but.. it's not turning into a gaydom game. the gaydom is optional, and a toggle, and requires you to go out of your way to get. just because one part of a thing exists does not mean the entirety is going to turn into it. dominic and the incubus are just two characters, being out numbered by ??? amount of women that have full content and such. it's not gonna change the whole dynamic of the game from "femdom" to "gaydom".No need to change a femdom game into a gaydom game
also "true femdom games", you mean all the ones i see everywhere that have extensive use of chastity belts, scary women, and alot of ntr? idk dude, there seems to be plenty out there while theres very little in terms of quality gay stuff(to each their own in what counts as "quality", i personally dont wanna see the 500th vn of two old bara furries making out).
also again, teary's adding what he wants, if you want to stop paying him money, you can, but there's no point in trying to scare away people from a game that they want to see succeed. same to me saying this to you, i've no intention of driving you away i just wanna know why you seem so entitled to what teary makes.
also, teary please take your time making updates for the game, do not worry about people here or in your discord getting upset that you're radio-silent due to real life stuff, just make sure the update and all thats in it work properly before releasing, THEN let us bitch about bugs that you didnt find through play-testing. but like, do say the reason of your radiosilence atleast once in your discord so people can have less of a reason to get angry at you.