
Sep 24, 2019
You call that a scam, but that's just reality. Patreon is full of small and indie devs who either didn't learn from big studios or deliberately try to go against them, because big developers avoid branching paths and variations as much as they can. It's the cost and time efficient thing to do. Branches don't add extra time to development, they multiply the required time.

In fact the last time a big developer made a game with branching paths and variations, it was called Cyberpunk and it crashed and burned on launch, because even after more than a year of delay they obviously still needed at least 2 more years to finish it.

Same here with Hreinn. Noxian Nights had no branches, choices didn't matter after the next 5 lines of dialogue, the story was linear and to the point. Likewise the development was fast and the game ended up being a lot of fun. But Hreinn wanted to try a branching structure in their next game and now we see the results.

But is it really a scam if games like KoD and a lot of others literally couldn't exist otherwise? If Nomo and Sierra decided at the start that they wanted to make things efficient and picked for example the solo-dom route, then how many of you here would have preferred if they picked another one instead?

So yeah, the development is too slow, the branches and variations spread their content thin in each patch and in my opinion criticizing that is a fair point (i also have done that), but why do you call it scam if it is the result of inexperience and design choices and not malice?
Cheating is not a problem with coding. If they have a main job, then let them not collect money every month without releasing updates. The last time they wrote about the update was before the end of the month (early March). At the end of March, they posted a post about how well the already made content will be redone, accompanied by a picture of boobs (thanks for that too). Maybe it will be honest not to collect finances from the patrons, without giving out the result?
We have already written about a clear departure from the original plot. No money no honey works both ways.


Dec 11, 2020
You call that a scam, but that's just reality. Patreon is full of small and indie devs who either didn't learn from big studios or deliberately try to go against them, because big developers avoid branching paths and variations as much as they can. It's the cost and time efficient thing to do. Branches don't add extra time to development, they multiply the required time.

In fact the last time a big developer made a game with branching paths and variations, it was called Cyberpunk and it crashed and burned on launch, because even after more than a year of delay they obviously still needed at least 2 more years to finish it.

Same here with Hreinn. Noxian Nights had no branches, choices didn't matter after the next 5 lines of dialogue, the story was linear and to the point. Likewise the development was fast and the game ended up being a lot of fun. But Hreinn wanted to try a branching structure in their next game and now we see the results.

But is it really a scam if games like KoD and a lot of others literally couldn't exist otherwise? If Nomo and Sierra decided at the start that they wanted to make things efficient and picked for example the solo-dom route, then how many of you here would have preferred if they picked another one instead?

So yeah, the development is too slow, the branches and variations spread their content thin in each patch and in my opinion criticizing that is a fair point (i also have done that), but why do you call it scam if it is the result of inexperience and design choices and not malice?
I think the bigger problem people have and feel scammed on is, the constant scraping of excuses, and lack of frequent comms. I used to be a supporter. I was fine with waiting. I totally get the complexity of branching paths, but even when they do update, they seem to toy with a lot of the wrong shit, and communicate so... well, relatively, poorly.

Deleted member 3211196

You call that a scam, but that's just reality. Patreon is full of small and indie devs who either didn't learn from big studios or deliberately try to go against them, because big developers avoid branching paths and variations as much as they can. It's the cost and time efficient thing to do. Branches don't add extra time to development, they multiply the required time.

In fact the last time a big developer made a game with branching paths and variations, it was called Cyberpunk and it crashed and burned on launch, because even after more than a year of delay they obviously still needed at least 2 more years to finish it.

Same here with Hreinn. Noxian Nights had no branches, choices didn't matter after the next 5 lines of dialogue, the story was linear and to the point. Likewise the development was fast and the game ended up being a lot of fun. But Hreinn wanted to try a branching structure in their next game and now we see the results.

But is it really a scam if games like KoD and a lot of others literally couldn't exist otherwise? If Nomo and Sierra decided at the start that they wanted to make things efficient and picked for example the solo-dom route, then how many of you here would have preferred if they picked another one instead?

