.

At the pub, they continued their innocuous chat over a session of scrabble and a round or two of saisons. She was clearly impressed by his ability to build up seldom used words.

'Oh man, you are so smart! We're gonna have a lot of fun together...', was what she said. Or was it how his slightly inebriated memory registered?

'What does she mean by 'fun'?', his perverted, curious mind begged to inquire and then chastised himself: 'Play it cool, man!'.

After the dinner, they washed the dishes together and then watched some TV. She then said she's too tired after the glass of wine or two she'd had and he'd probably had too much to drink himself to be able to drive her home safely, so... she was gonna stay the night at his place. She did not ask permission, just said it matter-of-factly.

'But of course, how could I refuse a damsel in distress', was his answer, though he wasn't sure whether he actually said it aloud or just had this esprit d'escalier the day after. That wine had sure been treacherous.

So he prepared his bed for her and decided to sleep on the couch in the living room himself. Not 20 minutes had passed when she walked into the living room, wearing only the underwear she wore that day and complaining that his bed was too cold and she couldn't fall asleep, so why wouldn't he come over and they'd share the bed together.

'How could I refuse...', that damn wine!

Turned out she was quite a squirmer, throwing her body from one side to the other, not letting him fall asleep.

'My back hurts, give it a massage!', she then said.

'How could I....'

So he started with the upper body, the way a gentleman should always start. At least that's what a friend of his told him once.

'Is that better now?' he asked, to which she replied she couldn't feel a thing and removed her tank top. Of course! It's near impossible to give a proper massage when there is a layer of chafing fabric laying between a masseur's hand and the skin. Smooth, peachy skin, spotted and there by cute moles, you know that carnation type: blond hair, brown eyes...

'Go lower!'

'Damn, isn't she a bit too demanding? You just wait, young lady!', his internal monologue's horns sprang into life.

So he complied. And there it was. The finest posterior he had ever seen with his own eyes. A generous, well rounded piece of flesh, soft and hard at the same time. He then remembered her mentioning that part of her body a couple of times in their previous, otherwise innocuous conversations, how she was proud of it and how all females in her family were thicc like that.

A slap came on that ass unannounced, hard and soft at the same time. To which she said nothing, just turned around to reveal a pair of the cutest, tiny breasts he had ever seen with his own eyes. Delicious counterpoints to her monumental backside, adorned with these pencil eraser thick dark brown nipples that were always erect, rain or shine, happy or sad.

So he twisted them in silence, hard and soft at the same time. To which she said nothing, her eyes just turned into slits and then went wide, or the other way around, the same way they did that time she said the word 'pervert'. And then lost the panties.

Even with her front facing him, he - ever the assfictionado - just couldn't resist sending his hand between her asscheeks to probe the anus.

'I am gonna have a lot of fun with this butt', he chuckled, now fully convinced this was the 'fun together' she had in mind back then in the pub. Was he correct? I don't know. She said nothing. He only had her non-verbal signs of arousal and indirect cues to work with.

After the weekend, back in office on Monday, he received a message with 'Good morning! How's your day?'. Before he had a chance to reply, she rang him and asked if he wanted to hang out sometime again...

Agreed, but there often are situations/moments that may be hard to discern and one party may inadvertently put another in sexual discomfort. There should always be a space in between those moments when one can clearly express they're not ok with that and the other to desist. However, and please do not take this as rape apologetics, there will always be that ambiguous area where one is convinced they clearly expressed they're not ok, while the other is convinced they did not hear or see such a thing.

As regards pleasure vs consent, I agree on that. Please note however, that our imaginary Karryn has her pleasure meter separate from her desire meters. On high slut levels, she's capable of initiating sex herself while completely unaroused (recently came, it's early in the morning, etc). Also note the devs made a distinction between 'aroused' and 'horny' status. Of course such slut Warden will have passives that make her horny/aroused in no time at all, but they are somehow aware that pleasure received is something different than desire. Connected, but different. What would make it perfectly clear is to explain what desires are. And this is actually explained in the game! All the player needs to do is to take Karryn to the Mess Hall so she can overhear a conversation the group of Brother Prisoners are having, discussing her desire. The Elder Brother Prisoner says: "Only when her Cock Desire is high enough will she accept our dicks inside her". Other body part desires are explained in the same vein. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, as English is not my mother tongue (huh huh) but is there a meaningful difference between acceptance and consent in this context?
And here I am, faithfully putting all my code in spoilers :HideThePain:
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Jul 21, 2017
Hi, I got this bug

[ERROR (1617320921203) 4/2/2021 01:50:02am] TypeError: Cannot read property 'clamp' of null

It occurred when I entered the showers in level 3. The game stoped and then show me an error screen. Now I can't load the game.

I have the CCMod

Please help


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Any beginner guide or tips for this game?
1. I haven't played in a few versions, but there's an item that helps you regen energy. That's good to get.
2. Three ways to play: Purposely Lose (boring), Defeat Prisoners via Combat, Defeat Prisoners by making them all ejaculate (most fun and challenging)
3. Using abilities that require energy is how you level up energy. If you dodge a lot, it raises agility. If you use str based attacks, it increases str. If you use dex based attacks, it raises dex.

So basically, try making a Karryn who focuses on having a lot of energy while trying to make enemies ejaculate. Escape and flee if you need to.

Eventually, Karryn will have so much energy, she can actually lose a battle, then be taken into a special area where she gets gang fucked, BUT she can win that mega battle. Don't purposely lose until you have a good amount of energy though.
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Jan 19, 2018
1. I haven't played in a few versions, but there's an item that helps you regen energy. That's good to get.
2. Three ways to play: Purposely Lose (boring), Defeat Prisoners via Combat, Defeat Prisoners by making them all ejaculate (most fun and challenging)
3. Using abilities that require energy is how you level up energy. If you dodge a lot, it raises agility. If you use str based attacks, it increases str. If you use dex based attacks, it raises dex.

So basically, try making a Karryn who focuses on having a lot of energy while trying to make enemies ejaculate. Escape and flee if you need to.

Eventually, Karryn will have so much energy, she can actually lose a battle, then be taken into a special area where she gets gang fucked, BUT she can win that mega battle. Don't purposely lose until you have a good amount of energy though.
In my experience on prisoner mode beating the enemies by making them all ejaculate is the easy way of doing it compared to beating them via combat damage. When she gets a bit of energy regen up and running she can practically beat any encounter by ejaculation with no risk. It is probably also the most fun way of doing it and what was put most effort in making possible by the developer.
But beating them physically without letting them ejaculate seems much harder. At least on prisoner mode to me.

I feel like strength is the weakest of the stats to train. It will keep her back in the long run in a min/max build. Even doing full combat without ejaculations you would rather act first, dodge and always hit. Agility and dexterity even helps a bit on sexual combat, though energy and mind seem to be king here.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2017
So far the game has been very vanilla in terms of enemy design (humans, midget green humans and huge green humans mostly), hopefully the cave will change something.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
So far the game has been very vanilla in terms of enemy design (humans, midget green humans and huge green humans mostly), hopefully the cave will change something.
We already know the last 2 enemy types the game will have and they are Werewolf and Yeti.
4.60 star(s) 428 Votes