
Nov 15, 2018
You, good sir, are incredibly dense.

Yes, they sell a product in form of entertainment software, but where exactly does any "law" exist that states "There can't be more than X amount of female/male sidecharacters in your porn game", are you high?

They can make the game female character exclusive and remove all existing male characters for all you could care, or hell, they could even scrap Sabia as a whole and make it purely based on sidecharacters. You have no say in what content makes it in their game. If the leadartist, who is also the project founder, prefers to draw female characters over male characters, that should be reason enough for you. In fact, they could do it just because they can and that's something you would have to accept.

They have no obligation to ANYONE to (not) create certain characters.

Or, in other words so you might understand because you lack reason : You pay for what they offer not for what you want them to offer.
I don't even want to count the fallacies in your argument. All that just to insult a person.
First of all they didn't ever mention obligations OR laws in their post whatsoever. You built a strawman based on one sentence.

You are right they CAN make anything they want, but there is a reason they won't simply do that. I believe that is what Baneini wanted to point out with their post. They won't just make something because they prefer only to make that. That would be a terrible business decision. This is still a Patreon project, and they have a core audience, and a concept that drew them in in the first place. While that isn't set in stone, they can't simply deviate from it without losing support*. Patrons also often get to influence the product they support, so what they offer isn't set in stone either.

*(That said, I don't claim to see into the developer's minds, so I don't actually know what they prefer to make. Just by making a new character, they aren't exactly breaking their own rules. The game is still largely the same, regardless of the new character's gender)

Edit: I copied the wrong name
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Feb 28, 2018
With all due respect, they have gone against their Patrons suggestions numerous times purely based on their own preferances, they also have stopped communicating for months on months at a time, losing Patrons in the process. While yes, Patreon IS a business model and Hreinn games IS a business, they certainly don't act like one and I'd believe they also don't want to treat it as one. Maybe because once you start treating something as a business rather than a hobby, most of the creativity and fun is down the shitter, since it's now all about quotas and meeting expectations rather than doing what you prefer to do and it shows in the game. Or maybe because they simply don't want to, in any case Nomo sure as hell doesn't.

First of all they didn't ever mention obligations OR laws in their post whatsoever. You built a strawman based on one sentence.
No, they didn't mention that and I never claimed they did. They were implying that purely based on the fact that they are making money off of it that they are obligated to do what the customers want and that simply is just not the case.

They won't just make something because they prefer only to make that. That would be a terrible business decision.
They certainly do, as is evident by the past year. As for a terrible business decision, read the above chunk of text.

Patrons also often get to influence the product they support, so what they offer isn't set in stone either.
Influencing a project via suggestions and polls provided by the dev are vastly different from "I PAY YOU, SO START MAKING WHAT I WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW AND STOP DOING X".

(Edit : Don't get me wrong, I stopped agreeing with their development once the updates went from "Bi-monthly with 4-5 new high quality scenes" to "5 month with 2 new low quality repeatable scenes". But I just wanted to make clear that, even if they are a business, they can and certainly do whatever they want with their game. Oh yeah, and look at us talking about business decisions in a thread about a porn game, let's just stop that real quick xd.)
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Nov 15, 2018
With all due respect, they have gone against their Patrons suggestions numerous times purely based on their own preferances, they also have stopped communicating for months on months at a time, losing Patrons in the process. While yes, Patreon IS a business model and Hreinn games IS a business, they certainly don't act like one and I'd believe they also don't want to treat it as one. Maybe because once you start treating something as a business rather than a hobby, most of the creativity and fun is down the shitter, since it's now all about quotas and meeting expectations rather than doing what you prefer to do and it shows in the game. Or maybe because they simply don't want to, in any case Nomo sure as hell doesn't.

No, they didn't mention that and I never claimed they did. They were implying that purely based on the fact that they are making money off of it that they are obligated to do what the customers want and that simply is just not the case.

They certainly do, as is evident by the past year. As for a terrible business decision, read the above chunk of text.

Influencing a project via suggestions and polls provided by the dev are vastly different from "I PAY YOU, SO START MAKING WHAT I WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW AND STOP DOING X".

(Edit : Don't get me wrong, I stopped agreeing with their development once the updates went from "Bi-monthly with 4-5 new high quality scenes" to "5 month with 2 new low quality repeatable scenes". But I just wanted to make clear that, even if they are a business, they can and certainly do whatever they want with their game. Oh yeah, and look at us talking about business decisions in a thread about a porn game, let's just stop that real quick xd.)
Well, we can agree on the fact that they haven't been taking it as seriously as their monthy payment would suggest (a couple of months ago when they had more patrons this sentence would have made more sense). I don't think they call or called it a hobby at all, but I can't claim to know them well enough.

Not all decisions in favor of their creative ideas and preferences are terrible business decisions. The VAST majority of them are absolutely in line with the original idea, these decisions havn't been the reason people (including me) have been giving up on the game. They can owe that to not making significant progress for over a year now.

That is why I still stand by the fact that nobody demanded anything from here to warrant that kind of response. I've seen people voicing their dislike for a character concept, but I sure as hell haven't seen a ,,YOU HAVE TO MAKE THIS, NOT THAT" comment.

The porn industry is huge (and while the game side is fairly niche, it is growing still), so discrediting it as ,,not worth having a serious discussion about" is absurd in my mind. This entire forum is about pirating these games among other things.