So yeah, the development is too slow, the branches and variations spread their content thin in each patch and in my opinion criticizing that is a fair point (i also have done that), but why do you call it scam if it is the result of inexperience and design choices and not malice?
Noxian Nights and KOD are sub by definition. People love them, me included because of this and we started to play with it because of this. I never played KOD in the dom version, and I don't even curious about that. Here the dom path is kind of not that kind of dom and it was not even included in the beginning. But I can see that the developers are constantly asked this that the dom to be included, then literally 1-2% of people are playing with that. I don't get why you are not playing other games which are into this more. This dom branching path is completely nonsense to me. I don't like that kind of games where you are literally watching a novel with zero options, games are games because you have options in them, at least you have the illusion. Like in real life, an illusion that you have options, while you don't. Cyberpunk fell because of this idiotic capitalism system we live in and not because of the branching. Running for profit just to run for more profit, and the management did not care if the game will be ready or not. And they sucked. And they deserved to suck. If Hreinn games just put 10% of effort, or even less in KOD than the devs did into Cyberpunk, then we would get updates every 3 months. Other thing: branching works like you have usually 2 or 3 options, then you end up on the next quest where you even have just one option, or again 2 or 3 but the world did not fell around. Here the branching started to become maybe too much, because of the 3 captains plus 1 solo paths, which I played them all through, but I think they realized that it is not necessary or too much work. 1 or 2 options are just fine. And you can make every quest, or avoid with some iterations. And there are always people who would prefer, or at least to have the option for example if you want to submit to Ornshakar or if you don't, or maybe you prefer to submit to the red haired Mistress or the Minotaur or all of them or avoid some of them. Or when you simply don't have the choice but to get fucked. I like that in the game. Not the branching that slows down the process but the laziness.
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Dec 11, 2020
Noxian Nights and KOD are sub by definition. People love them, me included because of this and we started to play with it because of this. I never played KOD in the dom version, and I don't even curious about that. Here the dom path is kind of not that kind of dom and it was not even included in the beginning. But I can see that the developers are constantly asked this that the dom to be included, then literally 1-2% of people are playing with that. I don't get why you are not playing other games which are into this more. This dom branching path is completely nonsense to me. I don't like that kind of games where you are literally watching a novel with zero options, games are games because you have options in them, at least you have the illusion. Like in real life, an illusion that you have options, while you don't. Cyberpunk fell because of this idiotic capitalism system we live in and not because of the branching. Running for profit just to run for more profit, and the management did not care if the game will be ready or not. And they sucked. And they deserved to suck. If Hreinn games just put 10% of effort, or even less in KOD than the devs did into Cyberpunk, then we would get updates every 3 months. Other thing: branching works like you have usually 2 or 3 options, then you end up on the next quest where you even have just one option, or again 2 or 3 but the world did not fell around. Here the branching started to become maybe too much, because of the 3 captains plus 1 solo paths, which I played them all through, but I think they realized that it is not necessary or too much work. 1 or 2 options are just fine. And you can make every quest, or avoid with some iterations. And there are always people who would prefer, or at least to have the option for example if you want to submit to Ornshakar or if you don't, or maybe you prefer to submit to the red haired Mistress or the Minotaur or all of them or avoid some of them. Or when you simply don't have the choice but to get fucked. I like that in the game. Not the branching that slows down the process but the laziness.
Is the dajrab route even real? XD

I'll say my first time I found the game, I did a solo more dom like Sabia. I liked it. BUT I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT! The entire game lends itself to when and where and how much Sabia will submit for her goals. I feel like Rokgrid is a barely worthwhile route, wth does dajrab offer? Half the time if you arent subbing you don't even get a scene!

Deleted member 3211196

Is the dajrab route even real? XD

I'll say my first time I found the game, I did a solo more dom like Sabia. I liked it. BUT I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT! The entire game lends itself to when and where and how much Sabia will submit for her goals. I feel like Rokgrid is a barely worthwhile route, wth does dajrab offer? Half the time if you arent subbing you don't even get a scene!
Maybe the devs wanted something with Dajrab, but that is long gone and forgotten. Have no idea but nothing is there. The romance path with Rokgrid is something I would avoid too and not interested developing that at all. Romance is just meeh. :D I love that Sabia is this brat kind of girl, who does not want to submit, but then she still forced to do and she does with some grimacing. I like that in the game too.


