Big Knut

New Member
Jun 5, 2018
Honestly I wish they would focus on just filling out what they already have for a while. So much structure that lacks purpose, just adding more replayable content and focusing on the art before racing to the finish would make this really feel complete. It's so close to being a legendary game as it is, just hope they can see it through to its fitting conclusion.


Jan 1, 2018
Honestly I wish they would focus on just filling out what they already have for a while. So much structure that lacks purpose, just adding more replayable content and focusing on the art before racing to the finish would make this really feel complete. It's so close to being a legendary game as it is, just hope they can see it through to its fitting conclusion.
Speaking as a huge fan of KoD and wishing it all success its my opinion that given the slow update rate, current conditions and what has already been implemented its highly unlikely that they will finish this game. Take a look for a moment at how the updates have been going then go in game and look at the map. There are innumerable areas on the map that cannot be accessed yet. Given that fact, in order to give purpose to even half the places on the map would necessitate Writing and art production at a scale which i do not think they are capable of. Not to mention the actual coding. I give credit where credit is do. Making these games/VN's is not simple. If it were than everyone could just crank it to their own self made perversions. But there is a difference between a game that is a labor of love and a game that makes you money. I used to support this game but i could not in good conscience continue to. A New Dawn(which i also used to support) is in almost the same boat in my opinion although the problem there is that while there are updates they aren't really adding anything to the game or advancing the story. Which is a biggie on KoD's case cause there really is ACTUAL story telling potential in addition to porn. KoD's best best now would be to rejigger the map and get rid of half the locations, Finish finding Groknak who i think happens to be a decent fellow, and get the game back on track to Sabia getting revenge on her family culminating in around 3 or 4 possible endings depending on choices, Sub/Dom, and some slight variation depending on which captain you side with. It lets them end the game gracefully so they can start a new project. Truth is, their supporters are loyal. But if this goes on to much longer without ANY regular communication let alone (quality) updates they will inevitably start Hemorrhaging supporters and that will be that.

Thank you for coming out
God bless you


Oct 3, 2019
People help please how to get 2 onshark ritual I kind of sided with it went through all the updates but I can't get this scene out


May 23, 2020
Speaking as a huge fan of KoD and wishing it all success its my opinion that given the slow update rate, current conditions and what has already been implemented its highly unlikely that they will finish this game. Take a look for a moment at how the updates have been going then go in game and look at the map. There are innumerable areas on the map that cannot be accessed yet. Given that fact, in order to give purpose to even half the places on the map would necessitate Writing and art production at a scale which i do not think they are capable of. Not to mention the actual coding. I give credit where credit is do. Making these games/VN's is not simple. If it were than everyone could just crank it to their own self made perversions. But there is a difference between a game that is a labor of love and a game that makes you money. I used to support this game but i could not in good conscience continue to. A New Dawn(which i also used to support) is in almost the same boat in my opinion although the problem there is that while there are updates they aren't really adding anything to the game or advancing the story. Which is a biggie on KoD's case cause there really is ACTUAL story telling potential in addition to porn. KoD's best best now would be to rejigger the map and get rid of half the locations, Finish finding Groknak who i think happens to be a decent fellow, and get the game back on track to Sabia getting revenge on her family culminating in around 3 or 4 possible endings depending on choices, Sub/Dom, and some slight variation depending on which captain you side with. It lets them end the game gracefully so they can start a new project. Truth is, their supporters are loyal. But if this goes on to much longer without ANY regular communication let alone (quality) updates they will inevitably start Hemorrhaging supporters and that will be that.

Thank you for coming out
God bless you
Sadly the bleeding is already happening, they have lost lot of patreons in the last months and more than 1000$ in patreon money. Though i do know about Nomo recent tragedy, updates and content have been a problem way before April 30. Even considering the tragedy to be going on from different months given it's nature ( his dad had cancer and recently passed away ) we had seen this coming. For what i've seen this all started when Sierra Lee left the group, story got a bit off and the game lost his original focus, their blog hasn't been updated in more than a year and even though i hope they raise up and improve the game, give updates..... Last patch was just obviously not ok, scenes were good but the game is just bleeding out and the fact that they don't even give updates or address the problem only makes it more obvious

