I mean, I do love Big Bootys too but Small ones are nice as well lol Alex has a certain charm with her

he did say the 28/29th soo we’ll see tho…!!
Yeah but going by Tearys pattern, the updates generally come out roughly 6 weeks after his initial estimate (eg the 10th of this month + 6 weeks)
I love butt-smothering so I hope Alex is like Miki + Bonnie
the other two dont interest me yet judging by the screen shots
Seranata looks like a Noo type, and the other looks maybe like a Vhidna type
but after this long it looks like the update will have a bit for everyone, I think I am most looking forward to new Ayleen scenes
Alex does have a Charm to her, I actually really liked her design when I first saw it, and her attitude I really hope she is fleshed out well
Probably going to need a guide to find all this stuff, I'm probably not going to find it all on my own lol
I am sure theres going to be a couple of us playing right away <_< Ill be starting from scratch since I lost my save file a long time ago, ill probably try out the submitting to Ayleen route, ill also be fully submitting to Bonnie and Miki,(and ill probably try a save submitting to the new characters) ill probably leave the student stuff alone till the end since that stuff seems to break quite easily
Theory Crafting!!
I wonder if Seranta isnt the ice-witch? (I noticed we have toggles for ice-witch essence and even Dominic essence)
the fact that we can do crafting at her place I am wondering if well be forming some sort of semi-relationship with her much like Vailia
I wonder with the pegging toggle if we will actually get some pegging content? I wonder who it will be, my hopes are for Ayleen or Alex (I guess I am kinda a simp for Ayleen)