
Jan 1, 2018
But imagine this character domming Sabia. She has the potential to be the best side character yet, so I'm not complaining.
I agree this new side character has potential... but so has every side character that's been introduced since the first release 9 years ago. And the potential of ALL those other characters is still there.... Waiting.

P.S. Before anyone says anything... Yes. I am aware that the game Has Not been in development for 9 years.
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Jan 1, 2018
I'm not sure i understand the point of some of the complaints here. Nomo is known to have a preference of drawing women instead of men and he is the only one drawing this game. So how is it a surprise or an unwelcome turn of event when a good amount of new NPCs turn out to be women?
I'm eager to see more Sabia content anytime, but this is a story about a coup over either a noble family or a whole empire and from where we are now, some new characters got to show up eventually. NN got away with a limited cast of women because in the end it was just the story of a few weeks-months in a village, while in KoD Sabia needs a base (the orc camp) and allies to do what she wants to. New NPCs and so new women will show up as a natural result.
You make some good points. It technically is a revenge/coup game. However, after all this time The main plot really hasn't advanced to any real degree. Taking all of the "side quests" out of the equation and than looking at all the unused locations shows that in all the time since first release and especially since siera left there has not been consistent or even near consistent development on the plot/story imo. They might as well change the name of the game to FUSS or Free Use Slut Sabia. (which i would be more than happy with btw :) )

All this time with absolutely no comms with anyone. Not on patreon. Not on the blog. (which has been neglected so long it is actually starting to rust.) updates billed as updates... but not actual updates. Art that's supposed to be included in an update but isnt.. instead its in the next update of the previous update.....? And then they jump in... Surprise Muthafukas!!! New character for that ass. whether you wanted/asked for it. Again, all with no communication at all. Its an altogether unpleasant and unkind way to treat supporters, hence the reason i am no longer a supporter. Which is sad because I have been hoping to see a reason to start supporting again. I still hold out hope for this game.... but that hope grows dimmer by the day.

I get the strange feeling that they are following the art instead of following the story. TV, Film, Books, etc. take your pick of media. EVERYTHING follows the writing/story. If developers/creators lead with anything other than the story you tend to end up with a jumbled mess.

Thank you for tuning in for my rant.
And may the Schwartz be with you.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
Sorry, but i can't see your point here, nor do i think we've need even more female charakters. Especially due to the fact, that a lot of charekters (both, male and female) yet still lacking an ongoing development.
So i do really not understand, how this argues against what i've said previous.
With your first sentence i think you are missing the point. How many female characters does the game need is irrelevant. As long as Nomo is the artist, and as long as new characters are introduced there will always be female ones among them, because that's what Nomo likes to draw. And since we slowly, very slowly started to explore the human regions, we will have new NPCs. And 2+2 together from there.

And you are right, very few of the current NPCs have any significant development and i also agree that they should get a bit more role in the story. But this brings us to a related issue. When the story of Ylva and Kia was released, even on this forum there were dozens of pages filled with people expressing opinions like "nobody cares" "focus on Sabia, maybe Neve, but nobody else" etc. And if that kind of feedback is representative of what Hreinn has heard, then it makes sense for them to minimize the roles and development of NPCs.
Now, personally i think that the main problem with that story arc was how much space Ylva and Kia took in one chunk, instead of constant smaller dozes like Neve or Maply, so the problem was about the presentation and not the characters themselves, but that is definitely not the feedback that was given by the majority.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
Using "nomo likes to draw x" as argument is batshit.
It's a product you take money for, not a hobby.
That argument is good for quantifiable factors like patch speed or deadlines. But if you want to apply it to things like "number of female npcs", then you need to establish a clear and well reasoned line for that too. In your earlier post you said:

The necessary amount of female romanceable characters in a female protag game is one. Are they trying to win an oscar here?
Why exactly is this? How much more makes a game automatically bad and unacceptable as a product? Are other games like Noxian Night or Roundscape bad by default because of this? Or outside of the direct H-genre what about Mass Effect, Dragon Age? Are they just half bad because they can be played with a male protagonist too?

If you say that my point is batshit, then please back it up with something tangible. Give me some exact numbers and the reason why that's the only acceptable amount for a paid game.
Otherwise, back at you, sir.
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Feb 28, 2018
It's a product you take money for, not a hobby.
You, good sir, are incredibly dense.

Yes, they sell a product in form of entertainment software, but where exactly does any "law" exist that states "There can't be more than X amount of female/male sidecharacters in your porn game", are you high?