Big Knut

New Member
Jun 5, 2018
Speaking as a huge fan of KoD and wishing it all success its my opinion that given the slow update rate, current conditions and what has already been implemented its highly unlikely that they will finish this game. Take a look for a moment at how the updates have been going then go in game and look at the map. There are innumerable areas on the map that cannot be accessed yet. Given that fact, in order to give purpose to even half the places on the map would necessitate Writing and art production at a scale which i do not think they are capable of. Not to mention the actual coding. I give credit where credit is do. Making these games/VN's is not simple. If it were than everyone could just crank it to their own self made perversions. But there is a difference between a game that is a labor of love and a game that makes you money. I used to support this game but i could not in good conscience continue to. A New Dawn(which i also used to support) is in almost the same boat in my opinion although the problem there is that while there are updates they aren't really adding anything to the game or advancing the story. Which is a biggie on KoD's case cause there really is ACTUAL story telling potential in addition to porn. KoD's best best now would be to rejigger the map and get rid of half the locations, Finish finding Groknak who i think happens to be a decent fellow, and get the game back on track to Sabia getting revenge on her family culminating in around 3 or 4 possible endings depending on choices, Sub/Dom, and some slight variation depending on which captain you side with. It lets them end the game gracefully so they can start a new project. Truth is, their supporters are loyal. But if this goes on to much longer without ANY regular communication let alone (quality) updates they will inevitably start Hemorrhaging supporters and that will be that.
I certainly don't disagree with that, all very good points. I had almost forgotten about the big map it was so hopeless lol. I was mostly referring to the tents (relief and other), kennels, and training grounds in the outskirts. If they were to develop these more in the later phase it could be a decent recruitment, income, and army organizing mechanic and each town could just have a cookie cutter-ish application as extensions of this. Same minigames or scenes for each or some scaling system depending on how many camps are friendly. Then without getting too crazy on the grinding we can push the revenge plot. Endings could vary depending on how well you recruited and trained/who you sided with. Having said that i think the sub/dom and other like variants should be downplayed on the whole, too many layers that are largely irrelevant and could be replaced with more plot-centered material.


New Member
Sep 11, 2018
also, storywise, if sabia's mum is the matriarch, couldn't she have gone to her and informed her of Lynn's plots instead of returning back to the orc camp for revenge? all that trouble. seems like a plot hole to me


Engaged Member
Oct 16, 2017
can you achieve an ending in this game? or has the content not reached that far yet
Only some bad endings so far.

As for the matriarch plot hole, my understanding is that Sabia suspects her mother and who knows who else might be involved and even if not they're a highly social darwinist society. So if you have to rely on someone else to deal with a plot you're considered weak and less favored, especially as a noble.


Feb 28, 2018
IIRC and if they didn't change it, Sabia's mom AND Lynn plotted against Sabia. So I don't see why Sabia's mom would ever even talk to Sabia anymore, as she herself sent her out to get ravaged by the orcs.

At least that was the story opening from when I last played.
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Apr 30, 2018
At the moment what I expect is more a cancellation than anything else, sadly.
Could you elaborate why you think so?

Speaking as a huge fan of KoD and wishing it all success its my opinion that given the slow update rate, current conditions and what has already been implemented its highly unlikely that they will finish this game. Take a look for a moment at how the updates have been going then go in game and look at the map. There are innumerable areas on the map that cannot be accessed yet. Given that fact, in order to give purpose to even half the places on the map would necessitate Writing and art production at a scale which i do not think they are capable of. Not to mention the actual coding. I give credit where credit is do. Making these games/VN's is not simple. If it were than everyone could just crank it to their own self made perversions. But there is a difference between a game that is a labor of love and a game that makes you money. I used to support this game but i could not in good conscience continue to. A New Dawn(which i also used to support) is in almost the same boat in my opinion although the problem there is that while there are updates they aren't really adding anything to the game or advancing the story. Which is a biggie on KoD's case cause there really is ACTUAL story telling potential in addition to porn. KoD's best best now would be to rejigger the map and get rid of half the locations, Finish finding Groknak who i think happens to be a decent fellow, and get the game back on track to Sabia getting revenge on her family culminating in around 3 or 4 possible endings depending on choices, Sub/Dom, and some slight variation depending on which captain you side with. It lets them end the game gracefully so they can start a new project. Truth is, their supporters are loyal. But if this goes on to much longer without ANY regular communication let alone (quality) updates they will inevitably start Hemorrhaging supporters and that will be that.

