It is the Tekrok Alliance part. I goto his tent, whith the appropriate armor on, but can not get either scene to trigger at the relief tents.
Yeah, the first 18 days in the game are quite tricky unless you already know every detail you want to do.
So, go to your gallery. There are 5 BJ scenes for the tents, 5 variants. The last one is unlocked by asking that dark elf girl just outside of the camp for advice on how to get more money. So go out of the camp through the gates, find the elf in the "camp outskirts" area and talk to her about everything she can say. After this you have to go back to the camp and work in the tents one more time to trigger the new variant scene. Without these steps Sabia will not accept the idea of impressing orcs and so you won't be able to get those scenes.
Have fun and feel free to ask if you need anything else.