What im asking is probably a foregone conclusion, but ill try anyway:
Im trying to run a pure playthrough - i.e. no dick penetration, and it was going well until i got forced into a scene near the end, as ba'ashi alongside Bris.
That came completely out of the blue, as the game's choices until this point allowed me to opt out or prevent these situations, but this seems like an unskippable story event, which is jarring, since all this time, Sabia has been treating the orcs with what would be most accurately described as barely concealed contempt.
So did i miss something somewhere? Is this at all avoidable?
Unrelated, but Kira's bullshit badend really ticked me off so im gona rant a bit.
I do these "virgin, no-death" runs first time I play a game to see how far i go. And it was going right as rain, up until Kira offered some nighttime exercise. Not one to turn down some more elf action, i acquiesced and she killed me.
Of all the bs ways to get a gameover this one takes the cake with the maraschino cherry ontop. You agree to some post-mission twister and she KILLS YOU for it? And why are there no consequences for this? Neve is right there, fully aware that mentally, Kira is few cards short of a full deck, so why doesnt she do anything about it when you disappear after going with her? Its made clear that Neve is much stronger, so whats the explanation for her not intervening other than getting badended via lazy writing?
And i do mean lazy writing, because she makes it clear that you are only tolerated if you prove yourself useful.
So you pass the tests, complete a mission and Kira - in a complete disregard to what was said before - does a 180 turn and readily discards a valuable proven asset to her gang. Consistency? Who dat?