The "maybe another time" seems to be the basic line in this side story for "something else has to happen first", and that might be tricky to find, since it happens after the first part and in the second part too where you are at.
In my playthrough, i first talk to Kia about the fence and how the tentacle monster is doing, then rest, go back to Kia and repeat. This is the part where Bris starts sneaking after Sabia, i guess you got those, right?
In my run i can get the venison after spotting Bris twice, so something else seems to be up and i don't know how to check the triggers in the code. So as a general question: how much sub/dom do you have? You have triggered the special interactions already, right? I used to have an old save where i didn't have the necessary 28 sub or 23 dom, because i wanted to try balancing things out and some things didn't trigger. That's all that i can think right now.