Otherwise, I can agree with what you are saying, i just felt it was a bit one sided in the original.
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Feb 28, 2018
That is why I still stand by the fact that nobody demanded anything from here to warrant that kind of response. I've seen people voicing their dislike for a character concept, but I sure as hell haven't seen a ,,YOU HAVE TO MAKE THIS, NOT THAT" comment.
The guy I originally replied to responded to a comment saying that the reason why there's more focus on side-characters and especially on female side-characters is because Nomo prefers to draw women over men, as is evident by the huge amount of them. The guy I replied to claimed that this was a shit argument because they are making money off of it, which my entire reply was meant to tell him "That's not how this works". Nomo is free to draw whatever character he likes in any quantity he likes and the fact they make money off of it doesn't change that, that was my point in the original reply.


Sep 2, 2017
did staff mark Scammy City as abandoned?

Best case scenario, they release the update next week (probably towards the end, because there were a couple of months when they released it between the 1st and 10th of the month). Worst case scenario, they release the update around christmas as a "christmas gift". If we're to meet in the middle, end of next month because I'm sure even they don't want to work on the game during the holidays, and I'm not sure just how patient the average supporter is so maybe they can't come up with an excuse to delay the update even further into the next year.
Nah the update aint next week, they haven't sent out their "our update is finished and we are now bugtesting" notice. Which means from the time we get that notice add about two weeks.


Sep 24, 2019
Nah the update aint next week, they haven't sent out their "our update is finished and we are now bugtesting" notice. Which means from the time we get that notice add about two weeks.
...and 1 more quest without art, which we will bring up in another 2 months


New Member
Aug 4, 2020
I just have a question, I ran VIRUSTotal on the bonus pack 7.7, it showed a heur from Jiangming. Is this a false positive?
Feb 1, 2017
Imagine if some guys grouped up as top donators and requested only fatbastard NTR haha
Makes me think who Sabia could possibly cuck, or who could cuck Sabia. There's not really anyone in either case.
When update?
Before Cyberpunk 2077 gets released in 2077.
Don't jinx it for everyone dudes. /aco/ is already crawling with those rotten people, them throwing money all over the place just to spread their absolute fujoshit-tier fetish is the last thing eroge games from both east and west needed.
Nice bait, I shitpost on /weg/ every other day, and people rightfully call out cuck enablers for what they are, using words that would send your account here to banworld, permanently. The only people who truly throw their money at WEGs in stupid amounts, are furries who want their OCs included no matter the cost, cucks because "muh realism" and "muh competitiveness", and absolute cult followers who don't care what the developers create because "best game".


Sep 24, 2019
ep. the end of the month, we still need to add donatics, suddenly the guys talked about November.


Active Member
May 18, 2017
ep. the end of the month, we still need to add donatics, suddenly the guys talked about November.
I lost my hope in this game, could it be the best game ever, but the dev just don't care about, I miss the Noxian Nights days, they have a schedule that was perfect. Damn you, Hreinn Games :/
May 26, 2019
Nice bait, I shitpost on /weg/ every other day, and people rightfully call out cuck enablers for what they are, using words that would send your account here to banworld, permanently. The only people who truly throw their money at WEGs in stupid amounts, are furries who want their OCs included no matter the cost, cucks because "muh realism" and "muh competitiveness", and absolute cult followers who don't care what the developers create because "best game".
Not baiting though, getting ridiculed won't stop them from ruining the board other than getting purged from the whole site along with the furries, since they often overlap with the other.
Feb 1, 2017
Not baiting though, getting ridiculed won't stop them from ruining the board other than getting purged from the whole site along with the furries, since they often overlap with the other.
Did your previous reply get deleted?
Anyway, I see where you're coming from, but I still don't believe that they will ruin any good WEG, so they'll be contained in their own threads and/or games. Of course, that will also depend on the developers themselves if they will willingly add fetishes they are not comfortable with for a few dozen extra dollars a month. And they'll definitely never overtake /aco/ as a whole, it's everybody against them (even the foot and futa fetishists, I'd imagine).

To keep it related to this game, I sort of can picture how Hreinn could implement cuck scenes, but I 100% can't imagine that they would. I'm certain they know the risk of making already existing patrons (probably some massive whales as well) be put off by it and complain. Now if they don't care about what non-patrons or lower tier patrons say, they definitely wouldn't want to lose the whales.

Now for furries, sure. They may want some wolfman race to be added to the game, but as long as they're not the obnoxious rainbow fluorescent hued OC yiffers, I could picture such a race already being planned for the game. And Sabia already took the knot, so...


Jun 22, 2017
Thanks for the likes guys!

I think one way to cut all the story plot is just to make it so the southern orcs have decided to attack Sabias former kingdom Lundar and make raids for supply and eventually come into war with them and then this could open up possinle situations where Sabia becomes a demihuman bitch, demihuman leader, demihuman traitor, demihuman and human uniter. It could work but its far stretched, espically the last option with Sabia making a unified country spanning their continent where she rules over all humans and demihumans with no war.

Eitherway will be interesting to see the development of the game.
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Sep 24, 2019
I kinda wish they go back to RPG maker if Renpy is this much coding problems for them
They are not having problems with renpy, they were unable to organize management. There is no development plan, communication with patrons, interim reports and tasks. As a result, they collect donations without reports, and updates are released as soon as possible for the patrion system, with minimal effort. Just forget about it.
3.90 star(s) 76 Votes