as Haseo wrote.
when season 1 is done and the entire world is added and the 5 jobs skills I think it will be possible to work on the freemode again. right now u can play it but its really old, no quest-tracker at all (but theres missions to do up to henesys)
u can join the bowman guild as well. u will be able to use bows with arrows.
so, when u switch to "freemode" u also unlock the customization. u can pick gender, skincolor, hair+color, eye+color.
if u pick female u will notice that in the shops its switched to female equip.
again, its really old as we have not worked on it for years.
the reason u can't do that in kings fall is because its a specific story and specific MC. would not be possible to have thousands of different faces that show in all CG.