Thank you for coming out
God bless you
First of I share your worries with Hreinn Games, I feel they are one of the few Patreon devs that at least tries to make unique games that are within the fantasy genre, I'm especially worried they may disband.

But the ambitious nature of the game has been there for a long time, my guess is that they planned/plan on trying to finish the "main story" or rather Chapter 1 and then either use the rest of the assets to expand into further Chapters or to just use them as smaller side-stories that would be a step up from Noxian Nights different endings.

To be fair when I first played KoD I thought it would've either turn into a more strategy or sandbox oriented game, which would've made routes more easy to box the player into (like in say Heaven Studio's game).

The way I see it thought with development isn't so much the concern about the fact that their scope seems out of reach (with the exception of ALL the different choices, so 100% agree that you could say glue together human-only route with Rokgrid route together with some flavor text), instead it seems the issue with Hreinn Games keeps on adding more and more characters and objectives to the main story that honestly comes off as side objectives.

Also I feel that KoD is starting to become large enough with no real QoL additions to say progression routes that it's becoming increasingly harder and harder to find every side-story or even story, since it's quite linear in how you go with the story.

Still I would argue KoD is in a far better state than the mess that is Seed of Chaos, where all the side stories are mixed up and on top of that is more or less random which story gets to advance and it's just a huge mess.

The worry I have now with the story is that the Dom-to-Sub/DtD seems to be going waaaay to fast given that before they really took their time in slowly easing Sabia into 1 of two paths.
And some characters I feel seems to be heading slowly in the way of irrelevancy, Neve and Maply comes to mind.

To add to your recommendation, I honestly think they should only focus on human vs orc dynamic, the catgirls and chimera and yada, yada feels more and more like an anchor taking up unnecessary space, since it seems that those creatures was more meant to be side-stories/appetizers.

Lastly I think it's still worth supporting them especially given the circumstances of the world at the moment, understandable if you personally can't, but it's better to support and try get their side of the story, instead of not supporting them yet worry about their livelihood.

Side note: interesting though you brought up New Dawn since I always felt that Claire's Quest (*AHEM* excluding YS) takes the cake in adding 0 content that is vital to the actual main story,
  • Thinking Face
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Jul 28, 2017
Could you elaborate why you think so?
You actually answered for me with your post. I think the game will be abandoned because it became too bloated to succeed/be finished in a coherent and pleasing way. This and the fact Nomo just went through something that could force him to take some time for himself away from the game. Without Nomo, it would be difficult to properly continue the game I guess. And the fact the last updates, in my opinion, took too long to be released and were kind of lackluster.

Obviously I'm just a consoomer and I wish them the best.


Jul 18, 2017
Update on patreon


Hey guys, letting you know where we are at.

We mentioned we wanted to make a few revisions to .10 due to not getting it quite to where we wanted it initially (including the Bris CG). We are almost done with this. For a recap, the main points were:
- Including Bris CG
- Re-doing Prison mini-CGs
- Adjusting the prison quest to allow more player agency with how the sex scenes play out

We have also been working on the $25+ reward tier packs as well. Currently we are half finished with these.

We're hoping to have these completed and released this month so that we can focus entirely on .11 and moving forward. While we are primarily focused currently on completing the revisions to .10 and the reward packs, we have also started working on .11 and Monsinne has begun writing quests for it.

Thanks for your support guys. We hope to get back into the swing of it. Stay safe, everyone.


Apr 1, 2019


Hey guys, letting you know where we are at.

We mentioned we wanted to make a few revisions to .10 due to not getting it quite to where we wanted it initially (including the Bris CG). We are almost done with this. For a recap, the main points were:
- Including Bris CG
- Re-doing Prison mini-CGs
- Adjusting the prison quest to allow more player agency with how the sex scenes play out

We have also been working on the $25+ reward tier packs as well. Currently we are half finished with these.

We're hoping to have these completed and released this month so that we can focus entirely on .11 and moving forward. While we are primarily focused currently on completing the revisions to .10 and the reward packs, we have also started working on .11 and Monsinne has begun writing quests for it.

Thanks for your support guys. We hope to get back into the swing of it. Stay safe, everyone.
Delicious. Finally, some good fucking news.
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