They can make the game female character exclusive and remove all existing male characters for all you could care, or hell, they could even scrap Sabia as a whole and make it purely based on sidecharacters. You have no say in what content makes it in their game. If the leadartist, who is also the project founder, prefers to draw female characters over male characters, that should be reason enough for you. In fact, they could do it just because they can and that's something you would have to accept.

They have no obligation to ANYONE to (not) create certain characters.

Or, in other words so you might understand because you lack reason : You pay for what they offer not for what you want them to offer.
Feb 1, 2017
Sure, bet is: Does staff mark it abandoned before we get a new update.
did staff mark Scammy City as abandoned?
So guys what are the chances we get to 8 months without an update, wanna make some bets and speculations for the fun of it
Best case scenario, they release the update next week (probably towards the end, because there were a couple of months when they released it between the 1st and 10th of the month). Worst case scenario, they release the update around christmas as a "christmas gift". If we're to meet in the middle, end of next month because I'm sure even they don't want to work on the game during the holidays, and I'm not sure just how patient the average supporter is so maybe they can't come up with an excuse to delay the update even further into the next year.


Aug 19, 2017
did staff mark Scammy City as abandoned?

Best case scenario, they release the update next week (probably towards the end, because there were a couple of months when they released it between the 1st and 10th of the month). Worst case scenario, they release the update around christmas as a "christmas gift". If we're to meet in the middle, end of next month because I'm sure even they don't want to work on the game during the holidays, and I'm not sure just how patient the average supporter is so maybe they can't come up with an excuse to delay the update even further into the next year.
i mean you arent wrong in those thoughts friend. Their patreons pay 8 months for 0 updates i think patience is their main trait. How many original scenes you believe we are gonna get (the low quality scenes of the last update dont count as scenes they are a bad joke and a mockery to their patreons)
Feb 1, 2017
i mean you arent wrong in those thoughts friend. Their patreons pay 8 months for 0 updates i think patience is their main trait. How many original scenes you believe we are gonna get (the low quality scenes of the last update dont count as scenes they are a bad joke and a mockery to their patreons)
From memory alone, I think they mentioned 2 scenes with a lot of variations (whatever they consider to be a lot remains to be seen; them being one with Neve and an orc, then one including Vehlis and whoever else), plus some repeatable scenes (that they didn't mention anything about, unless they said something on discord), then they mentioned a quest involving Avion so I'm hoping for a scene with him and Sabia. Other than that is just wishful thinking, but another scene with Lutvrog and Sabia would be neat, and another with Rokgrid and Sabia. Would be great to have Sabia back in the tents but probably it's not the time for it yet story wise. I feel like Jadk is going to be the Shack Guy of KoD and he'll only get to bang Sabia right at the end, so there's no point even thinking about him.


Oct 8, 2017
From memory alone, I think they mentioned 2 scenes with a lot of variations (whatever they consider to be a lot remains to be seen; them being one with Neve and an orc, then one including Vehlis and whoever else), plus some repeatable scenes (that they didn't mention anything about, unless they said something on discord), then they mentioned a quest involving Avion so I'm hoping for a scene with him and Sabia. Other than that is just wishful thinking, but another scene with Lutvrog and Sabia would be neat, and another with Rokgrid and Sabia. Would be great to have Sabia back in the tents but probably it's not the time for it yet story wise. I feel like Jadk is going to be the Shack Guy of KoD and he'll only get to bang Sabia right at the end, so there's no point even thinking about him.
I wonder if we will finally see Vehlis get gang banged by Orcs. They seem to have hinted toward that with most of the Bonus Scenes featuring her.


Aug 19, 2017
From memory alone, I think they mentioned 2 scenes with a lot of variations (whatever they consider to be a lot remains to be seen; them being one with Neve and an orc, then one including Vehlis and whoever else), plus some repeatable scenes (that they didn't mention anything about, unless they said something on discord), then they mentioned a quest involving Avion so I'm hoping for a scene with him and Sabia. Other than that is just wishful thinking, but another scene with Lutvrog and Sabia would be neat, and another with Rokgrid and Sabia. Would be great to have Sabia back in the tents but probably it's not the time for it yet story wise. I feel like Jadk is going to be the Shack Guy of KoD and he'll only get to bang Sabia right at the end, so there's no point even thinking about him.
it has been almost 8 fucking months without an actuall update. I think there should be 14+ new scenes there is no excuse for less 8 months is a realy long time


Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
Well, in the last update they said: " We're also working on the last quest for 0.11 - a quest involving Avion and Kira. We'll give you a bit more info about that when it's closer to being done. " and as far as i know they haven't said anything about it yet. So we are still waiting for a comment about how this last quest is going and then another post about the release date in a good case. So nothing in October, and we probably have to wait at least till the middle of November. Then again, i don't have a good track record of guessing the release dates.
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