
Aug 7, 2016
noticed a bug during the serving drinks event that if you do the far back last it will just keep on looping.


Mar 1, 2018
Well the question is: Did they listened and made scenes like pleasure tent replayable later on like they promised. Then i would udnerstand prolonged testing if the flow of the game was reworked. If its just 3-4 new cgs and slog of a game like always then it is truly a huge letdown.
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Jan 21, 2018
If this took a month I would be okay with it but this amount of time for this little content is a jioke. I don't know why they don't make a bunch of new scenes using old assests.
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Okay folks here's Fanfic Mod 0.6:

I basically gave up on integrating the mod into the story of the actual game: Not only is it getting much more difficult to maintain that way, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to actually play this update. I tried to make myself play it, and then realized I'd rather do something far more interesting and erotic like work on my taxes or contemplate the coming climate apocalypse. I'm so aggressively disinterested in what the story has turned into, I was honestly only looking forward to the CGs cause I expected there to be a new Hellhound scene. Ah well, maybe next time. Now instead of the scenes being part of the story, you just view the fanfic mod scenes in Sabia's tent.

Also there's a new Sabia/Ornshakar scene but I highly suspect very few of you will like it. Ah well, I enjoyed writing it and that's why I make these. You kids have fun.

Mayhem McGee

New Member
Sep 24, 2019
Okay, if there is no changelog, can someone at the very least mention what was added? Not just the sex scenes, but just in general.


New Member
Feb 4, 2018
how do you get the other sabia minotaur scene? i only have the sub version, the other one's hint says "sabia needs to replace Avion's "prize""


Mar 1, 2018
From my limited testing - its all the same - nothing was really changed in old content - sabia still kills the orcs in a bar even if i tried to make all sumbsive chocies...I gave up after the arena part.


Sep 1, 2019
Okay, if there is no changelog, can someone at the very least mention what was added? Not just the sex scenes, but just in general.
A quick comparison of the files:
  • 152 scene images which boil down to 3 poses (73 images of the minotaur with the same pose and minor facial variations, 27 images of her drinking cum and getting groped, 51 images for an event named "living vessel" with only one pose again).
  • 12 new characters (no scenes, only portraits, there's some copy/paste work going on between a handful of faces and poses)
  • No changes in audio if anyone cares about this
  • Framework for two sizes of human villages, probably for next update, but I'm not sure since I haven't actually played the game yet
  • 271 files for the butt/boob groping mini-event. This is the most significant part of the update for me, since you can create a lot of interesting content with this
I think they spent a lot of time figuring out the modular groping scenes, but overall an underwhelming update, again. I think they actually teased every single art piece this update.
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Mayhem McGee

New Member
Sep 24, 2019
It's pretty clear what happened here. I guessed before, but what you wrote confirmed it.

This wasn't meant to be the update at all. They have some other shit planned with a human town or something. What happened instead is that months passed and they realized they were not even close to having an update ready. So, they took whatever they had on hand (mostly the material meant to close out last update), maybe spent a month or two adding in the groping mini events/the new dom/sub material. Then they released it as an update so they could claim they release every six months.

It's not just embarrassing. They're actively lying about development. Kind of like how Nomo was obviously lying about being the narrative designer, because ever since Seirra left we've been in sidequest land.
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