Well, calling the porn industry lazy, especially from a writer's point of view is well... i wanted to say "lazy" for the pattern, but it's more accurate to say "easy target". "I play/watch it for the plot" is an old meme for a reason. Yet the industry provides what the audience demands.
A developer should always try to maximize their ROI of [dev work] to [gameplay / content].
Probably this is something said 100 times in this thread already though.
I believe i was a good part of that 100.
Some of my favorite parts of this game came after the quality got worse. In writing, scenes like the first Dom scene with the minotaur or the collection of scenes in Sabia's tent after she breaks out Ranak and the other 2 idiots are great in my opinion and Nomo can still deliver great art when he focuses on that.
My main issue is that Hreinn rarely works smart.
The best example is how they handle the simplified art.
In theory, the idea is good: draw a few generic positions that are easy to mod later on to illustrate scenes that would otherwise be too small to warrant their own full blown art and use them when they are needed. Just like the groping art which has worked well.
In practice? Nomo spent the last 2 years only drawing these simplified assets with only one exception for Ylva in the hot springs. Instead of both devs and players benefiting from the potential for extra content as a side dish next to the main scenes, for two years they have taken over the main development even tho their technical implementation proved to be difficult too.
And since the scenes are modular and intentionally repetitive a bit, they take up a lot of capacity from the writer too and bloat the project with dialogue that doesn't move forward too much.
All 3 devs have spent 24+ months focused on creating what was essentially meant to do the same task as Riven having 4 different dress option and 10 lines of dialogue for repeatable BJs in NN, which i believe could be made in less than an hour once the artwork is drawn.
I honestly think that Hreinn wouldn't even have to put in effort to get this game back on track, they would just have to stop putting effort into the wrong things.
Even for the next update we already know that it will feature a new mechanic and new reusable assets and a story is a "preparation for the next step" just like the last 3 patches since 2019.
Get Nomo to focus on full quality art, since it is still one of the best on this site when he does it. Get Monsinne to write the main story at least as much as he writes the side scenes and stop creating new game mechanics because NDS evidently can't keep up with all of them.
None of them would have to work more and the result would be more content and faster development.