No dig at the development speed, glass houses and all, but...
Yea those Bris training Sabia scenes could've been by far the best scenes in the game, but for some god forsaken reason it has to be in this style. Did Nomo ever drop a reason for why he chose to repeatables in this style? Because as far as I can see, noone likes them and it's still taking them almost a year for an update, so might aswell do all the scenes the usual way.
Again, if most of the things Nomo said is true, then he could make EVERY SINGLE SCENE in his usual style and he'd still be miles ahead on their current update times. There's just no reason to make these low quality when the art isn't the bottleneck for update speeds. As you can see, Nomo can sacrifice everything and make the good scenes look dogshit to pump them out faster and they're still behind schedule because the programmer and the writer are, sorry, god fucking awful at their job and IDK what kind of work they presented to convince Nomo that they were even remotely competent.
I don't know if Nomo doesn't get it, but pumping out art faster isn't the solution when your writer takes 1 month per scene and the programmer another month to implement them, you can take all the fucking time in the world for each scene and still be faster than them.
At this point i'm not even mad about the updates, the lack thereof or the content in them. No. At this point I just want NDS and Monsinne gone. The writing is average, could be done by anyone who thinks of themselves as somewhat of a writer. The programming... Almost a year, HALF of it was DELAYS and you still managed to BREAK UNTOUCHED EARLYGAME CONTENT? That's not even the worst part. Incompetence is one thing. Mediocre quality is one thing. Taking long for updates is one thing. But when the updates get delayed for almost half a year due to incompetence and after almost an entire year with said delays the end-result is mediocre at best, then you're in the wrong job because at this point it's not lack of skill it's the lack of giving a single fuck about the game.
Someone with at least a little bit of passion would've learned using Renpy, create the same update with next to no bugs and probably more content in the time it took you to do nothing but implement art&writing.