Dec 25, 2017
View attachment 1118728

Hey guys, quick update.
At the moment, we're putting in and coding all the outfits and panels and testing them. There's a fair amount of them and a lot of variants. We're making sure everything fits and works. This includes all the outfit assets to go with different gropings so that we're not limited to specific outfits with the panel graphics - something we want to make sure we can do and make use of more.
The attached image with different outfits shows the new/redesigned stuff that Nomo and Nds have been working to add in so that they can be used and equipped like other clothing choices. This requires a bit of effort to rework and add to our sprites. This is a preview of some of the outfits that have been completed.
We've been setting up plot lines and characters in the last few patches - you can see this with all the characters and different factions we have at the moment. It's all working towards a pretty big clash at the end of this arc. The main quests in .12 are in pursuit of this - progressing Sabia's goals and getting more information, setting things up and looking further into what her sister and mother have been doing.
We're aiming for an end of April release currently, but will keep you guys updated.
Thanks, and stay safe everyone!
Finally some more costumes. It|d be nice to finally get out of those rags (yeah, I'm including the orc slave costume). Though I'm hoping a chainmail bikini is in the cards.


Dec 25, 2017
I don't know why so many people dislike this game. I like it :)
Apart from the increasingly dire update schedule, I think a lot of people have contrasting views of what the game should be.

Some just seem to want Orc-Slut simulator 2020.
Personally, I was actually in it for the intrigue and I like the idea of playing Sabia as a cunning bitch that uses her body as one of the tools to get her way.
Though there are so many subplots and content that sapps away the momentum of the story by now, that that thread nearly gets lost.
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Vyacheslav Grinko

Active Member
Nov 9, 2018
At first it was something unique and interesting, but over time it turned into an ordinary submissive slut simulator.
Yeah back when i used to play this game i was so hyped with every update now its just going from point A to point B with no reason why and many times you dont even know where are you supposed to go walkthrought is a must in this game


Apr 1, 2019
I don't know why so many people dislike this game. I like it :)
It's not about the game itself. The game is fine (Imo), it's more about the devs hampered development. The people here are fed up from their constant lies, lack of transparency and the abysmal communication.

The majority of us here are passionate about the game and want to see it succeed. but truth be told, some here, instead of criticizing, they simply hate.


Apr 16, 2019
What’s everyone’s favourite part? Mines when sabia can get fucked by the orc (thrak?) that ran the camp with the elf girl, it was made better by the fact you can just choose to do it, it’s not actually helping sabia complete her goals and nobody knows it happens, it’s just her letting an orc blow a few loads into her.

more consensual sub sabia I say
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New Member
Mar 9, 2020
I enjoy the sub Sabia and domme Neve potential. Also the consensual fun with Lutvrog is good too. I also enjoy Dom Sabia run potential in which she manages to take back her kingdom like a boss as a good possibility - though in that case I'd like to see her have the option to install Lutvrog as the next orc leader, rather than have to support any of the current captains.

And the part of me that likes corruption also enjoys the Tekrok sub route, with or without Ornshakar alliance.

What I'd like is to see the freedom/slavery choices come into play more. Right now the only axis that matters is Dom/Sub, which makes sense, but maybe getting a mid-game payoff scene would be nice.

Also pulling for a Minotaur/Avion ending, because secret cowgirl ending in Noxian Nights was hilarious fun.
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Aug 11, 2020
What’s everyone’s favourite part? Mines when sabia can get fucked by the orc (thrak?) that ran the camp with the elf girl, it was made better by the fact you can just choose to do it, it’s not actually helping sabia complete her goals and nobody knows it happens, it’s just her letting an orc blow a few loads into her.

more consensual sub sabia I say
The tavern.

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